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took possession and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed do you

good and multiply you more than your fathers.

And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your

offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul

for the sake of your life.

And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and those

who hate you, who have persecuted you (Devarim – Torah, and Deuteronomy 30: 4-7 according to the Bible), i.e. upon the enemies of the sons and daughters of Israel.

And the prophecy, which Moses wrote about, is gradually coming true.

Because on May 14, in the year of our Lord, 1948 the State of Israel was once

again reborn on the historical land of the sons and daughters of Israel.

The whole Christian and Muslim world was amazed by this sign of the 20th century.

Because the Almighty, Allah kept His promise to His chosen people.

For that reason the Pope of Rome John Paul II apologized to Israeli people.

Why after the centuries-old atrocities and abuse caused by their predecessors to

the God’s chosen people His Holiness John Paul II finally decided to ask the Almighty to

bless the Holy Land?

And why did he apologize to long-suffering Israelite people at the Wailing Wall in

the Holy City of Jerusalem?

Because the Pope recalled the verses about a blessing and a curse addressed to the

sons of daughters of Israel, which he knew in the original language, the Holy Language

of the sons Israeclass="underline"

And the prophecy, which Moses wrote about, is gradually coming true.

And the Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fathers took possession, and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed

do you good and multiply you more than your fathers.

And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your

offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul

for the sake of your life.

And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and

those who hate you, who have persecuted you. (Torah – Devarim, Deuteronomy according to the Bible 30: 5-7), i.e. upon the enemies of the sons and daughters of Israel.

It becomes clear from the content of this verse why His Holiness John Paul II

apologized to Israeli people.

Well, of course, as you have probably guessed, to avoid visitation of God for all

the atrocities caused by their predecessors to God’s chosen people.

And now after rebuilding the State of Israel we face a new problem to be solved.

How to find the main and priceless treasure of the sons and daughters of Israel –

Luchot ha-Brit (Tables of the Covenant),

on which the Almighty wrote Aseret ha-Dibrot (Ten Commandments) on the mountain Sinai.

He handed these stone tables to Moses, the leader of the sons and daughters of Israel during their exodus from Egypt to Canaan.

And after forty years of wandering across the dessert Sinai they established their

state Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel) and its capital Yerushalayim (Jerusalem).

They built a large-scale and magnificent piece of architecture Beit Hamikdash

(the Holy Temple) in this city.

And built a pedestal in pride of place of the Temple (Holy of Holies) and put the

Ark of the Covenant on it.

After the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem and captivity of the sons

and daughters of Israel by the ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC the trail of the

Ark was lost.

But religious figures say that the Prophet Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) hid the Ark for a

while in the place which can’t be found.

When, after many centuries of living among other nations of the earth, the sons

and daughters of Israel return to their historic homeland

and once again rebuild their State of Israel, the location of the Ark will be found.

And, finally, the centuries-old dream of long-suffering Israelite people to re-

turn to their historic homeland came true.

The State of Israel was once again proclaimed on the historic land of the sons

and daughters of Israel.

It means that the time has come to find the Ark of the Covenant, which the biblical

prophets predicted in the Bible (Torah).

Effective solution, or the moment of truth

And now I will talk about what has to be done in order to find the Ark of the

Covenant gone missing from the First Temple of Jerusalem.

For this important and very honorable mission it is necessary to choose several

clear-headed patriots of the sons and daughters of Israel,

and they, for the sake of our long-suffering people, for the sake of the future State

of Israel

and for the sake of peace among the nations, will start archaeological digs in historical places.

These places should be related to the religious events in the lives of our ancestors.

The most effective way to do this unusual work is as follows:

during construction of utility network in the buildings or construction of roads,

which require earth works, they will “accidently” run into any object of unknown


And they will report this discovery to the appropriate bodies involving archeologists, journalists and religious figures.

And they will tell them about some weirdness of this discovery saying that the

whole body was suddenly in pain because of this object.

This warning is required in order to take precautions when extracting the object

from the ground to protect against radiation.

That will be it for you, because they will do all the rest.

And for that purpose it is necessary to recreate the exact copy of the Tables of the

Covenant according to description of the Pentateuch.

The Pentateuch describes that Moses hewed two stones out of solid rock on the

mountain Sinai for them, after which the Almighty wrote with his finger ten basic commandments to the people of Israel.

These records radiated deadliest energy.

That is why the priests of the First Temple of Jerusalem (Levites) didn’t dare to

look at them in fear of their lives.

But there were cases when some of them were around the Ark of the Covenant because of service needs

unknowingly exposing themselves to radiation and then died of an incurable illness.

Only the High Priests (Priests Kohens) freely approached and read these holy

records to the people because they knew the secret way to protect against radiation.

I am sure that is won’t be hard for experts in this field

to recreate the exact copy of the Table of the Covenant (see note 23) with the

above mentioned properties in view of inventive abilities of the sons and daughters of Israel and improvements of modern technology.