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from India and named it Pakistan and Bangladesh:

The word “Pakistan” means “cleared land” cleared from their former Hindu relatives,

whom Islamists now contemptuously call “idolaters”.

In the present day, Muslims in the Indian state Jammu and Kashmir fight against

the government troops

to declare their state independent from India named “Khalistan”,

which means “liberated land”, i.e. liberated from their former Hindu relatives.

This idea was then propagated among the nations of the Central Asia, Caucasus

and Russia, i.e. among Turkic speaking nations.

And those of them who converted to Islam established Muslim states, such as

Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kara-Kalpak, Kashgaria, Azerbaijan,

Dagestan, Adzharia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and others.

Further, the idea of Islam was spread among the nations of Malaysia, Indonesia,

Maldives, Camorra and Brunei.

In the second half of the 14th century, Islamized nomadic tribes – the Seljuk

Turks from the eastern regions of the Central Asia,

just like their Muslim brothers – Arabs, conquered Byzantium, which was among

the first Christianized by Constantine in the 4th century BC, i.e. the Asia Minor and part of


by fire and sword, sweeping away all on their way like tornado.

And subsequently they mixed with the indigenous population.

Thus, they established the first Muslim state in the heart of Europe.

And, finally, they spread the Islamic ideology deep into the European states:

Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bessarabia, Greece, Crimean Peninsula and Cyprus


Later they renamed Byzantium into Turkey, and its capital Constantinople into Istanbul.

And they changed the famous Christian cathedral of St. Sophia into Muslim

mosque – Hagia Sophia by removing Christian symbols from its walls.

Instead, they decorated it with oriental patterns (arabesque) and quotes from the Quran (Surah).

On either side of the cathedral they constructed four minarets, the tallest at the

time for muezzins calling faithful Muslims to a morning prayer (namaz-azan).

From 1932 the cathedral stopped its religious service by the decision of the democratic government of Turkey headed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and in the present day

works as a historical museum.

And those people who refused to convert to Islam had to be exterminated.

That’s what they did to Armenian people by killing in cold blood about half a million of people sparing no aged people, women or children.

In such a murderous way the Great Ottoman Empire was established on the remains of millions of innocent victims early in the 15th century.

And for the evil-doings and ideas based on hatred for other religious denominations, its founders, the Seljuk Turks

were accordingly called “barbarians” by the European nations who found themselves to be living side-by-side with the forcibly formed empire of evil.

After the World War I and collapse of the Ottoman Empire it became impossible

to propagate Islam through violence,

i.e. by seizing foreign lands and mocking people because the military power was

not on the side of Muslims.

For that reason they declared “hudna”, which means “truce”,

to restore their former military might and thereafter continue their struggle with

“kaafirs” (unbelievers).

But the temporary state of truce for many Muslim countries grew into permanent.

That is why it became the issue for some Muslim spiritual leaders, such as Bin

Laden, Mullah Omar, Sheikh Yasin and others.

And they began to look for other ways to continue the struggle with unbelievers.

Finally, they changed the strategy of struggle because of the current circumstances

with the balance of power to the disfavor of Muslims.

The new strategy of struggle is to set the followers of three major world religions

against each other through a large-scale and massive terrorist act.

As Muslim religious figures and their spiritual inspirers believe,

no matter how strong Christians and Jews are, the victory in this massacre will be

on the side of Muslims.

Because they are fanatically sure that during the interreligious war the Most High,

Allah will fight on the side of Muslims

as true faith bearers on earth and lead them to total and final victory over unbelievers.

Then Islam will become the only religion in the whole wide world and the main

slogan will be one for alclass="underline"

There is no God but Allah and Mahomet is the Messenger of Allah (see note 21).

Because Muslims are sure that Allah through the Messenger Muhammad

gave them a special mission

to propagate the ideas of Islam across the earth and establish Global

Caliphate (Sunni) or Imamate (Shia),

in order to cut off heads of all unbelievers and dissenters, like sheep heads,

cold-bloodedly and mercilessly according to Sharia laws (the Quran)

without fear of being condemned by the international community for their


That is why they don't humiliate themselves with caricatures of Buddha or Jesus

because they mercilessly and barbarically destroy them.

For example, they acted so with the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan and Iraq and

with the images of Jesus and His disciples in St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople.

By the way, because of such vandalism none from Buddha’s and Jesus’s followers

broke into the embassies of Muslim countries to murder ambassadors

or into editorial offices of satirical magazines to murder journalists.

What happened on September 11, 2001 is only the initial implementation of crazy

idea inherited from Palestinian suicide fanatics to islamize all the nations of the world

through terrorist acts.

It was not an accident that Muslim extremists chose to commit a terrorist attack at

the World Trade Center

– its towers were one of the highest in the world and the pride not only of American people but many nations of the world.

Muslim interpreters of the Pentateuch, i.e. the Book of the Prophet Musa, considered this building as the analogue of the Tower of Babel.

Because they were fanatically sure that people construct building tall enough to

reach Heaven only

as their pride in order to contradict to the laws and commandments prescribed by


What we read in the First Book of the Prophet Musa (Genesis according to the

Bible – 11: 1-9):

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the

land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

And they said one to another, God to, let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top

may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the

face of the whole earth.

And the Lord (Allah) came down to see the city and the tower, which the children

of men build.