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"Parishioners! until the true Faith is propagated to all tribes and people of


it will be a deadly sin to leave in peace, work, make love and die of old age in

a bed of your own home, for which you will be accountable to the court of God.

To prevent this from happening you should courageously fight and merci-

lessly kill the followers of the Antichrist, pagans and unbelievers.

Death in the struggle for propagation of the true Faith and in the Lord’s


will be the Holy cause, which will weigh in your favor before the court of


All the above-mentioned facts suggest that the Creator

is a magical tool, which some ambitious persons secretly from us, millions of

the ignorant,

use to receive a glut of wealth and power over people, like out of Aladdin’s

Magic Lamp,

and moreover, they become in their eyes the greatest righteous on earth.

Dear reader, if you know the history of nations of earth, then you are surely aware


organized rigidly structured groups of people completely obedient to their leader –

religious, party and military groups

always won in competition for the property redistribution and re-division of

spheres of influence.

They used for that purpose such magical words as struggle for propagation of true

faith or struggle for truth and justice.

Any dissent in such groups is cruelly suppressed in the bud,

only lies from the mouths of their heads become an indisputable truth.

The larger and more powerful these groups are, the stronger experts manipulate

the population

by presenting the lies told by their heads as the most real truth on earth.

To make people believe in this “truth”, these experts who were ideologically and

theologically influenced or bribed,

can swear on anything, even with their hand on heart, or on the Torah, or on the

Bible, or on the Quran, or Constitution in front of their citizens.

For example, when spiritual leaders of Jewish denomination – Chabad announced:

“Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson after his transit to the other world ascended to Heaven and became God!”,

these experts affirmed on oath with their hands on the Torah: “Truly, Rabbi became God after his ascension to Heaven!”

And millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Rabbi became God

after his ascension to Heaven!”.

When spiritual leaders of Christian denomination announced: “Jesus has risen and

ascended to Heaven!”,

these experts affirmed on oath with their hands on the Bible: “Truly, Jesus has

risen and ascended to Heaven!”.

Millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Jesus has risen and ascended to Heaven!”.

And when spiritual leaders of Muslim denomination announced: “On the 27th

night of Rajab, in a blink of an eye Muhammad was transported on the wings of the white

horse Al-Buraq from Mecca to Jerusalem from where he ascended to the Seventh


these experts affirmed on oath with their hand on the Quran: “Truly, Muhammad

ascended to the Seventh Heaven!”.

And millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Muhammad ascended to the Seventh Heaven!”.

When the leaders of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union announced: “Lenin


these experts affirmed on oath with their hand on Constitution: “Truly, Lenin is

very much alive!”.

And millions of the ignorant meekly repeated in sync: “Truly, Lenin is very much


When the heads of the “United Russia” party announced: “Putin is the new

Saviour on Earth!”,

these experts (A. Prokhanov, M. Shevchenko D. Kiselyov, M. Leontiev, A. Mamontov, M. Simonyan, S. Kurginyan, V. Soloviev, etc.)

affirmed on oath with their hand on heart: “Truly, Putin is the new Saviour on


Millions of the ignorant meekly affirmed in sync with them: “Truly, Putin is a new

Saviour on Earth!”.

Moses, Buddha, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon Bonaparte

Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh,

Fidel Castro and many other similar persons were deified in the same way.

And these lies pass from generation to generation.

The most amazing is that supporters of this deceit grow in number each day.

And the most terrible is that this trend will always continue.

Because these groups, for the sake of illusory truth and justice, committed unlawful acts with other nations and religious denominations

as well as with those who were burned alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition under

blessing of the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church.

Eventually, this bloody strife was always won only by the leaders of religious,

party and military organizations whose names went down in the history of mankind

for all time.

Their burial places and their mummies, relics, statues, images became

the objects of veneration and worship as a deity or a holy place for some,

and the object of mocking and curse as Satan or a desecrated place for others.

For clarity let me put it this way: the Torah, the Talmud, Kabbalah, the Bible, the

Quran, Ramakrishna, the Communist Manifesto, Capital, Mein Kampf

are sacred for the followers of these books, they treat them like the holy grail.

But the same books are forbidden for the opponents and they ruthlessly destroy

these books as malicious ideology or theology for their minds.

The above-mentioned example suggests:

What means “Good” for some people may mean “Evil” for others.

If any ambitious leader intends to get rid of ideology or theology of undesirable organizations or countries,

he calls upon his supporters (co-religionists, like-minded persons) to fight

against them,

by brainwashing them into believing that people in that organization or people in that country

are a multitude of dark forces on earth which secretly do “Evil” to other nations and denominations.

And there is another example: more than 80% of people, which belong to any religious, party, military and other similar organization, are their members only because of financial gain or career development.

Less than 20% of people, which belong to such organizations, are their members,

because they have blind faith in everything that their heads, whom they look

upon as an authority, teach them

as they are by nature easily influenced or succumbed to suggestion.

It is impossible to make them change their minds, dissuade them in their

ideals or faith with any arguments or facts.

These fanatics under the influence of their leaders become a dangerous

weapon pointed at other nations and religious denominations.

These words of Jesus were directed to believing fanatics:

For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and will mislead many.