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no reason

and severely beat and mocked us, offensively calling us blood-suckers.

Back then I thought they treated us so for no reason but only because of their suddenly awaken animal instinct,

in order to see how their victim would writhe with pain and bleed from punching.

But it turns out that the cause for such behavior was that Muslims instilled into

their children hatred for the sons and daughters of Israel,

because they shamelessly blamed them for all deadly sins.

For this purpose they made their children believe in such terrifying things as:

before the Jewish Passover Jewish people steal Muslim babies and sacrifice them

to their God by pouring the blood out of them,

and use this blood to bake Passover matzo for ritual purposes.

During Passover meal they draw down curtains on the windows of their houses,

carefully hiding from outsider eyes

and immediately begin their meal to be able to grab more matzo with baby’s

blood from the table.

And if someone doesn’t get a piece, he rips matzo out of the hands of his own

tablemate and eats it in a hurry so that it is not taken away from him.

Once they are full with baby’s blood they begin to eat Paschal Lamb, etc. etc.

But actually under the laws of Moses (Musa), the sons and daughters of Is-

rael are strictly forbidden to eat even animals blood, unlike many nations, that is a

thief cries: “Stop thief!”

Because Muslims and Christians are well aware of this commandment from The

Book of the Prophet Musa and from the Bible, where we read:

As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an

alien in your midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the

soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.

For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for

you to make atonement for your souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by

the soul in it.

That is why I have said to the sons of Israeclass="underline" “No soul of you must eat blood and

no alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst should eat blood.”

As for any man of the sons of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an

alien in your midst who in hunting catches a wild beast or fowl that may be eaten, he

must in that case pour its blood out and cover it with dust.

For the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said

to the sons of Israeclass="underline" “You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of

every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.” (Leviticus 17: 10-14).

When I grew up, my father Kalendarev Uriel Davidovich (peace be upon him)

(1913-1985), who went to the next world, once told me about the history of our people in

the city of Samarkand.

About 250 years ago Samarkand authorities brought our ancestors from other settlements of the former Persian kingdom to take advantage from their natural abilities for

the development of the city.

They were settled in the suburbs of the city where municipal wastes were dumped

before then.

The Jewish people built their flat-roof mud houses on this landfill and lived there

without basic amenities

because Jewish houses shouldn’t be as tall and as beautiful as Muslim houses by

special decree of Samarkand authorities.

They committed their disgraceful actions only to show “faithful” Muslims how

“Allah” punished “unfaithful” Jews.

The former authorities of Samarkand felt good when they degraded the honor

and dignity of the sons and daughters of Israel

just like a maniac-rapist takes pleasure in abusing a victim.

In the center of “Mahallai Yahudion” (Jewish quarter) – that was the name of this

“ghetto” – there was a small water reservoir;

the water, which flowed into the reservoir from the river from the area of Muslim

houses, was used by them for washing of clothes, dishes and hygiene of bodies.

Our ancestors had to use this water for daily needs,

as there was no other water source except for a few wells which were inaccessible

for most of them.

For that reason they frequently suffered from infectious diseases and many of

them died at an early age.

In such terrible circumstances Jewish women had to give birth to many children

as only a few survived.

Muslims had a special rule to protect “faithful” Muslims from “unfaithful” Jews.

For example, Jewish people didn’t have the right to enter the Muslim territory

without permission of the authorities.

To be distinguished from Muslims, Jewish people were instructed to wear a special sign in the form of a yellow ribbon,

which they had to attach to the hip belt of national gowns.

Violators of this decree were sentenced by the Sharia Court to thirty whiplashes.

And if a Muslim accidentally touched a Jewish man, he immediately cut off the part

of clothing that was in contact with him.

A Muslim had no right to welcome Jew with a handshake because the Sharia

Court would sentence an offender to hand amputation.

When Jewish people bought something from Muslim merchants (and they didn’t

accept paper money from Jewish people, only metal money called “tanga”),

they had no right to give the money directly into the hands of a merchant but had

to put them in a jar with water, which Muslim merchants kept for that purpose,

in order not to, Allah forbid, defile themselves by touching an unfaithful, and thus

break the laws prescribed by Mahomet and commit a sin and burn in hellfire after death.

That is how the sons and daughters of Israel lived among Muslims, and many of

them unable to endure the humiliation betrayed the faith of their fathers and converted to


Later many of them attained top positions in Muslim society by becoming famous

Persian writers, poets and traditional healers.

And those sons and daughters of Israel who strongly endured these humiliations

and rejected the alien ideas of Islam were harassed.

After the October 1917 revolution when Bolsheviks seized power, Muslims captivated by the ideas of internationalism and universal brotherhood

allowed the sons and daughters of Israel to open their national theaters and print

media in the native language.

This trend lasted for some time until Muslim Bolsheviks strengthened their position in all power structures by displacing the Jewish people from the key positions.

After that all these centers of Jewish national culture were banned.

The religious schools-heders were transformed into Tajik schools.

The synagogues were occupied by dermatological dispensaries in order to

spread this infection among our people.

So Muslim Bolsheviks were engaged not only in blasphemy but also in sabotage.

My father, Kalendarev Uriel Davidovich (peace be upon him) used to work as a

teacher in school No 23 in Samarkand

and received a meager salary for his hard work, which was not enough to support

our large family.