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for the worse.

It happened because he found out from the Book of the Prophet Musa that the

sons and daughters of Israel were the people of God and such state of affairs gave him no


And in order to make him and his tribesman feel like the people of God

Muhammad with his brothers in the new faith changed the content and the title of

the Book of the Messenger Musa to “Al-Quran” (Koran),

which means “The Textbook given by God” or literally “Reading aloud” (on study

of the laws of One God).

This Book distorted the teaching of the Pentateuch

because they included in the Quran (see note 18) only the basic laws and commandments of the One Jewish God, such as:

You shall not kill.

You shall not steal.

You shall not commit adultery.

Honor your father and your mother.

You shall not covet you neighbor’s possessions.

Do male circumcision.

You shall not shave your beard.

You shall not eat pork meat as forbidden meat, haram in Arab; you shall eat only

kosher meat, halal in Arab.

And they added severe punishments (al-hudud) to the Quran for departures from

the laws and commandments of One God.

The punishments included stoning to death, scourging with whip and beating with


Much of the Pentateuch was copied into the Quran with many distortions.

For example, one of the names of the One Jewish God – Elohim, which is literally

translated from Hebrew as “gods”, i.e. the word is in plural.

It worked in favor of Christian interpreters of the Pentateuch in order to explain

the parishioners

why One God in the New Testament exists in three hypostases – God the Father,

God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

And the composers of the Quran saw blasphemy over the truth in such interpretation of “Elohim”,

as they already knew from the Book of the Prophet Musa that there was One Jewish God.

That is why they removed the last two letters from the word “Elohim” and wrote

“Eloh” (Allah) in the Quran (see note 19).

And the main Name of the One Jewish God – Jehovah, which means “Existing”.

Jehovah punishing children for the iniquity of their fathers up to the third or

fourth generation, that’s how high priests pronounced this Name in the Temple of


in front of the Jewish people during absolution on Yom Kippur (on Judgement Day).

That is why the composers of the Quran did not dare to write down this Name in

the Quran.

Instead they wrote: “In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the most Merciful”, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” in Arab.

The Torah says: “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob”.

And they wrote in the Quran “God of Abraham (Ibrahim), God of Ismail (Ishmael), God of Isaac (Ishaq), God of Jacob (Yacub),

because Abraham had another son from Agar (Hagar), handmaid of Sarai, whom

Abraham named Ismail (Ismael).

All Arab tribes identify themselves as descendants of Ismail.

Ultimately, Muslims armed with the fierce hatred for the Jewish people which was developed and put into life

by Christian Theologians of the Roman Empire in order to accuse the sons and daughters

of Israel of all sorts of evils.

Because Muslims just like Christians are aware of the verses about “a blessing

and a curse” from the Book of the Prophet Musa,

which is kept in its original form by spiritual leaders of Islam somewhere, and

they fully comply with its regulations.

For that reason they blamed the Israeli commentators of the Pentateuch of those

times for distortion of the facts from this Book in their comments,

because Israelites didn’t accept Muhammed as the true Prophet and Messenger of

Allah (Elohim).

And Muslims affirmatively state that Muhammad as well as the biblical Prophets

came from the seed of Abraham, who was the father of Ismail.

The Quran describes three Messengers (Rasul) of Allah:

Jewish – Moses (Musa), Christian – Jesus (Isa) and Muslim – Mahomet (Muhammad).

Muslims also found guilt with Israelites because they didn’t accept the Prophet Jesus (Isa) as the true Messenger of Allah and crucified Him.

And they accused Christians of accepting the Prophet Jesus (Isa) as god of all

tribes and nations instead of true Allah.

For this reason spiritual leaders of Islam preach about the people of other


“Christian and Jewish doctrines are wrong, and their followers are unbelievers”.

And they preach exactly the opposite about their co-religionists:

“Islamic doctrine is true, and we, Muslims, are true believers”.

Because Allah Himself wrote down Sharia laws in the Book titled the Quran and on the

27th night of Ramadan in 610 BC handed this Book through angel Gibrail to the Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon Him) in Hira cave located on the mountain Jabal Al-Nour.

On the 27th night of Rajab in 621 BC Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon

Him) was transported on the wings of the white horse Al-Buraq to Yatrib (Medina),

and from there to mount Tur (Sinai), further to Beit Lechem (Bethlehem), then to

Holy Jerusalem (Al-Kuds) to the Temple Mount Moria (Al-Aqsa), and from there ascended to the Seventh Heaven.

This story is known as a night journey of Mahomet from Holy Stone Kaaba to

Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven (Al Isra v’al mi’Raj).

And there Allah declared Muhammad as his last Prophet and Messenger to the

sons of men.

And gave him special powers to spread the true faith – faith in Allah across the

earth (see note 20).

With this slogan in the second half of the VII century began the Great Campaign

under the banner of the green:

Go ahead in the struggle for propagation of the true faith – faith in Allah

among all tribes and nations of earth.

At first, Muhammad with his brothers-in-arms forcibly disseminated the idea of

Islam among his tribesmen Quraysh, which spread it to many Arab tribes.

And then Islamized nomadic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula propagated the idea

of Islam

by fire and sword, sweeping away all on the way like tornado, from the Near East

across Northern Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, which

is located in the south-western part of Europe (Spain – Caliphate of Cordoba).

They subsequently mixed with indigenous population of these countries.

The nations who converted to Islam established Muslim states, such as Yemen,

Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, the UAE, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrein, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan,

Somali, Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Mauritania, Algeria, Morocco,

Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, SierraLeone, Chad, Eritrea, Burkina-Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and others.

And then the people Islamized by Arabs disseminated the idea of Islam among the

nations of the Middle East, i.e. among the Persian speaking nations.

And after conversion to Islam they set up Muslim states, such as Iran,

Afghanistan, Kurdistan and Tajikistan.

Then this idea was propagated to the Indian Peninsula, i.e. among Hindu people.

In 1947, those of them who converted to Islam declared their state independent