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as well as information about global cataclysms, such as wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, catastrophes, etc.


But even if one of these threads fails, all living creatures will disappear off the

face of the earth and its landscape will be similar to planet Mars.

Or maybe the whole system of the Universe will fail as a chain reaction, because

everything in the Universe is interconnected.

This may cause a reverse process, i.e. the Universe will no longer expand,

but will shrink and condense until the original uniform mass – the Single Matter is


The Single Matter will remain in such state while thermonuclear materials interact

with each other in its bowels and thus will result in the new Big Bang.

And again all bodies will be scattered in all directions, the Universe will expand

and everything will go back to the way it was.

This Universe-wide process will take billions of years.

The above-mentioned may suggest another conclusion:

perhaps, what’s happening in the world today took place billions of years ago,

and information about the global events or about what will happen with certain individuals comes from there.

There is a wise folk saying: “all new is well-forgotten old”, because prophets and

forecasters just don’t have other sources of information.

The Universe as a living organism has a memory which records everything that


The space has no concept of time.

Time and chronology are human inventions, which reflect the process of rotation

of earth on its own axis and around the sun.

By these earth standards, the above-mentioned process lasts billions of years, and

by space standards it takes an instant.

That’s what the author of this book thinks about the world structure.

But this is not a final conclusion, it’s just something to think about at leisure for

those who are interested in this subject.

Maybe, there are other universes somewhere in the infinite expanse of space.

And all these universes live in the organism of even bigger supergiant creature,

like a Russian nesting doll, this can continue both upwards and downwards into


because it’s still unclear what happens in ordinary microbial organisms.

Maybe their organisms are populated with even smaller creatures. Are they sentient beings?

But this is science fiction or maybe not.

Thus, many questions on this subject remain unanswered.

There is another thing: was it all like astronomers-scientists describe in the theory

of the Single Matter and the Big Bang?

And if it really happened that way, there is a question: what was before the Single

Matter and the Big Bang,

and how did the Single Matter emerge out of nothing in the infinite expanse of


That is why homo-sapiens doesn’t know 99.99% of the natural processes

taking place in the deep expanse of space and ordinary microbial organism.


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Note 7

Sun-scorched land: According to the Bible, this land was called the land of

Canaan from where the children of our forefather Jacob left for Egypt,

fleeing from starvation which gripped all that land.

When their descendants came out from the Egyptian slavery and returned to

Canaan after forty years of wandering across the dessert Sinai,

that land was like an earthly paradise and its people were like huge giants to Israelites attenuated by hunger.

Why did I conclude that? Because patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their

family members lived in these territories before migration to Egypt,

and there is no indication in the Torah that milk and honey flowed across this land.

What we read in the Pentateuch about it: (Torah – Bemidbar, and Numbers according to the Bible 13: 34):

And there (in Canaan) we (the sons of Israel) saw the giants, the sons of Anak,

which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were

in their sight.


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Note 8

Many people may ask a quite reasonable question, how did the author know that

Jesus actually escaped crucifixion?

There is no need to look far to find an answer, but to take the New Testament and

carefully read it, and look through a couple more books on this subject using logical


and the cards will be out on the table, you will find out what actually happened in

Israel 2000 years ago.


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Note 9

The Bible: 90% of this Book consists of the unique history of Israelite people.


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Note 10

Jesus of Nazareth: He was actually known as Jesus Nazarene (Yeshua Nazir) because He made a strict vow of Nazariteship to commit His way unto the Creator.

That is why He didn’t cut hair and didn’t consume drinks made from grapes.

What we read in the Pentateuch about the vow of Nazariteship (Torah – Bemidbar, and Numbers according to the Bible 6: 1-6):

And the Lord spoke to Moshe (Moses), saying: “Speak unto the children of Israel,

and you must say to them, “In case a man or woman takes a special vow to live as a

Nazirite the Lord, he should keep away from wine and strong drink, and should not drink

the vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, nor drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat

grapes, either fresh or dried.

All the days of his Naziriteship he should not eat anything at all that is made from

the wine vine, from the unripe grapes to the skins.

All the days of the vow of his Naziriteship no razor should pass over his head; until the days that he should be separated to the Lord come to full, he should prove holy by

letting the lock of the hair of his head grow.

All the days of his keeping separate to the Lord he may not come toward any dead



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Note 11

Why I wrote that Stalin’s grandfather from his father’s side was a baptized Georgian Jew?

Firstly, only the last names of Georgian Jews end with the word “shvili” meaning

“a child” and the word “Dzhuga” means “Jew”.

Secondly, no self-respecting Georgian will work as a shoe-maker; even if he is reduced to begging, he still won’t work as a shoe-maker like Stalin’s father Vissarion (Biso)


If any Georgian had to work as a shoe-maker he would incur the wrath of his relatives as a disgrace to their clan.

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