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And thirdly, Stalin destroyed all his father’s documents related to his Jewish origin, believing that Jewish people crucified Christ.

So far, no one really knows the biography of Stalin’s father except for the only

piece of information that he was a shoe-maker.

For the same reason Stalin kept all the documents evidencing the Jewish roots of

Karl Marx and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

away from the Soviet people in a special file marked as “Strictly confidential” in a

NKVD hidden safe.

As you know from the history of Israelite people, those Jews who converted to

Christianity on their own accord

were more anti-Semitic than the true anti-Semites and unlike them caused more

harm to Israelite people.

For example, baptized Jews, such as chief inquisitor of Spain Tommaso de

Torquemada and chief communist ideologist Karl Marx.

Though anti-Semites, such as Hitler, destroyed Jewish people, regardless of

whether they were Christians or not.

For the same reasons Orthodox anti-Semites in Russia mercilessly killed archpriest of the ROC Alexander Men,

and his books are now banned by the spiritual leaders of the ROC as heresy.

If Alexander Men was not Jewish but Russian, they would elevate him to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia without a second thought,

and his books alongside with the Bible would be the most popular among Orthodox Christians.


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Note 12

In 1906, in the year of our Lord, Stalin as a true Orthodox Christian

married his first wife Yekaterina Svanidze secretly from his “companions” in the

revolutionary struggle for the Soviet power.

This event took place in St. David Church in the capital of Georgia Tiflis city on

David’s Mountain.

When their first child was born, they baptized him in the same Church and gave

him the biblical name Jacob in honor of Jacob-Israel, grandson of biblical Abraham.


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Note 13

One of Stalin’s personal security guards, Yuri Soloviev wrote in his notes about

Stalin’s religious behavior.

He, just like Stalin, graduated from ecclesiastical seminary and became known as

a historical figure

after a picture of him in a Soviet Army uniform standing near to Stalin, Truman

and Churchill was taken at post-war Potsdam’s Peace Conference.

He argued in his memoirs that Stalin was a man of faith.

Soloviev, as Stalin’s personal bodyguard, often secretly escorted him to a small

church which was located in the internal chambers of the Kremlin.

Stalin shut himself away in the church for a long time and humbly confessed in

front of the icon of crucified Jesus.

There is another proof:

when the people’s commissar Lazar Kaganovich asked Stalin’s permission to demolish Saint Basil’s Cathedral,

which ostensibly was in the way of heavy artillery passing through the Red

Square during celebratory parade,

Stalin was outraged by this request and strictly told him “Don’t even mention this

nonsense again”.

In 1935, the symbols of Christian holiday - Christmas were restored by Stalin’s


Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree, all these symbols were banned by

Bolsheviks in October 1917.

In 1937, publication of antireligious newspaper “Godless” was discontinued by

secret order of Stalin and many of its employees were subjected to repressions.

When the Great Patriotic War started Stalin asked Metropolitan Sergius, a man of

the same religious beliefs, to speak on the radio.

Reference: Metropolitan Sergius and his followers broke away from Patriarch

Tikhon and his followers in 1927 due to different interpretations of Orthodox teaching

and faithfully and loyally served Stalin because they accepted him as the Messiah,

i.e. Saviour from injustice on earth.

And the followers of Patriarch Tikhon accepted Stalin as the Antichrist embodied

as the Messiah.

On July 1, 1941, Metropolitan Sergius addressed to the Soviet people and

called them for a feat of arms in order to throw out uninvited guests from the

lands of Russia and other nations of the Soviet Union.

On September 8, 1943 at Stalin’s suggestion the status of the first person in the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church was changed for the first time in the history of

the Russian Orthodox Church:

The title “Patriarch” was supplemented by the words “of Moscow and all Russia”.

Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) became the first Patriarch of such kind, as

was also proposed by Stalin.

And Stalin spoke two days later after the address of Metropolitan Sergius, on July

3, 1941.

He didn’t use the usual words “Dear comrades” in his communist address to the

Soviet people

but spoke in the way that fit his internal Christian beliefs and added “Dear brothers and sisters” to the words “comrades”, “citizens”.

When Stalin was in a coma after a stroke, in a few days he came to his senses for

a short time

and when he saw an icon of crucified Jesus on one of the domes of the Kremlin,

he could hardly say his last words “O God, forgive and have mercy on me”.

This episode, which didn’t leave a mark on the history of the Soviet Union, took

place on March 3, 1953 and on March 5 Stalin died.

These facts were told by the People’s Artist of the Soviet Union Kirill Lavrov in

the documentary “The Unknown Kremlin”, which focuses on behind-the-scenes intrigues

in the Kremlin.

Why did Stalin act with his “fellow” party members, like a lunatic sadist, ruthlessly exterminating them with no mercy for his acts?

Because all of them were godless Antichrists, the spawn of Satan for Orthodox

Christian Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

Even the founder of the Bolshevik Communist Party Vladimir Uliyanov (Lenin)

was out of his favor.

That is why Stalin isolated him from the masses as a mentally ill person in Gorki

near Moscow

Numerous facts confirm that Stalin was a religious fanatic.

But none of the former Soviet citizens take these facts seriously because these

people associate Christianity with mercy and charity.

But they forgot how Christians treated people of other faiths.

If we count how many people they exterminated for the whole time of Christianization of nations of earth,

Stalin with his repressions will be the most “merciful” Orthodox Christian, an innocent lamb by the number of people exterminated by him.

Although Stalin ruled the huge country, such as the Soviet Union, single-handedly,

he felt himself like a lonely Orthodox Christian among his faithless “fellow” party


His “companions-in-arms” destroyed the symbol of Christian greatness – the

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

According to eyewitnesses, that scene made a terrible impression on Stalin.

And then his “companions-in-arms” began to destroy other Christian shrines and


Since Stalin just took the office of the head of the state and that is why he couldn’t

take any measures against his faithless “companions-in-arms”.