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And the Lord said: Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and

this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have

imagined to do.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and

they left off to build the city.

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the

language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the

face of all the earth.

Currently Muslim fundamentalists assumed this function of Allah to follow the intention of Allah through terrorist acts

and thus destroy the symbols of human pride, such as buildings where people with

different worldviews cooperate under the same roof. And to fuel an interreligious war that


In order to achieve this crazy goal, the number of terrorist acts, according to all

forecasts, will grow along a curve.

And terrorist acts will be always organized by Arab extremists from Saudi Arabia

by the right of founders of Muslim religion.

After each terrorist act they will announce that they acted so with that country because the government of the country supports the State of Israel.

After the most horrific terrorist act in the history of mankind its organizers announced that this way they punished the USA for the support of the State of Israel.

After the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem by the ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC and the destruction of the Second Temple by the Roman Emperor Titus in AC 70

the sons and daughters of Israel, as the people blamed for all deadly sins,

were intensely hated and persecuted for 2500 years:

As the people who killed Christian God – for example, crucifixion;

As the people who lost their true face – for example, Allah turned unfaithful

Jews into pigs and monkeys to punish them;

As the people who organize secret organizations – for example, “Judeo-Masonic” lodge;

As the people who publish secret books – for example, “The Protocols of the

Elders of Zion”;

As the people, poisoners of Europe and circulators of plague – for example, in

the Middle Ages Jews made various medicines to poison rivers and water sources;

As the people who kill small children – for example, “The Beilis Case”;

As the people who provoke unrest – for example, the October 1917 revolution

in the Russian Empire;

As the people, who destroyed the global economy – for example, Jewish

money-lenders, bankers-parasites who make a fortune at the expense of society,

lend money to borrowers at excessive interest rates and after that take every-

thing from them, including the last piece of daily bread.

And it seems to them that the sons and daughters of Israel secretly or openly dominate the world.

Because those Christians who converted back to pagan faith of their ancestors

reached outrageously absurd lengths in their fanaticism.

They argue without remorse that Jesus Christ and His pupils were actually the secret agents of Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad,

whom Mossad ostensibly sent on a special assignment to propagate Jewish-Christian faith among pagan nations in the Roman and Russian Empires, and the latter had to

spread it to other tribes and nations of earth.

In such an elaborate way artful Jews established their dominion through their secret agent Jesus etc. etc.

And this wild and purposeful blaming of the sons and daughters of Israel for

all deadly sins by Christians and Muslims

will continue until the Bible and the Quran remain as they were written.

And with all attendant consequences for long-suffering Jewish people.

If the sons and daughters of Israel were not murdered on false charges for 2500

years since the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem,

and if during this historical time they were not assimilated voluntarily or forcibly,

including ten lost Israeli tribes,

now at a conservative estimate, our numbers, Israelites would be not less than the

population of modern China.

Then it turns out that many tribes and nations on earth have Jewish blood in their


To my deep regret, voluntarily assimilation is still going on and at a very high

pace, in some countries this disappointing number reaches 50-60%.

If the situation remains, soon only a handful of our people will be left.

And this handful will still brag saying: “We, Israelites, have been almost killed

multiple times

but thank God we survived, and many of our oppressors vanished off the face of

the earth because God is on our side”.

And this blind trust in God that He will save His people and destroy their oppressors may lead to final solution of the Jewish issue.

But the tiny State of Israel constantly oppresses, and not without success, the future state of Palestine.

If this trend continues, in the near future the history of mankind will keep only the

memories of the State of Israel,

because Christians and Muslims initially sentenced long-suffering Israelite people

to extermination due to their ancestry, faith and mentality,

which were deliberately demonized in the New Testament and the Quran.

Let me give just a few lines from all that is written in these Books about Israelite


“Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of


For this reason, here I am sending forth to you prophets and wise men and

public instructors.

Some of them you will kill and impale, and some of them you will scourge in

your synagogues and persecute from city to city;

that there may come upon you all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the

blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.

Truly I say to you: “All these things will come upon this generation” (The New

Testament. Gospel of Matthew 23: 33-36). i.e. their blood will come upon Israelite people.

“O People of the Scripture, you are (i.e. Jews) [standing] on nothing until you

uphold the Quran and what has been revealed to you from your Lord.” (Quran. Surah 5

“The Table spread with food”, verse 68) .

“And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for

Allah.” (Quran. Surah 8 “Fighting for religion”, verse 38).