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"Sure," said Angela, blushing a little and then sitting down on the side of the bed so as to take off her shoes. "First thing you do is get naked."

"Right," said Cindy. "That much I figured for sure."

"Go on," said Angela, "Take off your clothes!"

"I, ah… I don't wanna."

"You gotta be kidding! You want me to lay down here, demonstrate how to turn yourself on, and you don't wanna do it yourself? Come on, I never-"

"Please? It just won't do me any good to get naked right now with you, Angela. What I need is to see you do it. Then I'll know how to do it myself later!"

"Alright, alright," groaned the other girl, her patience wearing thin. She quickly pulled off her t-shirt, revealing her large, pendulous breasts. The mushroom colored caps were big and puffed slightly, and in the centers were large, cherry red nipples sticking out at attention like little soldiers. Her belly was tanned, lean, smooth and supple. She stood up and tugged at her tight white levies, rolling them down over her hips.

"You're not wearing any underwear!" exclaimed Cindy upon seeing the other woman's naked, bristling sandy pubic triangle.

"I never do," said Angela softly. She sat down on the side of the bed again and wriggled free of her jeans. Her long slender thighs came into view, and then her cute bony knees and her shapely slender calves. As she leaned down to get the pants off of her ankles, her voluptuous breasts touched upon the tops of her legs, and her eyes dilated with an excitement that she did not mention.

For truth to tell, Angela Heet rather enjoyed the idea of demonstrating in the buff some of her personal techniques for getting aroused. After all, how often did one really have the chance to do such things, to show a long time friend something so personal or intimate as this.

She sat naked looking for a moment at Cindy. "You know," she said, "it would help a lot if you'd just undress. I mean, I'd feel a little more like I wasn't on the spot. You know what I mean?"

"Oh, well, I don't know," said Cindy. "I never undressed in front of a woman before and-"

"I'm not going to molest you or anything. I'm going to lay here and show you what I do to get myself excited, that's all. But in the meantime, I think it would be nice if you were naked too."

"Oh, alright," said Cindy nervously, standing up and removing her blouse. "I don't like this. I didn't ask you over here so that I could get naked, too, you know. I just wanted to see what kind of things you do to get excited so that I could get along better with my husband…" She removed the big halter brassiere that held her large, comely breasts upwards, and the two hefty pillows of soft flesh came pouring outwards, hanging down softly on her chest. The nipples were jutting out like a couple of rubber pencil erasers, and the big mushroom brown caps were large and slightly raised with a secret erotic thrill of excitement. Although she was prudish and somewhat frightened of things having to do with sex, Cindy's body responded on occasion before her mind could think about what to do to stop it!

"The shorts too," said Angela, admiring her friend's voluptuous body. "You have a nice figure," she added. "I never realized."

"That's what Larry says, too," said Cindy, blushing like a red, red beet. Her shoulders, smooth and rounded, her breasts, hanging low as she reached down to pull her shorts off, and her belly, all had the prickly bright crimson look of a fresh hot blush. She shook her hips left and right and shimmied out of the shorts. That left her wearing only her panties.

"Them, too," said Angela. "Then I'll start."

Cindy smiled nervously and pulled her panties down off of her hips. She rolled them down over her long smooth pink-white thighs and down over her knees and off of her feet one at a time. She sat down with her hands in her lap like a young girl at a lecture, her naked breasts softly shimmering, her nipples excited and pointy, her smooth thighs covered with in voluntary goose bumps. Her smooth white pelvis gleamed a bright, toothy white above a triangle of blonde pubic hair.

"I don't know why you never learned to do this on your own," commenced Angela, her eyes wide and protuberant as she climbed onto her back on the bed, spreading her naked loins and sliding one hand down between her thighs. "It's so simple-even a kid can do it."

"Well, I just never thought it was okay to do it, that's all." Cindy's eyes were glued, to the way Angela stroked softly with three fingers along the top of her legs, every now and then dipping in over the smoothness of the upraised and puckered lips of her vagina. "You really know what you're doing," she murmured upon seeing the other girl's fingers disappear momentarily into the narrow wet confines of her liquid wet vagina. "You know just how to get in there."

"Of course," sighed Angela, her other hand sliding gracefully up along the top of her left breast, slowly picking out and plucking upwards one bright red nipple, as if to make it grow better in the way a gardener might hoe the soil around a new tulip. "You have to concentrate to do this right," said Angela, her voice beginning to

quaver slightly. "It's important that you keep up a kind of a pace… or a rhythm…

Where's that machine…?"

Cindy sat up off of her chair and handed Angela the mechanical rod. "Here."

"Thank you," said Angela, her eyes closed now as she began to use the machine. She pressed it up and down between her nakedly splayed legs. "In one way," she said softly, her pleasure mounting, "I feel rather strange doing this in front of you, Cindy. But in another, I really don't care… not one bit… Mmmmm… not at all…" She was making light, long brush strokes with the vibrating head of the slick machine between her long slender thighs. She was slowly but surely working the head of tire stick up to where her pussy lips were puckered, spread and openly wet in waiting for the thing to come inside.

"The important part," said Angela, "is getting hold of your clitoris. You know what that's all about, don't you?"

"Oh, sure," said Cindy. "Of course."

"Good," said Angela. "Just… mmmm checking…" She lifted the tip of the virile vibrating device close to her openly heating cunt and began pleasuring herself in the vicinity of her clitoris. She worked the machine slowly but surely up and down between her heating loins with one hand. "Sometimes," she said, lifting her cheeks up off the bed by turning slightly, "you cam stimulate yourself in two places at once," and she slowly pressed her other hand under her ripe bottom and turned back flat so that her hand was out of sight underneath. "See? Now I can massage my anus with one finger and keep this dildo going in my cunt… it's just about the best of all possible worlds, honey… if you know what I mean… But of course… Mmmmm… Ooooh… You don't know, do you? Or I wouldn't… Ahhhh, nize… I wouldn't be here if you knew… right…?"

Cindy was looking on with an expression of total amazement in her face. There before her, one hand under her ass, the other working a vibrator, her good friend was actually masturbating herself into a quick little girly cum. She could see it happening right then and there! Angela's face was contorting, her body was covered with chills, and her breasts looked bigger than ever. Those big brown caps of her nipples were large and swollen up, and the tips of her thick red nipples were flaming bright iridescent pink! "Oh, God, how can you stand to touch yourself that way!" blurted Cindy Hanger, unable to understand how guilty she herself felt from just watching such an intimate act. "How can you do that without being repulsed? Is that what Larry wants me to do? Is that why he sent me these things?"

"Hang on," murmured Angela Heet, raising her thighs and spreading her loins slightly. "Just a minute…!"She plunged the vibrating mechanical cock downwards between her slick slender loins and worked the head of it into the exact location of her clitoris, until, momentarily, the head of the electric penis vibrated right on the tip of her erectile clitoris.