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in the post-Soviet space

where judges harshly punish the completely innocent person, and vice versa justify the person who has committed a serious offense at the instigation of Putin.

Tacit procedure works there, rather than the law: corruption and telephone justice.

If the law worked and people elected judges themselves, Putin and Medvedev

would be prosecuted first

for their secret arrangement in 2008 about their castling in the government for the

next four years, and in 2012 for the next six years.

In this castling Medvedev looks like a pawn in the hands of Putin.

Because Putin and his team is an organized rigidly structured group of people

completely obedient to their leader

(mostly consisting of former KGB servicemen and back yard hooligans of Leningrad city) in the highest echelons of government of the Russian state,

where Putin does not extradite his men to repressive bodies:

for example, the former Defense Minister of Russia Anatoliy Serdyukov and his

favorite Yevgeniya Vasilyeva,

the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, the General Prosecutor of Russia

Yury Chaika,

as well as the former FSB officers Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun.

Although they stole billions of dollars from their people, and just in case took

these money out of Russia through off-shores.

But he extradites other people, especially Jews and dissenters to repressive bodies

with great pleasure, accusing them of all sorts of evils:

for example, such businessmen as M. Khodorkovsky, B. Berezovsky, V. Gusinsky,

the former FSB officer A. Litvinenko, the auditor S. Magnitsky, the leaders of non-system

opposition A. Navalny and B. Nemtsov,

human rights activists Anna Politkovskaya and Natalya Estemirova, the rural

teacher Ilya Farber, the group Pussy Riot, etc.

And for this reason, Putin said only one word: "Attack!", pointing to the above-mentioned victims to his toadies trained in the repressive bodies of Cheka.

And the most amazing is that when Putin says some lies,

his faithful toadies repeat these lies on all TV channels.

For example, when Putin hinted to his faithful toadies that intelligence agencies of

the Western countries and the USA were behind the terrorist act in the editorial office of

"Charlie Hebdo" magazine and kosher grocery store,

as well as the murder of Boris Nemtsov,

they (V. Zhirinovsky, M. Shevchenko, S. Baburin, L. Ivashov, A. Martynov, S.

Markov, etc.) began to repeat on all Russian TV channels in everyone's hearing:

"Truly, intelligence agencies of the Western countries and the USA were behind

the terrorist act in the editorial office of "Charlie Hebdo" magazine and kosher grocery

store, as well as the murder of Boris Nemtsov".

And when Putin accused the heads of non-system opposition of receiving instructions and money from the State Department of the USA in order to destroy them,

his faithful toadies began to repeat on all Russian TV channels in everyone's hearing:

"Truly, the heads of non-system opposition receive instructions and money from

the State Department of the USA!".

Putin used the experience of his idol Comrade Stalin for this purpose, knowing

that this trick always works.

Stalin accused the undesirable persons of their relationship with "international imperialists and zionists" in order to destroy them,

but Putin changed this old and hackneyed phrase for the "State Department of the


because Putin has in his mind only one goal – to break up the heads of the

European Union and the USA,

and for this purpose Putin and his faithful toadies began to accuse intelligence

agencies of the USA of tapping telephones of some heads of the EU countries.

By the way, on the Victory Day, May 9, 2010 Putin had the intention to rehabilitate his idol Comrade Stalin,

starting from restoration of his monuments, and of course, the main monument –

Stalingrad city, despite it is the city of courage and glory of the Soviet soldiers.

But crash of plane of the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński at Smolensk

stopped it from happening.

Reference: In April 2010 the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński flew from

Warsaw to Smolensk to pay the tribute to the memory of the Polish officers

– victims of Stalin's repressions shoot down by his executioners in spring 1940 in

Katyn Forest.

As you remember dear reader, Yury Luzhkov being the Mayor of Moscow in that

time, had intention to decorate the Red Square

with huge portraits of Stalin on the eve of the Victory Day, May 9, 2010, at the instigation of Putin,

but after crash of plane of the President of Poland they forgot this idea fast


Probably, Putin thought that rehabilitation of Stalin will prevent his friendship

with new president of Poland.

And now the USA and the European Union imposed sanctions against Russia, and

thus they have given free rein to Putin.

Now he can safely rehabilitate Stalin and rename Volgograd city to Stalingrad,

and mercilessly destroy the heads of non-system opposition.

Because Putin dreams that he restores the Soviet Union of Stalin's time occupying

foreign lands –

Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia, Transnistria from Moldova, the

Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk from Ukraine,

and thereafter they intend to occupy all the Eastern part of Ukraine and establish

the state called Novorossia as a part of Russia,

and the next is Kazakhstan with Russian majority of the population, where they

intend to establish the new state called Mladorossia also as a part of Russia.

And for this purpose Putin saved the anthem of the Soviet Union of Stalin's time

of 1944, which includes the following words:

"Great Russia has forever consolidated the inviolable union of free republics...".

And to achieve this goal he restores the former might of the Russian Empire, enhancing the offensive military capabilities.

And to justify their interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine,

Putin and his faithful toadies always repeat the following on all Russian TV channels: "Foreign mercenaries fight on the side of Ukraine!!!".

And to say what they want without any interruption, they removed the following

representatives of non-system opposition from Russian TV channels

– N. Svanidze, L. Gozman, M. Ganapolsky, K. Sobchak, B. Nemtsov, V. Ryzhkov,

I. Khakamada, K. Borovoi, G. Kasparov, A. Makarevich and others, who were just as a

thorn stuck in throat of Putin and his team,

and now we always see the same faces on all Russian TV channels, or as the famous proverb stating: "My-my! Same old faces!"

– V. Zhirinovsky, A. Prokhanov, S. Zheleznyak, D. Kiselyov, M. Leontyev, A. Mamontov, S. Kurginyan, V. Soloviov, I. Prigozhin and other trusty dogs of Putin,

because they bark in unison and interrupt like dogs, jumping down throat of the

representatives of non-system opposition, Kiev, the European Union and the USA

who happen to find themselves on these TV programs,

and thus condone them like conductors: the hosts of TV channel " Russia-1”

Vladimir Soloviov in the program: "Evening With Vladimir Soloviov",

" 1 channel" Pyotr Tolstoi or Artyom Sheynin in the program: "Politics" and

"Time Will Tell",

as well as TV channel "TVC" Roman Babayan in the program: "Voting Right"

and Dmitriy Kulikov in the program: "Right to Know!".