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And these properties will be the evidence for curious experts if some of them

would want to verify the authenticity of the Ark of the Covenant.

When all preparations are complete, it is necessary to time the day of discovery to

coincide with any significant date.

For example, time it to coincide with such date as the year of 2000 when many

people on earth were waiting for a miracle

from Heaven because of the forecasts of some Bible interpreters: some were waiting for the second coming of the Messiah and others for the end of the world.

By the way, the exact dates of the end of the world or the coming of the Messiah

were predicted a great many of times in the history of mankind by various Bible commentators.

And the best time to announce about a “miracle-discovery” of the 20th century

would be June of 1967 after the swift liberation of the ancestral lands of the people of Israel.

The spiritual leaders of Muslim and Christian countries attributed the liberation of

the Temple Mount to the Almighty (Allah) and characterized this event as divine miracle,

as they recalled the verses about a blessing and a curse (the Fifth Book of the

Prophet Musa, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 30: 5-7):

And the Lord your God will indeed bring you into the land of which your fa-

thers took possession, and you will certainly take possession of it; and He will indeed

do you good and multiply you more than your father.

And the Lord your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your

offspring, that you may love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul

for the sake of your life.

And the Lord your God will certainly put all these oaths upon your enemies and

those who hate you, who have persecuted you i.e. upon the enemies of the sons and

daughters of Israel (see note 24).

Unfortunately, this time is lost but, fortunately, there is a new “sign”

characterized by religious figures as the harbinger of the coming of the Messiah or

the beginning of the end of the world.

I mean special position of the Sun on the sky: at first, this “sign” took place during the exodus of Israelites from Egypt,

and then – on the first day of Easter after saving of Israelite people from the malefactor Aman in 362 BC.

during the kingship of Persian King Artaxerxes (Ahasuerus) (Book of Esther – the

Bible and Book of Esther according to the Torah).

Last time this event took place on the first day of Easter, 15th of Nisan of 5769


And according to various interpreters and forecasters, the most recent prediction

of the end of the world is December 21, 2012.

Such events should be used to announce about a “miracle-discovery”.

And the “miracle-discovery” will be a sign, which will mean that God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob returned to His chosen people, the sons and daughters of Israel.

After this event all the nations of the world will start building the Third Temple of

Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant.

And Israelites will be the honorary designers of this large-scale and magnificent

architectural structure.

And after that Spiritual Name of the Creator of the Universe and the Creator of all

beings will be back in the Temple.

Then all religious books, especially the eternal and rock solid Bible and Quran,

will be re-written but this time for the good of the people of Israel (see note 25).

And then we get up off our knees on which we crawled for more than two

thousand years after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and will walk the

earth with our heads held high.

We, Israelites, we be respected and honored again like during the rule of David

and Solomon.

Because our Prophets, our Kings, our Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all

the sons and daughters of Israel of those bible days were honored and are honored by the

whole Christian and Muslim world.

And one of our compatriot was elevated so high that he subsequently became God

of all Christians and the main Prophet of all Muslims.

I mean the Jewish named Jesus, the son of Mary and Joseph, or Isa ibn Maryam va Yusuf in Arab.

And Christians elevated His twelve pupils, Jews to twelve Christian Apostles (see note 26).

After the conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple of

Jerusalem by the Rome Emperor Titus in 70 BC.

we, Israelites, were sold into bondage to those nations which were part of the

great Roman Empire.

Before that these pagan nations never knew about the faith of the people of Israel,

or about their leader and deliverer from the Egyptian slavery – Moses.

And only when Christianity was spread among them through sermon of pupils of

Jesus of Nazareth

they learned about the One Jewish God, His chosen people, His Messenger

Moses, His Anointed and His Prophets.

And the spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations conquered almost the whole world using the ideas of the above characters for their own ends.

After they got everything they wanted through these ideas they began to harass

the Jews as the people who completed its mission on earth.

In short, back at that time they decided to use the Jewish ideas for their own ends

and to “waste” the people.

That is why during harassment Israelites were called “Ivri” (Jew) like during the

Egyptian slavery.

And Israelites submitted to these humiliations of human dignity and began to call

themselves by this nickname.

The history of the origin of this nickname is as follows.

When forefather Abraham crossed the river Euphrates during the historical migration in 1950 BC from the land called Ur Kasdim (Iraq) to the land of Cannan (Israel),

the Creator nicknamed Abraham “Ivri” (Jew), which means “crossed” (by temporary bridge to the other side of the river Euphrates).

For some reason this nickname stuck only to the sons and daughters of Israel, and

Abraham is the patriarch of many nations of earth.

Besides his son Isaac (from the first wife Sarai), Abraham had another son (from

Agar, handmaid of Sarai), whom Abraham named Ismail

After the death of Sarai Abraham married Keturah and she bore him six more sons

– Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Numerous nations originated from


These nations didn’t convert to the new faith and believed in their pagan gods.

Many of them subsequently converted to Christianity or Islam.

That is why besides the sons and daughters of Israel, many nations on earth are direct descendants of Abraham. It turns out that these nations are Jewish too.

And many nations are direct descendants of forefather Isaac, which means that

they are Jewish too.

Isaac’s wife Rebecca gave birth to twins, Esau-Edom and Jacob-Israel.

Esau-Edom and his descendants did not convert to the new faith and believed in

their pagan gods. Many of them subsequently converted to Christianity or Islam.