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saying goes, “the holy place is never empty”.

The bloody baton took from the hands of the Christian executioners Middle Ages,

the leader of all times and nations -- Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin).

He was born on December 21, 1879 in a traditional Orthodox family in the small

town of Gori in Georgia. (Stalin’s grandfather from his father’s side was a baptized Georgian Jew) (see note 11).

Stalin’s parents, as true Christians, gave him the biblical name Joseph when he

was christened by a priest in a local Church,

in honor of Joseph, beloved son of Jacob-Israel (see note 12).

From September 1, 1888 to July 1, 1894 Soso, as his mother affectionately called

him, studied in parochial school associated with Orthodox Community of Gori.

After graduation he moved to the capital of Georgia, Tiflis city, and entered the

ecclesiastical seminary.

From 1894 to 1899 he most diligently studied the fundamentals of Christianity

from the Bible to get holy orders.

Stalin’s mother, Yekaterina Georgievna Dzhugashvili, dreamed to see her beloved

child wearing a Priest’s robe with a Pastoral staff in his hands.

But he was suddenly expelled from the seminary ostensibly for underground revolutionary activities.

In fact, Stalin was recruited by trarist secret police and sent for intelligence subversive activities among Georgian underground Marxists.

According to Stalin’s classmate from the ecclesiastical seminary, Joseph Iremashvili (1878-1944) as well as Stalin’s “comrade-in-arms” in the revolutionary struggle

for Soviet power, Stepan Shaumyan (1878-1918), Joseph Dzhugashvili was a secret agent

of the tsarist secret policy

and was planted in revolutionary cell of Baku revolutionaries-Marxists to complete a special assignment.

At the beginning of the activities, the relationship between Dzhugashvili and the

tsarist secret police was almost discovered by his “companions-in-arms”.

In 1900s, about five hundred workers were going to celebrate the 1st of May on

an illegal May-day meeting in the suburbs of Tiflis.

The plan was disclosed by information provided by Stalin to the tsarist secret police.

And all organizers of the action were arrested except for one person named Joseph


In order to secure Stalin from uncovering, his patrons from the tsarist secret police

disguised as criminal investigation police

arrested him several times ostensibly for revolutionary activities and exiled him to

Siberia by decision of so-called court.

Meanwhile, he continued to collect information about the future plans of “his


When the tsarist secret police needed him to collect information at the previous

places, they arranged for his escape.

Stalin, as a true Orthodox Christian, was a loyal and faithful servant of the Emperor of the Russian State – Nikolay II as vicar of God on earth.

After the February 1917 bourgeois revolution the tsarist secret policy ceased its


The power in Russia was assumed by the temporary government headed by


Stalin realized that this struggle could possibly mean that he would climb to the

heights of the power and become vicar of God on earth,

and then use the communists and under the communist banners realize in the territory of the Russian Empire all he learned from the Bible for eleven years.

That is why Stalin fully engaged in the struggle for liberation of the working people from the capitalist exploiters.

After the October 1917 revolution he climbed to the very heights in the government of the USSR.

That is why he changed his real last name “Dzhugashvili”, which in Georgian

means “Jewish child”, to alias “Stalin”,

which means “Stal (became) – (i) Iosif (Joseph) – (n) namestnikom (vicar)” of

God on earth, i.e. he became the Lord’s Anointed, Mashiah or Messiah in Jewish and

Christ in Greek.

By the way, Jesus of Nazareth was also a child of Jews – Joseph and Mary and became Christ later, i.e. “Stal (became) – (i) Iisus (Jesus) – (n) namestnikom (vicar)” of

God on earth and heaven.

When after staff reshuffling in the Kremlin Stalin strengthened his position as the

head of the state,

of course, he recalled the verses about “a blessing and a curse” and the long-cherished dream of his youth to exterminate the people cursed by God.

During eleven years (1888-1899) of studying in religious schools, fierce hatred

for the Jewish people grew up at back of his mind,

because every single day teachers in such educational institutions remind

their students that

the Jews abused Christ in elaborate way when they crucified Him.

What we read in the New Testament about it:

And when they were come to the place, which is called Skull, there they crucified

him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing. And

they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

And the people stood looking on. But the rulers were sneering, saying: “He saved

others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God”.

And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, and

saying: “If thou be the King of the Jews, save yourself.

And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and

Hebrew: “This is the King of the Jews”. (Gospel of Luke 23: 33-38).

That is why before making his dreadful decisions Stalin shut himself away in

a small church in the inner chambers of the Kremlin for a secret confession in

front of the icon of crucified Christ.

And no one from his “companions-in-arms” ever knew about this, because he hid

his faith in Christ behind the communist ideals.

But actually he was a religious fanatic (see note 13) and like any Christian fanatic

intensely hated the sons and daughters of Israel.

That is why he continued his intelligence subversive activities among his faithless

party members.

And he began to eliminate those “companions-in-arms” who contributed to the

decision to demolish the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

and other Christian shrines and churches of the Soviet Union as well as the decision to kill the tsarist family: Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Rykov, Tomsky and

others ….

And then he began to eliminate his other faithless “companions-in-arms” who had

access to the archive of the tsarist secret police,

where his personal file for secret agent of the tsarist secret police, Orthodox

Christian Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was kept: Tukhachevsky, Blucher,

Yegorov, Yagoda, Yakira, Yezhov etc. ….

To cover up the crimes he committed against his companions in the revolutionary

struggle in the days of Tsarist Russia, Stalin began large-scale repressions.

And NKVD management (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) at the local

level perceived what happened in the Kremlin as a call to actions against local leaders of