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Parting words for the new hymn of Israel dedicated to the memory of innocently murdered sons and daughters of Israel after the destruction of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.

Faith. Hope. Charity.

Fragile and sleeping sparkle of hopes and expectations,

Glimmering in the soul of our long-suffering people,

People who believe in the unique nature of the creation,

Like no other religious faiths.

Let it wake up and turn into a sea of raging fire,

And roar like Heavenly Chariot and shine out like God’s lightning.

And let the rays coming out of it like Hannukah light illuminate the way,

The way of the descendants of great patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

Of holy and rebellious people chosen by God through Moses.

The way towards freeing from heavy chains of cursing,

In which we, Israelites, were put into for unshaken faith in One God

And because we, with the God’s mark on forehead and hand, solemnly say:

Hear, O Israeclass="underline" the Lord is our God, the Lord is One!

By our enemies, haters and envious people

For many and many endless centuries

After the destruction of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem by Titus,

The Temple of fondest hopes and dreams – the Saviour of sinful souls.

And we are sure that this Holy Temple will be built again

Soon, in our days, from the ashes and ruins of destroyed Temple

And from the tears shed by Israelites for many centuries at the foot of the Wail-

ing Wall,

For the unique people who deserved Blessing

And in memory of innocently murdered sons and daughters of Israel,

Who were harassed for many centuries during testing for loyalty,

Like the Creator tested our great forefather Abraham

Who was ready to sacrifice Isaac,

His only and beloved son born by foremother Sarah,

In order to deserve Blessing from the Heavenly Father.

Marvelous decoration and greatness of the Temple will amaze and attract peo-


Who used to believe in other gods from all parts of the world,

Because Spiritual Name of the Creator of the Universe and the Creator of all


Will eternally be in this great structure

And we will submissively obey this Holy Name

With reverent love for all the ages to come.



David ben Uriel El-Gad (Kalendarev)

For last

I’ll leave you with the story which happened to me one day in 1976 in Alma-Ata

where I came down with flu.

In a few days complications from the flu first led to pneumonia,

and then to heart and kidney problems and finally to asthmatic bronchitis, and I

was only 28 years old.

And before then I led a sedentary lifestyle: didn’t take enough exercise, spent a lot

of time watching TV and had a sedentary work.

In short, when I barely walked upstairs to my apartment on the fourth floor,

I was out of breath, dripping with sweat and my heart rate was beyond 100 beats

per minute,

because in addition to a whole bunch of diseases I was obese and weighed more

than 120 kg.

I was taken to a hospital and overmedicated with drugs and injections, but was

getting worse and worse.

The doctors fought against my disease for almost two months and then discharged

me as a hopeless case,

giving a warning that I had to take all medicines prescribed by the doctors and

protect myself from colds and draughts,

and most strictly prohibited to run because of the heart disease I got after the flu.

And then my wife recommended me to go to synagogue reassuring me that God

will hear the prayers of rabbis and help me,

and I started to go there and pray diligently, but I was still getting worse and


Fortunately, one day I met a perfectly built 75-year old young man,

and he told me, the old man at the age of 28 because I felt myself a very old man:

“That’s what you need to do if you want to be healthy: stop taking pills immediately,

and don’t consult doctors or rabbis about it anymore because they won’t help you,

as your fate is in your hands.

Start with walking, then gradually switch to jogging, stop taking food after 6 p.m.,

douse yourself with cold water in the morning and have a fast day once a week”.

I have been following the recommendations of that young man for almost 40

years now.

I reached a venerable age, my weigh remains stable at approximately 75 kg and

I’ve never got a cold during this time.

I run in the morning and douse myself with cold water outdoors every day in summer

heat and winter cold.

I can dance Latin Zumba at a quick pace and give a head start over many young

people, so my God is the Sun, Air and Water.

And here is my advice, if you want to be healthy for years to come.

A human being is a part of nature, that is why we don’t need to upset the mutual

balance with nature,

but live in harmony with nature, and for that purpose it is necessary to spend a lot

out in the fresh air

and feed off solar energy instead of morning meal, dress in gusts of wind during

runs and listen to birdsongs instead of music.

All these procedures should be ended with dousing with cold water according the

system of Porfiry Ivanov.

For example, rhinoceroses and elephants eat nothing but water and grass, nonetheless they are strongest animals in the world

because they are always out in the fresh air and receive all necessary vitamins,

proteins, carbohydrates and fats from the sun’s energy.

Most important thing is that it is necessary to control meal portions,

otherwise the most exquisite meal will turn into poison, but if controlled the

deadly poison will be a medicine.

It is also necessary to take a gradual approach by increasing sunbathing and physical exercises step-by-step.