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It can be continued, but what for? Needless to say what the New Testament and

the Quran prescribed for the followers of these doctrines

and what they preach to the parishioners in churches and mosques across the


Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to shed blood of Israelite people.

And at a conservative estimate, the total number of Muslims and Christians is not

less than four billions.

It is scary to even think what will be left of Israelites if they attempt to comply

with the regulation again.

For many centuries Israelite people live like an unprotected small island surrounded by a raging ocean of hatred.

And the huge waves of the raging ocean of hatred will swallow this small island

in an instant,

turning into tsunami, which destroys all on its way after an earthquake,

i.e. after brainwashing by the spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations.

And no one of so-called civilized nations will come to rescue us, Israelites.

So the rescue of a drowning man is the drowning man’s own job.

To address this uneasy problem it is necessary to use the centuries-old wisdom of

our people so

that undeservedly cursed and small-numbered people would again become blessed

and numerous like stars on the sky and sand on the seashore;

which is predicted in the Torah, the Bible and the Book of the Prophet Musa by

the Creator Himself, that is Allah.

But we can’t solve this problem by military means.

Firstly, we, Israelis, are too few.

Secondly, if one suicide fanatic, martyr for the faith (“shahid” in Arab) is destroyed, tens and hundreds of such self-murders will replace him without a second


because they, under the influence of their spiritual leaders, turn into obedient zombies

and therefore fully comply with any orders of their mentors, as the saying goes,

not counting the cost;

because they fanatically believe in paradise life after death for the shed blood of


What we read in the Quran: Surah 9. “Repentance”, verse 38 about it:

“O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are

told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth?

Are you satisfied with the life of this world than the Hereafter? But what is the

enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little.”

And if one terrorist organization, such as HAMAS, Hezbollah, Tanzim, Al-Aksa

Martyrs’ Brigades, Al-Qaeda, Jabhat an-Nusra, is destroyed,

dozens of new similar organizations will be sprout like mushrooms after the summer rains.

And if leaders like Osama bin Laden or Yasir Arafat or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi are

eliminated, their place will be taken by equally violent leaders,

because it is impossible to eliminate the top organizer and inspirer of all these

lone killers and paramilitary organizations – the holy book of Muslims – the Quran.

This Book calls faithful Muslims to pray five times a day to ask Allah for strength

to continue the struggle with unbelievers.

That’s what Muslims pray for in their mosques.

From sermon from the Martyr King Abdallah Mosque, Amman (2004):

“O Allah, strengthen Islam and Muslims, humiliate infidelity and infidels. O,

God, destroy your enemies, the Jewish and crusader enemies of Islam.”

And this power crawls like an asp across the Muslim world.

I mean nuclear weapon which Pakistan owns right now and Iran seeks to own.

And in the near future many Muslim countries will be able to have such weapon

with all attendant consequences that for non-Muslim countries.

And if this problem is solved politically, i.e. make peace with Palestinians

and moreover, transfer the ancestral Israeli territories to them to declare an independent state of Palestine,

such ill-advised decision will mean the beginning of the end of the State of Israel.

Taking advantage of the treaty of peace Palestinians will declare its independent

state with all necessary power structures,

which will be bound to have military department for defense and internal security.

And once they become strong, they will use this piece of paper, which was signed

as the treaty of peace amid heavy applause of all officially invited persons, for the known

part of body.

Because this piece of paper is not an order for them, and once again the order for

Palestinians and all Muslims of the world is the holy Book of the books – the Quran. And

they fully comply with Sharia laws.

And the Quran calls faithful Muslims to the Holy War (Jihad) with unbelievers

(Gazavat) to disseminate the ideas of Islam across the earth.

What we read in the Muslim textbooks about it:

“Jihad is the fundamental concept of Islam which means a war against other


Jihad differs from conventional war in that it serves high noble purposes and is

waged only to the glory of Allah and spread of Islam and Sharia across the earth.”

But nonetheless, after another major terrorist act of their co-religionists many Muslims

walk on the squares of the European and American cities holding demonstration


argue from the international rostrums that Islam is a peaceful religion.

The word “Islam” written on the cover of the Quran means “peace and submission”.

In fact, this Islamic “peace” should be made only between Muslims.

But this concept of peaceful coexistence is in doubt because intra-Muslim tensions went so far that they began to fight against their “brothers”,

as is the case between the Muslims of Shiite and Sunni denominations.

And Islamic “submission” means that faithful Muslims should fully comply only

with the will of Allah,

and the will of Allah is the Holy War (Jihad) against unbelievers.

This is evidenced by the whole blood-drenched history of Muslim fanatics whose

acts were always directed against other nations which disagreed with Muslim religion

(see note 22).

And after all I came to the conclusion – there is only one way to escape and

get rid of all the hardships experienced by the sons and daughters of Israel for 2500

years, the way to which our Teacher and great Leader Moses dedicated himself.

For that it is necessary to recall the ending of the verses about a blessing and a


The Lord your God must also bring back your captives and show you mercy

and collect you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.

If your dispersed people should be at the end of the heavens, from there the

Lord your God will collect you and from there He will take you.

The Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fathers