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trying to find methods of treatment of incurable diseases are harassed too.

Religious figures also condemn resuscitators because they are fanatically sure that

the man comes to this side and leaves it only by the will of God, and that is why

no man has the right to intervene in the Divine providence.

For the fictitious reason that life and death are the Divine providence, they mock

the incurable people which

are confined to bed for the rest of their life and suffer from permanent extreme


These wolves in sheep's clothing sheltering themselves behind the robes of the

righteous don't give them the right to decide their own destiny as they please,

because they earn billions of dollars from their suffering and attract wealthy parishioners for this purpose

to make them cough up money for their treatment in medical institutions,

but the lion's share of this money goes into the pockets of priests, doctors and


and then ends up in the pockets of leaders of the state and clergy.

For example, for the same reason, spiritual leaders of Israel kept the former Prime

Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon in the Israel hospital "Shiba",

who was in coma (comatose state of brain) for the rest of his life after massive

stroke in 2006.

Although there is a video on the Internet that religious figures of Israel kept Ariel

Sharon bedridden after reading some special prayer for that purpose,

because he violently evicted inhabitants of the Jewish settlement Gaza Strip.

But first, this is a great happiness for us, earthlings, to survive to the age of Ariel

Sharon (85),

and second, millions of earthlings, including religious figures become bedridden

without any prayers for them.

So there is a quite legitimate question: who should bear criminal responsibility for not only violation of feelings of unfaithful, but also mockery of them???

Married couples which can’t have a natural birth of children also suffer from harassment.

Religious preachers prohibit them to attend medical institutions for artificial insemination or use services of surrogate mothers,

believing that it is not the Divine providence, and that is why the foetus will have

no soul.

Despite the strict prohibition of religious figures and their threat that children will

have no soul,

hundreds of thousands of desperate women get inseminated artificially,

as well as use the services of surrogate mothers, and give birth to pretty healthy


And this new trend seriously worried religious figures, because they argued earlier

that no man can live without a soul.

That is why they began to urgently change their mind in the course of events, and

declared that such children have a soul of the Devil.

And if this threat doesn't work, after a while, to attract women to their parish they

will find some loophole in the Bible and declare that children born by artificial insemination, have a soul of God

Religious figures give a hostile reception to everything created by scientists, and

after a while they benefit from these creations.

If necessary, they enjoy the benefits of gene engineering and don't prevent the organ transplantation, blood transfusion to themselves or their family members.

And if this trend will continue, they will ask doctors to artificially inseminate their

wives in the near future.

And they will also ask doctors to apply embryonic stem cells for their treatment or

rejuvenation, and ask scientists to clone them and their close relatives.

As the saying goes: "Your efforts backfired on yourself". The point is that even

Orthodox steadfast in their faith change their view on the modern lifestyle over time –

they find some loophole in the Bible and adapt to new realties.

For example, followers of the movement Chabad renounced using such religious

Jewish attributes as side-locks and cowls, and serve in European-style clothes in their synagogues.

But to attract young people to their parish, some enterprising priests of the Christian denomination organize contemporary dancing, sport games for them or take part in

automobile and motorcycle races with them;

and do parachuting with them, although until recently they thought that all this entertainment was created by Satan.

What we read in the Bible about the image:

"You must not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that

is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

You must not bow down to them, nor be induced to serve them" (Exodus 20: 4-5) .

Christians followed this commandment till the fourth century AD, but when they

wrote the New Testament,

they began not only to paint the holy face of Jesus and Mary – who are in Heaven

above, and faces of Apostles and Saints – who are in the Earth beneath, but also began to

bow and serve them.

And Jewish followed this commandment until recently, but currently they paint

faces of sages and spiritual leaders as pictures.

And Muslim strictly followed this commandment until recently too, but ultimately

they couldn't resist this temptation and began to paint faces of spiritual leaders and the

Prophet Muhammad as pictures.

And the most amazing is that the icons, sculptures and pictures of the above-mentioned personalities are mass-produced by religious figures for commercial purposes.

As the saying goes: "All is fair in love and war" to achieve the set goals.

They will nominate the devil himself for sainthood, if it would be beneficial for


The same is happening to the modern followers of the Patriarch Sergius, which go

out of their way to nominate the bloody dictator Stalin for sainthood.

Or look at what is happening in the motorcycle club Night Wolves in Moscow,

where the prima ballerina Anastasia Volochkova danced showing her naked body

to all the country, and

the President Vladimir Putin participates in motorcycle races from time to time,

and recently awarded the leader of bikers Alexander, also known as the "Surgeon" with

the Order of Honor,

and the Patriarch of Moscow blessed Alexander the "Surgeon" for new feats remembering that he was a motorcyclist in his youth.

Because Alexander the "Surgeon" and his bikers play the role of surgical scalpel

in the hands of the ROC (Russian Orthodox Church), which is going to

remove any dissent, heterodoxy and nonconformity to dogmas of the ROC from

the consciousness of people like a malignant tumor.

Here is one more prohibition established by the religious figures: if any person

dies of unknown cause,

his faithful relatives don't allow forensic scientists to dissect a body on the advice

of their spiritual leaders.

They therefore prevent law enforcement bodies to find out the true cause of death

and the persons involved in the murder.

They encourage criminals for new murders with this prohibition, thus making

close relatives and friends of the unpunished killer's victim suffer.

In the Middle Ages any activity of doctors, healers and medicine men was equated

with witchcraft, and they were burnt alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition.

Because they were competitors of church leaders in the struggle for collecting

money from poor patients which had to go only to religious institutions for treatment.