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And the most amazing is that, first, these TV programs are shown well past midnight

when most Russian people don't watch television and are sound asleep, but

European don't fall asleep at this time, and there is an afternoon peak in the USA,

and second, they are shown on the Russian TV channels only to show the "true"

democracy in Russia to the international community.

The only oppositional Russian TV channel which exists on a wing and a prayer is "Dozhd"

But it exists to give an opportunity to Putin and his faithful toadies to deliver a

speech on the international rostrums referring to this channel

about the "true" democracy in Russia.

But at any given moment the all-powerful Putin will pull the plug to this TV channel

and disconnect the Russian Internet from the international network – watching

how isolation of Russia by the international community will develop.

Since the idol of Putin Comrade Stalin ordered to his faithful toadies to confiscate

people's radios during the isolation of the Soviet Union by the international community,

to prevent their listening to the voice of

the international imperialism and Zionism.

But Putin doesn't understand one thing – that by breaking up Moldova, Georgia

and Ukraine into smaller states,

he just contributes to permanent collapse of the Great Russian Empire, because

"One fool makes many".

And the most amazing is that all important events in Russia happen at the instigation of Putin,

but he always disassociates himself stating:

– the Russian Court, the fairest one in the world, imprisoned Mikhail

Khodorkovsky and the group Pussy Riot,

– the Russian Court imprisoned some heads of the non-system opposition and participants of the demonstration on Bolotnaya Square.

– Russian people themselves decide who must fight in Ukraine with Russian military equipment,

– Russian people themselves decide who they want to see on the Russian TV

channels, etc.

It does work like in the times of Stalin, and the point is that Stalin solely made decisions in the Kremlin as to whom to execute and whom to pardon,

and his faithful toadies presented all this lawlessness to radio listeners like this:

“All the Soviet people in unison as one stigmatized (condemned)

accomplices/renegades/mercenaries/secret agents of international imperialism and Zionism, etc. etc.”

And, finally, Putin explained to the journalists at his annual press-conference that

a rapid decline in the national currency - ruble

and worsening of the living standards of Russians were caused by the fall of oil

prices in the world market and sanctions of the European Union and the USA.

But actually all troubles in Russia are triggered by total corruption in the highest

echelons of the Russian state that may eventually lead to popular riots.

To prevent this from happening, Putin gathered all Russian oligarchs in the Kremlin to make

them cough up money for support of repressive bodies and the poor and thus avert

popular riot.

Because Putin has nightmares about how some nations acted with their dictators:

Italians with Benito Mussolini, Romanians with Nikolay Ceausescu, Afghans

with Najibullah, Iraqis with Saddam Hussein, Libyans with Muammar Gaddafi.

And there is another thing, to prevent popular riots, Putin’s faithful toady, former

intelligence officer

and current TV presenter Anna Chapman and the head of project Igor Prokopenko

through all his TV movies

always prophesy on “REN TV” TV channel about the near end of the world using

various hired falsifiers:

collision with the nonexistent planet Nibiru or with huge asteroid or with comet,

or worldwide natural calamities, etc. etc.

By the way, in these movies they always accuse Jewish of the Rothschild family

of all sorts of evils:

they are masons, or they dominate the world, or they lead a secret world government, or they plundered gold reserves of Tsarist Russia, etc.

In short, Putin and his team blame anybody and anything for all Russia’s troubles:

– non-system opposition, the State Department of the USA, the decaying West,

masons, falling oil prices, but not themselves – the true culprits – the Russian authorities.

Putin allows all these manipulations only to keep his royal throne in the Kremlin

for the rest of his life.

Because he is fanatically sure that he is the new Prince Vladimir – Baptist and

Russia’s Savior of the third millennium.

As his demeanor in the Kremlin is fully consistent with the manners of royal persons.

By the way, the descendants of Aaron became chief priests of the Temple of


where people brought the fattest and flawless cows and sheep to redeem their sins,

or, in modern terms, a bribe.

It turns out that sinners may also go to Heaven for a bribe.

Choice meat cuts of these cows and sheep were given to chief priests and their

family members,

and bowels were burnt in front of the altar for a sweet savor unto the Lord.

In addition, people brought gold, silver, brass, precious stones without defects,

money, wool, byssus, leather, sweet incense, anointing oil for the light, unleavened bread

anointed with oil.

What we read in the Bible about it (Exodus 25: 1-8):

And the Lord proceeded to speak to Moses, saying: “Speak to the sons of Israel,

that they may take up a contribution for me:

From every man whose heart incites him you people are to take up the contribution of mine.

And this is the contribution that you are to take up from them: gold and silver and


And blue thread, and wool dyed reddish purple, and coccus scarlet material, and

fine linen, and goat’s hair,

and ram skins dyed red, and sealskins, and acacia wood, and oil for luminary,

balsam oil for the anointing oil and for perfumed incense;

and onyx stones and setting stones for the ephod and for the breast piece. And

they must make a sanctuary for me, as i must tabernacle in the midst of them.

And, they had to bring one-tenth of their income at all times.

High priests – Cohens and priests – Levites used some of these offerings for the

needs of the Temple and appropriated the rest.

What we read in the Bible about it (Numbers 18: 8-20):

And the Lord spoke further to Aaron “As for me, look! I have given you the cus-

tody of the contributions made to me.

Of all the holy things of the sons of Israel I have given them to you and to your

sons as a portion, as an allowance to time indefinite.

This should become yours out the most holy things, out of the offering made by

fire, every offering of theirs together with every grain offering of theirs and every sin offering of theirs and every guilt offering of theirs, which they will return to me. It is some -

thing most holy for you and for your sons.

In a most holy place you should eat it. Every male should eat it. It should become

something holy to you.