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Then if anyone says to you: Look! Here is the Christ, or, There! Do not believe it. (Gospel

of Matthew 24: 5, 23)

Why Jesus strongly warned them of it?

Because He noticed that His faithful followers go after Him like lambs to the

slaughter believing in everything He preached to them,

and were ready to meekly sacrifice themselves for His sake.

But according to the predictions of the biblical prophets they should have followed Messiah named Immanuel but not Jesus.

What we read in the Gospel of Matthew about it (1: 22-23):

All this actually came about for that to be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord

through his prophet, saying: “Look The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth

to son, and they will call his name Immanuel” which means, when translated, “With Us

Is God”.

As you, dear reader, have probably guessed, Jesus as a clear-headed person could

tell by their behavior that their descendants would also follow any person who would declare himself as the Messiah.

The situation, which Jesus warned about, came because their descendants blindly

followed self-declared Messiahs, spiritual teachers and holy fathers,

although according to Christian doctrine all believers in Christ are brothers and

their spiritual Teacher is only Jesus Christ – Heavenly Father.

Christians are waiting for the second coming of the Messiah embodied in their

Teacher – Jesus.

What we read in the Gospel of Matthew about it (23: 8-9):

But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are


Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the

heavenly One.

And according to the messianic doctrine of Jewish denomination Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi –Menachem Mendel Schneerson who moved on from this world to the next is

the seventh or the last spiritual Teacher.

The followers of this denomination are waiting for the coming of the Messiah embodied in the last Rabbi.

And according to the messianic doctrine of Shiite Muslims, the last spiritual

Teacher is the hidden twelfth Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi.

The followers of this denomination are waiting for the coming of the Messiah embodied in the last Imam.


And this is what the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church and

the Russian Orthodox Church keep hidden in their secret cells from their parishioners in order not to lose their power over them

– historically accurate manuscript (the Dead Sea Scrolls or Qumran Discoveries),

confirming that Jesus of Nazareth actually escaped crucifixion,

because vicar of the Roman emperor in Judaea Pontius Pilate greatly respected


To release Jesus from prison he gathered the whole congregation of Jews and said:

“The feast of Unleavened Bread is coming (Passover/Pesaсh) when I will have to

release the prisoner”.

“I have imprisoned a notable leader of robbers named Barabbas and Jesus in

whom I didn’t find any deadly sin. Whom do you want me to release for you?”

Then all cried: “Not Him, but Barabbas”.

But actually Jesus of Nazareth was under the name of Barabbas because the name BarAbbas comes from Aramaic which means “Son of the Father” (Heavenly), this is one of

the names of Jesus, and the full name of Jesus is Yeshua Bar-Abba.

Thus, Pilate crucified three real robbers on the cross as if one of them was Jesus

of Nazareth.

To prevent people from knowing who was actually on the cross, before the crucifixion Pilate gave the robber into the hands of his guards for flagellation and thus disfigured his face beyond recognition.

And to make people finally believe that the robber was Jesus of Nazareth,

they put on a crown of thorns on his head and hang an inscription over him in Hebrew, Greek and Latin “This is Jesus – the King of Jews!”

The crucifixion was organized so professionally that no one there noticed the substitution.

And the true Jesus was secretly released.

The body of supposed Jesus was removed from the cross and given to Joseph

from Arimathea, and he placed the body in a niche of temporary tomb cut out of rock because of the coming Holy Saturday.

At nigh the robber’s accomplices came and stole the body of their leader and took

it to unknown location

because nobody was guarding the tomb. According to the Jewish canons no one

has the right to guard the chambers of the died on Holy Saturday because Saturday is the

day of rest,

in fact, it is not common for Jewish people to guard the died and there is no need

to guard them as they are buried without jewelry, unlike many nations, but wrapped in a

simple shroud.

On the third day the pupils of Jesus went there and saw that the stone was rolled

away and the tomb was empty.

And they belonged to the Jewish religious sect of the Essenes where every blessed

day preachers,

citing the biblical prophets preached to them about resurrection from the dead and

they fanatically believed in this fairytale.

For this reason the empty tomb made them think that Jesus was risen and they told

this news to all those who they came their way.

But when they actually saw Jesus safe and sound, they were frozen in disbelief

from some time.

And when they made sure that Jesus “was risen”, they finally believed in resurrection from the dead.

At that time they were still in shock from the surprise that Jesus “was risen”, and

when they came to their senses, they ran in various directions telling about the good


The miracle came true – Jesus is risen! The miracle happened – Jesus is risen!

Actually the pupils of Jesus didn’t clearly understand the statement of their

Teacher about His resurrection on the third day

And Jesus as a faithful Jew only meant that if a person dies on Friday,

his soul rises again on the third day to appear before the court of God.

According to Jewish canons if a person dies on Friday, his soul will rest till the

end of Holy Saturday because Saturday is the day of rest.

And there is nothing surprising that Jesus told his pupils that He was the Son of

the Heavenly Father.

Because all believing Jews, including Jesus as a faithful Jew, always believed that

they were the sons of the Heavenly Father, i.e. the children of God.

Pontius Pilate carried out all these manipulations only to be able to justify himself

by saying: “you asked to release Bar Abbas and I have nothing to do with it”,

in case the Jews would find out that Jesus was alive and accuse him of substitution.

But the most amazing is that Pilate didn’t assume that by releasing Jesus Bar Abbas from the prison he would change the whole course of world’s history and face of the


In order to avoid a new arrest Jesus left Judaea and went to India again, this time

to stay with his distant relatives for good.

Distant relatives of Jesus are one of the lost tribes of Israel, probably the tribe of

Ephraim which moved to India

after the seizure of the Kingdom of Israel in 721 BC by the Assyrian king named

Sargon and the captivity of the ten tribes of Israel.