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Larry shook his head. "I'd do anything, if it would turn her on. Cindy's so inhibited that I'd be willing to try anything!" Secretly, he was thinking that he'd try anything to get Angela to take her shirt off so he could see those big smooth pendular breasts of hers. He wanted to get his hands going on those mountainous piles of resilient flesh, and if bringing his wife into the picture would make that any more possible, then why not?! "How should we do it?" he asked, looking at his watch, "It's nearly midnight now. Do you think we should just call her up?"

"Why not?" said Angela, reaching for her glass of bourbon. "I think it would be fun." She downed what remained of her drink and then pushed the empty glass out at Ken Atwell. "I think maybe I will have another drink, Ken. Turning on young brides takes a lot of energy!" She looked at Larry Hanger who was undoing the buttons of his shirt. "What's the number, Larry?" She had a twinkle in her eye, the kind of lusty gleam that Larry Hanger found irresistible. He told her the number and held his breath while she dialed, wondering as he pulled his shirt out of his pants what kind of a twist his life was about to take…


"This is gonna be good," he moaned, taking his shirt off altogether. He sidled up close to the young woman, sliding his palm along her belly, under her t-shirt. The satin smoothness of her stomach sent a chill up his spine, an electric charge that made him shudder. "Does she answer?" he asked Angela. "Is she on the line?"

"Not yet," said the dancer, her free hand sliding down and holding on to Larry Hanger's roving fingers. "Hold on a second. Gimme a chance to – Hullo? Hullo, Cindy!"

Larry Hanger sat upright. "It's her," he whispered to Ken. "She's got my wife on the line!"

"Oh, Cindy, Angela was saying, "I wanted to talk to you, luv. This afternoon, when I was at your house? Well, I thought of something else that I think you ought to know about." She hesitated and then said, "What's that, darling? Oh, no, I know he's not home yet." She cupped her hand over the receiver and turned to Larry Hanger. "She's complaining that you're not home yet."

Larry smiled and looked lecherously at Angela. "Tell her where I am." He cackled mercilessly.

"Ah, no, I don't think that would work," said Angela. She opened the receiver and said to Cindy Hanger, "Cindy, listen, I think you better come over here. I'll give you the address. It's important, and, well -" She lowered her voice. "- you can trust me, darling. I need you to come over here and help me with something. It'll repay me for what I did for you today. Remember? Upstairs in your room?"

Larry and Ken looked questioningly at one another. "Wonder what she did," said Ken. "Must have been nice, whatever it was!" he added with a lascivious tone of voice, his eyes caressing the smooth curves of the voluptuous young blonde girl. "Just think," he hissed at Larry Hanger, "she's even younger than your bride! How about them apples!"

"Yeah," said Larry, his eyes hungrily sucking in the image of the young blonde woman's beautifully large breasts, "apples ain't the word though…"

It was just then when she ended her conversation with Larry Hanger's wife and hung up the phone. "She's on her way," she said, absent mindedly removing her t-shirt as if she were simply yawning. She continued to speak as Larry and Ken's eyes welled with desire upon seeing the voluptuous size of her breasts close up and entirely naked.

Larry looked over at Ken Atwell, and the expression on his face said, "Do you see what I see?" Ken was vigorously nodding, unable to believe how beautiful the young woman's breasts were. They hung pendulously against her silken chest, the tips slightly erect with arousal, the thickened circular brown nipples large in cap-size than any either of them had ever seen.

"I just got to get a feel of one of them things," said Larry Hanger, his hand reaching out in slow motion toward the all too tempting breast closest to him, Angela's left breast. He took the pillowy softness in his fingers and palm and lightly squeezed the resilient flesh.

"Oooh," she mewled softly as she looked down as if nothing at all had happened. "That feels nice!"

"You're telling me," he said, feeling the nipple spring to attention and full arousal in his palm. "Mmm, yeah!"

Ken Atwell reached out and took hold of Angela's other breast,. squeezing it in a similar fashion in his palm and fingers, kneading it for a moment and then smiling as a fresh hot blush climbed into his face. "Oh, sure," he said, "she's got just what I needed! Yeah!"

"Both of you squeeze at once," she said. "Squeeze my two breasts both at once!" She came up on her knees and stuck her chest out so that one breast jutted out wards at Larry and the other at Ken Atwell. They both squeezed and pulled lightly at the smooth, pendular breasts. Then Larry let his fingers go limp for a moment and he clasped hold of Angela's large, protuberant rubbery nipple and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger until it sprang fully erect and thick. Then he tugged lightly, pulling with it the heavy pillowy breast.

"Oooh, Larry," she moaned, "you do know how to turn me on! Mmmm! She watched as the older, experienced man pulled and titillated her breast by exciting the highly ardent nipple and large, distended mellow brown cap. Then she asked him with a quick eye first to Ken Atwell, "Would you suck it? Larry, would you do that? suck on my breast for me?"

"Would I?" said the aging businessman, his face a picture of prideful lusty desires. "You bet I would." He looked away for a moment and then said, "But first you have to do one little thing for me."

He stood up without saying another word. Ken still sat beside her, his fingers slipping up and down the steep incline and slope of her smoothly hanging naked breast. "Maybe we ought to all get naked," was already doing just that, pulling open is fly and tugging down his underwear.

"Yeah," he was saying, "let's all get naked and lemme show Angela just one little thing I want her to do. Then I'll suck on her tit for her. Yeah? That sound reasonable?"

"Sounds good to me," said Ken with a chuckle.

"I kind of like the idea myself," said the liberated blonde bombshell, her breasts jiggling like a couple of jello pads. She smiled prettily and with a quick little snap pulled her jeans open. "I guess I better get naked too, eh?"

"Well, it couldn't hurt," said Larry, now standing up above her with his cock in his hand. She looked up and regarded the thickened prick in his fingers like a strange, mysterious thing that she just had to get a better look at. She even stopped undressing. That's how caught up in the spectacle of his penis she was. She stopped undressing and crawled forward on her knees and put her hands up to his thighs, saying softly, "Let me see it. I want to see your penis, Larry."

He smiled and let her handle his cock. She took it in her fingers and lifted it up so that the underside was in view. "It's thick," she said, looking up at him. "Thick and hot." Then she looked back at his balls. "And your balls are excited, too, I can tell."

She cupped his testicles with her upturned palm and let the lust-heavy orbs rest in her fingers. Then she squeezed lightly with her other hand around the thickness that was the base of his prick. "Is this sorta like what you wanted me to suck on?" she asked coyly, her eyes still gazing upon the lusty thickened ribbon of flesh that wrapped around the bloated spongy cock tip. "Maybe this is what you wanted me to suck for you, Larry?" she asked softly, and without looking at him. She was more interested in the spongy sensitized head of his prick.

"Yeah, well, I guess that's kind of what I had in mind," he said, dumbfounded by the young girl's straightforwardness. None of the other women to whom he was married ever showed such an avid interest in his penis. It was quite a nice thing to watch a young girl with such fine large breasts and with such big beautiful eyes and so pretty a pair of moist wet lips actually gazing upon and hungering for his erect penis.