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On that occasion they had a feast indulging in drinking and lust.

In the midst of the feast they bent their knees to the golden calf and exclaimed

with one voice:

“This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus

32: 4).

According to the New Testament the Jews are the people who betrayed Christ for

thirty pieces of silver;

this Jewish libel appeared because the best pupil of Jesus, Judah Iscariot, kissed

Him on the cheek.

It was quite common for the Jewish sect of the Essenes to kiss their brothers in

faith on a cheek as a sign of respect.

And that kiss later became known as Judas kiss, i.e. betrayal kiss.

It’s simply that Christian figures of those times had a goal – to destroy all

manuscripts related to the Gospel of Judas and the Essen Gospel of Peace and ruin his


They associated the name of Judas and the Jewish sect of the Essenes with hated

Jewish people.

And for that purpose they needed such “evangelisms” as the Gospel of St. Mark

and the Gospel of Luke falsified by Christian figures of those times.

Actually these Roman characters had nothing to do with the Jews, particularly Jesus of Nazareth.

By the way, some modern Christian figures reached outrageously absurd lengths

in their fanaticism to blame Jewish people for all deadly sins

They with no remorse claim that Jesus of Nazareth was Greek, that is why He was

crucified by Jews.

If it was possible they would not hesitate to change the nationality of all Jews,

who in Christian terms were positive, to Romans and Greeks.

They would even write in the Bible that Greeks, not Jews, were the founders of

Christian faith.

They would allow all these manipulations in the Bible without remorse to distance

themselves from hated Jews as far as they could.

One more thing, according the New Testament the Jews are the people who crucified Christ,

as it says that the Roman procurator in Israel, Pontius Pilate, asked Jewish people

to show mercy on Jesus, and they shouted in response:

“Let him be crucified”. “His bloods come upon us and upon our children”

(Gospel of Matthew 27: 23.25).

For that reason Pontius Pilate took a jar with water and washed his hands.

That gesture indicated that the sin of killing Jesus was passed onto the Jewish


Though the pupils and defenders of the Jew named Jesus as well as the first Christians were also Jews, this religious denomination is known worldwide as Messianic Jews.

And actually what happened was merely an internal issue of those people as is

usual in any country of the world.

And as we know from history, many states at that time executed hundreds or

maybe thousands of their citizens on cross

for various reasons by the orders of their authorities and no one in the world intervened in this process.

By the way, nowadays when Israeli military men accidentally kill even one civilian

during elimination of Palestinian terrorists

the whole world lashes out against the State of Israel accusing it in genocide of

civilians of the Palestinian Autonomous Territories.

And Palestinians deliberately murder civilians of Israel and no one from the international communities condemns them for this terror and if they do, they do it only for the

sake of appearances,

in other words, they do it just to look civilized in front of the international community,

and after condemnation of terror they immediately forget about such incident as

not worthy of special attention.

Maybe this comparison is not quite correct but it does not make any difference because Jewish people were always blamed for all deadly sins,

even if somewhere one Chukchi man gets into a fight with another Chukchi

man or an indigenous Australian gets into a fight with his brother, Jewish people

will be accused anyway.

Though Israel is the only state in the world which provides humanitarian assistance to its sworn enemies – Palestinians.

Many Palestinians, the citizens of Israel, enjoy all the benefits of this state and do

not pay any taxes to the state treasury.

This is how generously Israel treats its neighbors, Palestinians, and they pay with

terror for this generosity.

Christians and Muslims have been demonstrating such justice to the sons and

daughters of Israel since the time

when these religious organizations were formed by ambitious persons for seizure

of foreign lands.

What happened to Jesus in Judaea in those distant time led to blaming of Israelites

for all deadly sins.

Firstly, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) headed by the emperor Constantine and in the Middle Ages after the Great Schism

in the Christian movement the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Pope Urban

II interfered in the affairs of Israelite people.

Accusing the Jews of killing Jesus they began the Crusade for Christianization of

all tribes and people under the banner:

Go ahead in the struggle for propagation of the true faith – faith in Christ

among all tribes and nations of the earth.

And the sons and daughters of Israel as the people who offended God were the

first exposed to their “good intention”.

They began to harass the sons and daughters of Israel across Europe and forced

them to accept faith in Christ.

Under the threat of various refined punishments which the Roman Catholic

Church and its Holy Inquisition used for the Jews

many of the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity and blended into other nations.

And those sons and daughters of Israel who rejected Christianity

were humiliated and isolated from the outside world by a city (ghetto) built to

keep off “wicked or filthy Jews” from “pious Christians”.

Why filthy Jews? Because they ostensibly disgraced themselves by betraying

Christ and crucifying Him on Golgotha.

Medieval Christian executioners used these false accusations to put the sons and

daughters of Israel to horrendous tortures.

They were burned alive in fires of the Holy Inquisition, quartered in elaborate

ways, dropped from a height on sharp stakes.

They were also tortured with special technical accessories and tools.

Sophisticated tools were made only to extend the pleasure from extremely slow

and painful death of the hated Jews.

Gracious and merciful Christians of the medieval Roman Catholic Church enjoyed themselves

when they tortured the sons and daughters of Israel in elaborate ways just like a

maniac-rapist takes pleasure in abusing a victim

And Orthodox Christians called their denomination “Pravoslavie – Rightpraise”

(Orthodoxy), this word means that only they have the “right to praise” the Lord God,

to make them feel like the people of God instead of the sons and daughters of Israel.

These wolves in sheep’s clothing sheltering themselves behind the robes of the

righteous sentenced the people of God to complete extermination.

They committed all their disgraceful actions only to destroy the hated Jews

and become the people of God themselves, take “the vacant” position. As the