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the Communist Party.

That is why the initiative of the Kremlin was immediately spread across the Soviet Union.

Stalin destroyed the whole gene pool of the Soviet intelligentsia by his unpredictable actions,

because the panic fear of being disclosed by his party members gripped his imagination and turned into a mental illness (paranoia).

He canceled Lenin’s innovation – the New Economic Policy (NEP) by secret order (see note 14).

Stalin, as a true Orthodox Christian, banned loose morals of the communist ideology,

where a woman was considered by party members as a glass of water for slaking


where people were free from marriage bonds and a female Komsomol member

didn’t have the right to refuse intimate services to a male Komsomol member.

He introduced a strict Christian morals and laws among the party members.

For example, they actually didn’t allow the party members to divorce a wife and

marry another woman as well as have random lovers.

Komsomol girl had to cover her head with red headscarf and to wear dresses or

skirts covering the knees.

And the citizens could be sent to jail for such words as “sex”, “sexual intercourse”, “erotic”, “orgasm” as for immoral conduct.

For that reason these words disappeared from the vocabulary of a Soviet person,

or as one Soviet woman said in “Posner and Donahue” telebridge, the phrase

which became the talk of the town, “We don’t have sex in the USSR”

Stalin knew from the New Testament that faith in something bonds people better

and more reliable than blood ties,

it was considered right when a blood brother betrayed his brother or a son

(Pavlik Morozov) reported his father to relevant bodies if his beliefs didn’t coincide with

those of his brother or father.

What we read in the New Testament about it:

While he was yet speaking to the crowds, look! His mother and brothers took up a

position outside seeking to speak to him.

So someone said to him: “look! Your mother and your brother are standing out-

side, seeking to speak to you.”

As an answer he said to the one telling him: “Who is my mother, and who are my


And extending his hand toward his disciples, he said: “Look! My mother and my


For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my brother,

and sister, and mother.” (Gospel of Matthew 12: 46-50).

In 1935, Stalin issued a decree forbidding research works related to the human genetic code,

because he was fanatically sure that such research is an antichristian act.

And so that his “companions-in-arms” didn’t suspect him of religious fanaticism

he called this research a pseudoscience,

as according to the Bible all people descended from the first man named Adam

and so they should have the same genetic code.

In the same year he prohibited abortions legalized by Bolsheviks in 1917 because

according to Christian ethics any interruption of pregnancy

even when it is necessary for the sake of mother’s life is equated to infanticide.

By Orthodox laws Christians were anathemized for violation of this prohibition,

i.e. widely condemned and unchurched.

And by Bolsheviks’ laws communists were expelled from the party, and their

cases were sent to so-called People’s court,

the top-echelon party officials decided everything; sentenced offenders to lengthy


or sent them to Stalin’s labor camps in Siberia for re-education and only a few

came back from there.

Stalin was still looking for an excuse to exterminate the people cursed by God.

That is why he and his coreligionist – Adolf Hitler, in addition to non-aggression

pact, secretly agreed about the division of Europe and final solution of the Jewish issue.

This agreement is known to the world as Hitler-Stalin’s pact or as RibbentropMolotov pact in Russia.

The proof of this conspiracy is that Stalin long before making the pact

all of a sudden began to feel “favorably” towards the sons and daughters of Israel showing “fatherly care” to them.

For his own ends in 1934 he started to establish the Jewish Autonomous Region

(with the capital Birobidzhan)

in the Russian Federation – on the edge of the Far East away from the civilized


where high risk offenders were sent, which had no communications with the outside world and was extremely cold in winter.

The sons and daughters of Israel were not adapted to such climatic conditions,

because their ancestors were forcibly removed by the Roman conquerors from the

Near East where thermometer goes up beyond +30*С.

No leader in the history of mankind presented his territory to foreign people.

So why did Stalin suddenly begin to show “fatherly care” by establishing the Jewish Autonomous Region in such extreme conditions for survival? (see note 15).

Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to force the Jewish people into the

middle of nowhere as a flock of sheep to the slaughter,

and there without fear of being condemned by the international community, solve

the Jewish issue once and for all.

But somehow anticipating the war, Stalin gave up his idea for a while and deferred this pleasure to the postwar period.

And to receive assistance from the international Jewish organizations during the war,

he contributed to the establishment of the organization called the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee led by Solomon Mikhoels within the Soviet Union.

After the war this organization was destroyed by his secret order, and the chairman and many members of this organization were exterminated.

His military strategic foresight was correct,

because at that time Adolf Hitler began to perform his part of the agreement on final solution of the Jewish issue.

That is why the USA and Great Britain went on the warpath on the side of the Soviet Union,

i.e. they chose the lesser of two evils, and that decided the outcome of the war in

favor of the Soviet people most affected by the war.

After the victory over the fascist Germany Stalin still remembered about his

agreement with Hitler, that is why he manufactured so-called doctors-killers case.

By the way, many Soviet Jewish people, fanatics of the communist ideology with

great loyalty to Stalin,

believing the propaganda of the Soviet power were ready to take punishment,

share the fate of their brothers – “doctors-killers”.

And so they asked the Soviet power to exile them to Siberia for certain death too.

With his false accusation of the sons and daughters of Israel Stalin intended to finally slake his thirst but, fortunately, he run out of time.

As the religious figures say, the angel of death started to pull his vile sole out of him.

And desperately resisting with his last ounce of strength he held on to his spirit

covered with blood of millions of innocent victims,

but all his efforts were in vain because the angel of death entirely pulled out his

vile soul.

By the way, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War who were affected by the