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because unlike the unreligious fraudsters, they promise their trusting parishioners

the paradise life, but only after death.

And we know that nobody came to them from there, complaining that they didn't

get the promised paradise.

And don't flatter yourself with their luxurious robes and magnificent view of

houses of prayer where everything is decorated with gold and precious stones,

and effect of their manipulation with church ware which looks like they do something mystical with solemnity in the Temple.

And indeed, all the above-mentioned is well organized illusive spectacle for fooling the parishioners,

in which each of them plays his role at a high-professional level.

And parishioners perceive this at face value.

And to find out the true nature of religious figures, we need to look in their private

life hidden from the public view.

And for this we need to hire a private detective and ask him to mount the hidden

cameras in their residences.

And then we will find out the true nature of so-called God-fearing and merciful

religious figures,

i.e. about repeated facts of pedophilia, pederasty, sexual harassment of their parishioners, monks and nuns,

about financial scams, corruption, tax evasion, money-laundering, plundering of

charitable funds, pursuit of wealth and luxury through donations of parishioners,

about abuse of children in shelters which are illegitimate children under the divine

laws, and about violence of religious behests – commandments,

as well as about violence of Sharia laws by Muslim elites during their stay in the

western European countries and USA.

Only few facts of such crimes are reported by the media.

Many leaders of religious denominations keep hidden the numerous facts of such

crimes happened in secret cells, monasteries and residences

from their parishioners, don't wash their dirty linen in public.

All the above-mentioned only proves that ordinary parishioners become believers

in super-nature, which don't know anything about

business and politics of religious figures.

They have blind faith in all that these religious figures preach them. And thus they

become pawns in their hands.

Religious figures sacrifice these pawns first and foremost, directing them against

the king-opponent,

i.e. send them to military and terrorist acts against other people and religious denominations.

Spiritual leaders formed military and storm troops from these pawns, such as:

1) Crusader Brotherhood and their Holy Inquisition, which contributed to emergence of Ku Klux Klan, nationalists, fascists and racists:

2) Muslim Brotherhood and their Holy War (Jihad), which contributed to emergence of Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Wahhabis, Jabhat an-Nusra, Daesh (ISIL) and

Boko Haram:

3) Orthodox Christian Brotherhood and their obedient Black Hundreds, which

contributed to emergence of Cossacks, skinheads, Barkashov's Guard, "Memory" society,

neo-fascists, national socialists and Russian motorcycle club "The Night Wolves":

Numbers, or what two and two make

Kabbalah book is also designed for fooling the parishioners (see note 6).

Kabbalah – is one of the mystical branches of Judaism.

Masterminds of these teachings prove by manipulating various absurd examples,

that black is in fact white, and two and two make five,

because they prove that physical bodies which we clearly see and feel

when touch these materials in everyday life, are in fact illusions,

and what is beyond the human perception – so-called parallel or upper worlds – is


Also they prove that each word in the Bible (Torah) is information digital code,

which encodes data about catastrophic events occurred on Earth.

But it's not surprising, because any information digital code can be created for any

event from the combination of words with different meanings and from any unreligious

fiction in Jewish language

with the use of up-to-date computing technology, as the

letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also mathematical characters.

Currently, the mastermind of these teachings is a new preacher Michael Laitman,

who leaves his trusting listeners without a means of sustaining life by promising

them that they will see the upper worlds.

And another cabbalist from the movement Chabad, the chief rabbi of Russia, Berl

Lazar accuses Michael Laitman of sectarianism, i.e. false teachings.

In short, cabbalists accuse each other of false teachings.

But they don't know that by accusing their opponents of false teaching, they show

up only themselves,

because with this accusation they tear the mask of righteous from each other and

show their true self.

Many religious figures are well aware that the content of the Bible clearly does

not correspond to the actual origin of the Universe and creatures on Earth.

That is why they had to create the information digital code, write comments and

interpretations of the Bible that vary in content,

as well as publish books such as "The science shows the truth of the Torah


to make the Bible look corresponding to the facts and make parishioners believe

in all what is written there.

It is like a joke about Hodja Nasreddin,

where the silly Shah delivered a speech before foreign ambassadors in his palace

and talked some ridiculous things.

Just in case and on the advice of his Vizier, Shah hired Nasreddin as a commentator.

And they agreed that: if Shah tells any hasty word, Nasreddin will pull the string,

end of which will be tied to Shah's leg.

And then one day Shah delivered a speech before the ambassadors of foreign


"My dear friends, this year, cows of our country began to produce more dung than

last year".

Nasreddin immediately interrupted the speech of Shah by pulling the string, and

commented these words:

"Dear and highly respected ambassadors of friendly states!

The words of the wisest Shah hide the deep meaning,

because they mean that our country will get a bumper crop this year.

And tables in each home of our kingdom will be full of fruits from this crop and

various dishes made of meat of these cows.

Because the abundance of the cow dung mentioned by the wisest Shah, not only

shows the portliness of our cows, but the richness of our land.

Because the cow dung is used for fertilizing the land and as a fuel for cooking of

hot dishes.

Listening the eloquence of Nasreddin, Shah couldn't keep his mouth shut and

shouted with outrage:

"Well, Nasreddin, If my words had so deep meaning, how dare you pull the


So, everything is cleared up with his joke about Hodja Nasreddin, or as they say:

"That's where the trouble lies",

because the job of commentator obliges him to weave the truth from tall tales.

And if someone dared to publish such book as "The science shows the truth of the

Bible" only a few decades ago,

this person would be in big trouble, because religious fanatics would declare him

as heretic and stone him to death.

In the Middle Ages every man was accused of occult activity even for the slightest

suspicion of involvement in the research activity,