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and was burnt in fires of the Holy Inquisition under blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church,

because religion and science always stood against each other on opposite sides.

But currently, religious figures began to realize that they can't deny anymore what

the science proves,

and one day parishioners will find out the truth and abandon religion,

and that is why they had to adapt discoveries of scientists to what is written in the


Divining the future is a cash and prize lottery involving dozens of thousands of

people, but only one has the luck to win this lottery.

It is like a joke about Hodja Nasreddin, where Emir of Bukhara hires Nasreddin

and his wife as the weather forecasters.

And then one day Emir with his retinue were going imperial hunting.

He calls his court forecasters and asks them: "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?"

To which Nasreddin said: "Tomorrow's weather will be sunny", but his wife forecasts the opposite: "Tomorrow's weather will be rainy".

Emir asks them with outrage: "Who here is to be trusted?", to which Nasreddin


"O, Great Emir of the noble Bukhara! Believe both of us, because one of us will

always forecast accurate weather for tomorrow."

With this joke about Hodja Nasreddin, I showed you the tricks of forecasters and

their forecast for the future.

For example: in 1996, many famous forecasters predicted about a possible major

earthquake in Alma-Ata in a short time, and some of them even specified the exact date.

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to move the capital

of Kazakhstan from Alma-Ata to Tselinograd (Astana) because of this forecast.

If, heaven forbid, this earthquake happened in one of these specified dates, the

person who specified this date would bask in glory of the Great Forecasters.

Throughout history, people suffered for the truth about the origin of the Universe

and creatures on Earth.

For example, the famous Italian astronomer Giordano Bruno, who was burned

alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition under blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman

Catholic Church.

This gruesome murder in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit was committed by the Holy Fathers of the Church

because Giordano Bruno confirmed the theory of the Polish astronomer Nickolaus Copernicus that our Earth is round and rotates on its axis and moves around

the sun.

But before this sensational discovery, religious figures argued that our Earth is flat

and rested on three whales.

And they imagined this in such way:

endless gathering of waters divided by God from water above the firmament are

located below the ground level,

and the sun moves around the earth going in the depths of the sea on the western

side of the earth in the evening, and the renewed by the sea water sun goes out of it on the

eastern side in the morning.

And according to the Bible, gathering of waters is called "sea", not "ocean".

The first part of the Bible (the Pentateuch) was written by people which lived in

the territory of Israel.

And in those times they didn't know that besides the Mediterranean, Red and

Dead Seas, there are other seas and even oceans on Earth,

and besides the countries located near Israel – from Egypt to Mesopotamia, there

are other countries and even continents.

As the Pentateuch described the historical events which happened in some countries located near the present day Israel,

they could assume that the earth is not big and rested on three whales.

Why on three whales?

Probably, in those times parishioners asked the religious figures: "Why the dry

land (earth) is rested on the surface of the gathering of waters (sea) and doesn't sink?"

And to make the parishioners believe, they answered: "Not on the surface of the

gathering of waters, but on three whales".

What we read in the Pentateuch about it (Torah – Bereshit, and Genesis according

to the Bible 1: 6-10):

And God went on to say: “Let a firmament come to be in between the waters and let a

dividing occur between the waters and the waters.

Then God proceeded to make the firmament and to make a division between the waters

that should be beneath the firmament and the waters that should be above the firmament.

And it came to be so.

And God began to call the firmament Heaven. And there came to be evening and there

came to be morning, a second day.

And God went to say: “Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one

place and let the dry land appear. And it came to be so.

And God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he

called Seas. God saw that it was good. (see illustration 2).

And only now the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church finally understood their misconception that

water above heaven didn't gather in one place, and land i.e. the flat earth on three

whales, didn't appear above it.

For that reason they began to hastily rehabilitate those people, who were anathematized in the Middle Ages due to their ignorance: Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno, Nickolaus Copernicus.

They finally reburied these great scientists in the holy places with honors, as it

should be, and perpetuated the names of innocently burnt in the memorial plaques.

And they don't know that by rehabilitating these scientists they shot themselves in

the foot, i.e. had questioned all the doctrine based on the Bible.

The first flying machines designers were harassed in the same way, to ensure that

they wouldn't solve a mystery of existence of the Creator in Heaven.

But flying machines designers had made tremendous strides in this regard despite

the harassments of religious figures.

And people began to navigate not only the airspace of Earth, but also extraterrestrial expanse of space,

where the Tower of Babel would look like the microscopic object that fits easily in the needle eye out the window of spacecraft.

And there as expected, they didn't meet with the Creator of the Universe.

That is why religious figures had no other choice, but to use such trick: "The Creator is in the place which human eyes do not see, or the Creator has no beginning and no


Although the following is written in the Bible in black and white:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male

and female created he them (Genesis 1: 27).

And there is another thing – people of Babylon built the tower tall enough to


the Creator of the Universe, because according to the Bible the Creator lives in


Then it turns out that it is possible to see the Creator from the Tower of Babel, but

it is impossible from the spacecraft, or as they say: "Marvellous are your works, Lord


The first researchers in the field of gene engineering were also harassed, to ensure

that they wouldn't solve a mystery of origin of man.

Currently, researchers of stem cells which courageously conduct research works