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Note 5

Here is the summary of what’s written in the Bible about Job.

The All-knowing and Almighty Creator trusting the words of His most vicious enemy – Satan put completely innocent Job through stern test:

At first, He destroyed his house, deprived him of all possessions, ruined his

household and then killed all his ten children..

In addition, He disfigured his body by bleeding sores which caused him extreme pain.

And, in the end, He confined him to bed because he was paralyzed after the unexpected hardships.

After these tests the Creator finally decided to reward him with strong health,

longevity, numerous descendants and a glut of wealth.

By the way, if religious figures of present time were put through the same tests

like the biblical righteous named Job,

at the very beginning of the test most of them would have curse the day when they

were born.


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Note 6

Kabbalah: kabbalists just like spiritual leaders, masons, Templers, psychics,

clairvoyants, sorcerers, magicians and other similar figures

created an artificial aura of mystery and super-nature in order to rise themselves

above ordinary people.

But actually the secrets of their mastery are ordinary manipulations with various

amulets, talismans, periapts

as well as incense and churchware, these objects are deemed to have miraculous


Light rays directed to images of the biblical characters with burning candles and

lights are used for greater effect.

Painters usually paint faces of these characters like martyrs for faith at request of

the above-mentioned figures.

In fact, it’s a professionally organized illusive spectacle in order to affect the psyche of their clients and parishioners.

They do the same way that illusionists do on circus arenas.

As you know, dear reader, illusionists work “miracles” by various means used in

circus arenas right in front of audience and boggle the imagination with their skills.

If these figures actually had supernatural powers, they would, first of all, destroy

such dictator as Stalin.

Because Stalin mercilessly destroyed them, while he lived to a venerable age,

and after death he was buried in a place of honor of the Russian Empire – Red

Square in Moscow.

And there were, are and always be bloody dictators, like Stalin, who live in clover

at the expense of people, and moreover, live into old age, and

are buried with honors after death as the greatest righteous on earth.

And if so, neither jinx, nor hexing spell, nor curse exists in nature, it’s just one of

the methods for fooling the clients and parishioners.

At one time I also thought that spiritual leaders had supernatural powers.

Because when they came for service to Beyt-Knesset (Synagogue) all community

stood up in their honor,

and some of the parishioners even kissed their hands as a sign of obedience,

though some of them were younger than the parishioners.

In order to find out what spiritual leaders are really like, I, for experiment’s sake,

committed myself to learning the Hebrew letters.

At that time the Soviet power prohibited from studying Hebrew on the grounds

that this language is a tool of international Zionism

for spreading of Zionist ideas among the Jewish people of the Soviet Union.

Despite this prohibition, I learned the mysterious letters,

and in order to look more solid I grew a beard and put on religious clothes, and

then “a miracle” happened.

For example, when I came to parishioners’ homes to conduct commemoration for

a died person,

people who gathered there stood up in my honor to greet me as an adept of the

Torah (the Bible) and kissed my hand as a sign of obedience.

If some of them asked me a question, they said with a respectful bow: “Rabbi”

meaning “my Teacher”.

And all I did was read prayer books and follow some religious rules which I remembered.

But I had no idea what was written in those books.

Then I realized that I became an unusual person for them, i.e. the one who had supernatural powers.

That experiment proved to me that many people can be fooled if they are

promised the moon,

and various moneymakers – professionals of their business take advantage from


Knowing that many people believe in everything they hear, the moneymakers offer them

alcoholic drinks, drugs, miracle medicines, food supplements attributing to these

preparations miraculous effect.

And they also offer them to gamble at casino, buy trade stocks, lottery tickets, invest money in pyramid schemes, etc.,

promising their victims enormous profit or big winning in order to leave in grand style with that money like in the Garden of Eden.

Another category of professionals of their business represented by spiritual leaders attract the same people to their parish promising them paradise life in the next world.

And these fanatics change one illusion to another, but, as you know, dear reader,

“Changing the order of summands doesn’t change the sum”.

At first, people become dependent on something, then on somebody and enrich

their “well-doers” due to their ignorance,

paying with their hard-earned money and health for the illusion they got.

But if out of desperation these victims ask priests to return even a small portion of

the possessions looted by them,

the priests will accuse and tell them that devil got into them and they will burn in


and moreover, they may stone them to death and their gracious and merciful

parishioners will help them in this lynching

because the words of priests are gospel truth for parishioners.

Now, dear reader, I will tell you some secrets of this sinful world:

This sinful world is run only by deceit and lie, and where there’s demand there’s


For example, if people have demand for faith in somebody, then some of us organize religious denominations and sects with various doctrines.

If people have demand for growth of their money and improvement of their housing conditions,

then some of us organize various trust and construction short-lived companies and

loan granting institutions.

If people have demand for psychics, magicians, fortunetellers and forecasters,

then some of us organize various magical offices under promising name: “Gift of God”.

If people have demand for solution of their life, physical and other problems,

then some of us organize private clinics and law firms, etc.

The most amazing is that by promising their trusting parishioners, patients and

clients the moon,

organizers of these institutions leave them without a means of sustaining life.

I will tell you another little secret of this sinful world:

At times the highest echelons of Jewish, Christian and Muslim clergy,

as well as masons, Templers, Rosicrucians, communists, national socialists, etc.

hold a secret meeting where ordinary people are not allowed

because they solve how to effectively keep people in ignorance, obedience and


There is another fact proved by experts in this field:

if a person has a gene of fanaticism, that person and his children will be fanatics in any field of human activity.