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And this belongs to you: the contribution of their gift together with all the ware

offerings of the sons of Israel I have given them to you and your sons and your daughters

with you as an allowance to time indefinite. Everyone clean in your house may eat it.

All the best of the oil and all the best of the new wine and the grain, their first

fruits which they will give to the Lord, I have given them to you.

The first ripe fruits of all that is on their land, which they will bring to the Lord,

yours it should become. Everyone clean in your house may eat it. Every devoted thing in

Israel should become yours.

Everything opening the womb, of every sort of flesh, which they will present to the

Lord, among man and among beast, should become yours.

However, you should without fail redeem the firstborn of mankind; and the first-

born of the unclean beast you should redeem.

And with a redemption price for it from a month old onward you should redeem it,

by the estimated value, five silver shekels by the shekel of the holy place. It is twenty ger-


Only the firstborn bull or firstborn male lamb or firstborn goat you should not re-

deem. They are something holy. Their blood you should sprinkle upon the altar, and their

fat you should make smoke as an offering made by fire for a restful odor to the Lord.

And their flesh should become yours. Like the breast of the wave offering and like

the right leg, it should become yours.

All the holy contributions, which the sons of Israel will contribute to the Lord, I

have given to you and your sons and your daughters with you, as an allowance to time

indefinite. It is a covenant of salt to time indefinite before the Lord for you and your off-

spring with you.

And the Lord went on to say to Aaron: “In their land you will not have an inheri-

tance, and no share will become yours in their midst.

I am your share and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.

It turns out that people not only sacrificed their property but were used as a scapegoat.

Because they were sacrificed to All-merciful and Gracious God for the slightest

disobedience like a herd of sheep.

If you carefully read the Pentateuch and summarize it, it turns out that Moses

wrote all these laws and commandments in his book specifically

to make all the people of Israel subordinate to his brother Aaron and his descendants as well as priests – Levites

and thus at the expense of people satisfy their insatiable appetite and ensure comfortable circumstances for all time as well as unlimited power over them.

What we read in the Bible about the tribe of Levi where Moses and his brother

Aaron come from (Numbers 18: 21-24):

And to the sons of Levi, look! I have given every tenth part in Israel as an inheritance in return for their service that they are carrying on, the service of the tent of meeting.

And the sons of Israel should no more come near to the tent of meeting to incur

sin so as to die.

And the Levites themselves must carry on the service of the tent of meeting, and

they are the ones who should answer for their error.

It is a statute to time indefinite during your generations that in the midst of the

sons of Israel they should not get possession of an inheritance.

For the tenth part of the sons of Israel, which they will contribute to the Lord as a

contribution, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance.

That is why I have said to them, “In the midst of the sons of Israel they should not

get possession of an inheritance.

As the saying goes, the facts are obvious.

Dear reader, that’s the key as to why “wise” Levites bore the sin of people, of

course, as you have probably guessed,

in order to live in clover with their tithe like in the Garden of Eden, but only in

this world,

or at the worst to take the sin of people to the next world to become God as it subsequently happened to Jesus of Nazareth.

And their ignorant victims gave one-tenth of their income for their sins to the

Levites in order to live in clover in the Garden of Eden but only in the next world.

Finally, the truth came out: why spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim

denominations felt the urgent need to get the idea of One God from the Jewish people at all costs.

Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to use this idea as an effective tool

that will allow them to live in clove at the expense of their people.

Moreover, they intended to use their people to seize foreign lands in order to live

in clover at the expense of the rest of the world.

And the question now is what if we put Vladimir Gundyaev (Patriarch Kirill) and

his three preachers – Dmitry Smirnov, Andrei Kurayev and Vsevolod Chaplin – on one

side of the scale

and Jesus and His twelve pupils on the other side, which one of them outweigh

both literally and figuratively,

considering that the above priesthood leaders in the ROC hierarchy live in grand

style, because they are transported by luxury premium cars,

while Jesus and His pupils at times lived from hand to mouth and mostly went on


And then the Creator blamed Israelites for all deadly sins through the biblical


and with this stiff sentence deprived them of the piece of land, which He once

gave to Israelites for perpetual use, where ostensibly milk and honey flow (see note 7).

Probably the Creator meant full-flowing rivers, such as Nile in Egypt or huge oil


That many Arab countries have and abundant mineral resources as in many countries of the world.

Israel never had such natural wealth.

What we read in the Bible about it (The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah; The

Lamentations of Jeremiah):

And I myself will fight against you with a stretched-out hand and with a strong

arm and with anger and with rage and with great indignation.

And I will strike the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast. With a great

pestilence they will die.

And after that, is the utterance of the Lord: “I shall give Zedekiah the king of Ju-

dah and his servants and the people and those who are remaining over in this city from

the pestilence, from the sword and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the

king of Babylon, even into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who are

seeking for their soul, and he will certainly strike them with edge of the sword. He will