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"Ooooo… uuuhhhh… Gaaawwwdddd damn!" she grunted, and suddenly she flung her legs open and closed several times in a row, clapping her loins and scissoring them wildly, and it was clear from the pumping action of her other hand that she was sticking one finger harder and harder at the little rubbery ring of her anus underneath.

"God… fuck… ssss-sssss," she groaned in self-abusing. ecstasy. "You asked for it… and… uuuuhhhh… YOU… GOT… IT!!" She collapsed and it was over.

When Angela rolled sideways so as to pull her hand out from underneath herself, Cindy noted that there was a large, cardboard grey splotch of wet juices where. her cunt had dripped out its liquid heat. "You really get it on fast," said Cindy softly, suddenly very much ashamed of herself for having asked her friend to demonstrate in this manner. "I mean, I never get that hot… It's awful… I don't know what it is about me, but I just never do get hot like that."

"Well, don't worry about it," said Angela Heet in quiet abandon. "It's not something that worrying can help, you know."

"Was it good?" asked Cindy softly.

"Oh, yes," said Angela, still laying naked and playing lightly with one of her breasts, tenderly plucking and rubbing her nipple. "It's always good for me. I've never had a bad orgasm. Never."

"I've never had an orgasm," complained Cindy Hanger. "Not even once."

"Yer kidding!" said Angela. "I don't believe it!"

"Oh, maybe just a little one," said Cindy. "But nothing like what you just had there."

"And that was just a quickie!" said Angela, regaining her composure and her strength. "You better practice some, kid." The more experienced woman stood up and picked up her Levi's. "You got to like it to enjoy it," she said, starting to dress, slowly but surely sliding her tightly packed naked body into her clothes. She worked one foot down into her Levi's and then the other and slowly but surely she pulled the white jeans up over her thighs and wriggled her hips into place. She tugged on the zipper and with one quick pull, her bristling dewy moist pubic triangle disappeared. Then she pulled her t-shirt on over her large, still aroused breasts and nipples, and she looked just about as ordinary and as far from masturbation and satisfaction as she had the moment she pulled up in front of the house.

"That's a good little machine there, Cindy. You think you know how to use it now?"

"Ah, yes," said Cindy absentmindedly. "I think I get the idea. But I still think it's a little repulsive."

"You don't know what you're talking about." She stopped for a moment and then smiled at the innocent young bride. "Say, I bet you never had any oral sex, either. Or anything else for that matter. Isn't that right?"

"No, never," said Cindy. "I wouldn't let him touch me down there with his mouth. Not even once."

"Why? How come?"

"It's dirty!" said Cindy, reaching for her cotton white shorts. "Thank you, Angela. For everything! Now I think I've had quite enough of this kind of talk. If you don't mind?"

"Look, Cindy, don't get huffy about this. Lots of new brides don't know at all what sex is about… And sometimes-"

"Never mind the lecture," said Cindy, slipping into her shorts and starting to put on her brassiere.

"You don't need that thing, you know," suggested Angela with a little twinkle in her eyes. "You'd look damn good without it, in fact."

"Never mind that, too!" said Cindy. "Thank you for everything." Cindy quickly buttoned up her blouse. Then she indicated that she was headed out of the bedroom. Angela took the hint and led the way. She could feel Cindy's anger at her back as she made her way down the stairs. At the front door she tenderly put her hand on the young bride's arm and said softly, "Listen, kid, this sex business is awfully important. You got to understand it and enjoy yourself some. Otherwise, you'll never stay married to a guy like Larry. I can just tell from meeting him that one time at the wedding."

"I'll keep that in mind," said Cindy, suddenly a bit cold to her old time friend from school. "Thanks again."

"See ya," said Angela. "Talk to ya soon."

Cindy closed the front door and leaned against it, thinking to herself that perhaps she'd made a big mistake in telling Angela about her sex life. But she just had to know how to go about things. Now, having seen someone else do it, she could organize herself around it. Maybe, if she could get rid of that sense of repulsion she felt when she touched herself down there, maybe then she could give way to some of the strange desires her new husband was expressing towards her.

* * *

Later that afternoon, upstairs and naked and alone in the bedroom, having changed the sheets from where Angela Heet had spent her own girly cum, Cindy Hanger lay perfectly still with tears rolling down her hotly blushing cheeks. She held in one hand the mechanical cock and in the other a magazine which showed a young man with his head sandwiched between a young girl's thighs. His tongue was rolling up and down the girl's openly spread labia, pressing heartily at the spot where her clitoris bulged hugely. Cindy was trying to let the erotic photo have some effect on her, but somehow, the harder she tried, the more frightened she became.

After a moment or two she set down the vibrator and let her eyes close. She pressed her palm downwards across the naked whiteness above her vagina, letting one finger go sliding into the area between her lubricated pussy lips. She found her little bud of a clit and pressed it a couple of times in a row. It sent a shock wave of chills and shiver climbing her spine, until she had to twist her hips a bit in order to minimize the effects. Then she stuffed that same finger into the back of her cunt and rolled it from side to side. The tunnel was narrow, and the active rubbing seemed to stretch her inner pussy. She liked the feel, but still, other than that single bolt of erotic energy, such stimulation only seemed to repulse her. Every now and again she would become hot and excited, but then she'd get caught up in the act itself, would remind herself of what she was doing, and would lose her heat and her intensity.

Finally, frustrated and bored with her own efforts, she rolled over on her naked belly and lay in total silence alone in the bedroom. She could not do the things her husband wanted her to do. She could not perform oral sex for him and she would not allow him to do something so vile as put his face down between her legs. Nor could she masturbate her pussy into a heat. No matter how much she wanted to please him by becoming a turned-on little housewife, this was not the way.

She was about to get up off the bed and collect the various tools that were supposed to release her inhibitions when the phone jangled. 'She picked it up and said softly and sadly, "Hullo?"

"It's me, darling," said a deep male voice on the other end of the line. "Larry."

"Oh, darling, hello," she bleated, so happy to hear his friendly voice despite all the difficulties she'd been having that afternoon.

"Listen," he was saying quickly, "I'm going to have a drink with one of the fellows from the office. So don't wait up for me, okay?" He paused, as did she, wondering about the meaning of this. Then he said, "But I'll wake you up when I get in. How'd you like my little present?"

"Oh, it's, ah, very nice," she said.

"No, really," he said. "What did you think of that machine! Did you try it out?"

"Ah, oh, yes," she said, eyeing the vibrator that sat wickedly on the end of the bed. "It's, ah, very nice."

"I thought that would help," he said, his voice suggesting that he understood she'd tried it to no avail. "Well, I guess I'll see you tonight."

Before she could say another word, the phone went dead. She hung up her end of the line and looked around the room. On the floor, open to the various photos demonstrating the positions she thought Larry would like, were the magazines… She wondered if he would approve of such things really, of masturbation and self-arousal, of sucking and licking the way it was shown in those magazines. Or if maybe he'd just bought them to tantalize and tease her. Did people really do such things? In real life? Were there real people who actually touched genitals with tongues, who actually squirmed and became lewdly rapturous the way the photos showed them?