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"If I mention them in the Bible, these enormous reptiles of the Jurassic era will

cause confusion in the history of creation of the Universe and creatures on the Earth.

Because I made a mistake creating them too enormous and didn't think that they

will hardly fit into Noah's ark in the forthcoming Great Flood.

And if my righteous Noah and his sons somehow put at least one couple of dinosaurs together with other couples of creatures,

this ship would hardly move and water of the Great Flood would cover it.

And then all creatures found in the ark would disappear from the planet Earth, and

all My work would be for nothing.

That is why, when I thought of these niceties, I decided not to mention them in the

Bible, otherwise, after reading about these God's creatures, the descendants of Adam and


would think in the same way, and would not believe in what it is written in the

Bible by Moses on my order" (see note 3).

And finally in the same (sixth) day the Creator of the Universe said:

"Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness" (Genesis 1: 26).

Who the Creator meant except for Himself is not known. May be he meant His

angels and Satan?

And who created angels and Satan, and why the All-powerful Creator doesn't destroy His archenemy Satan is also not known.

Or maybe the spiritual leaders use this state of affairs to blame some undesirable persons, denominations or sects for Satanism and to impose a death sentence on


with which their gracious and merciful parishioners stone them to death???

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male

and female created he them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and

replenish the earth" (Genesis 1: 27-28) .

After these words things came up, because God created the first woman named

Eve from the rib of the first man named Adam,

except for above-mentioned man and woman.

What a puzzle! It turns out that God created man and woman twice too.

the first time it happened in the sixth day, and the second time – after creation of

the whole Universe, i.e. after sanctification of the seventh day (see note 4).

Adam and Eve gave birth to two sons – Cain and Abel, and then Cain killed Abel

and settled the Land of Nod, to the east of Eden.

There Cain knew his wife; and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch, and then

built the city and named it after his son – Enoch.

It raises another puzzle in the Bible:

how Cain settled the Land of Nod and why no one he met on the way there

didn't kill him,

and how he married and built the city if no one was there, except for Adam

and Eve and their son Cain???

What we read in the Bible about it.

After that Cain said to Abel his brother: “let us go over into the field.” So it came

about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault Abel his brother and kill

him (Genesis 4: 8).

At this the Lord said to him: “For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer

vengeance seven times”.

And so the Lord set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should

strike him.

With that Cain went away from the face of the Lord and took up residence in the

land of Fugitiveness to the east of Eden.

Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife and she became pregnant and gave

birth to Enoch.

Then he engaged in building a city and called the city’s name by the name of his

son Enoch (Genesis 4: 15-17).

The most amazing in the Bible is that various nations and race differing from each other

in colour, eye shape, constitution, height, language, behaviour,

mental and physical development, social status, national traditions, sexual orientation, blood group and genetic code somehow originated from Adam and Eve.

And then All-merciful and Gracious Creator granted freedom in choosing religion

to numerous descendants of Adam and Eve as a true "liberal democrat".

And those who were smarter than others, immediately used the freedom granted

to them by God.

And these enterprising and wise-looking schemers began to form religious denominations and sects with different doctrine at cross purposes.

And founders of such denominations and sects received the highest dignity under

the modest title – Pastor:

Rabbi - Jews, Pope - Catholic, Patriarch - Orthodox, Caliph - Sunni, Imam - Shia,

Dalai Lama - Buddhist, and Spiritual Teacher - different religious sects.

And these Pastors began to build God’s Temples with magnificent architecture using donations of their parishioners:

Rabbinate – Synagogues, Popes – Cathedrals, Patriarchs – Churches, Caliphs and

Imams – Mosques, Dalai Lamas – Pagodas, and Spiritual Teaches – Houses of prayer


And isolating themselves from prying eyes in their Temples, now they finally

boldly preach hatred to other religious denominations accusing them of false doctrine and

lying to their parishioners.

And where they for the right price promise paradise life to their parishioners – but

only after death, or better life – in the near future, or cure from all ails – in a short time.

And to make themselves pious and merciful righteous in the eyes of their parishioners,

they wear magnificent robes lavishly decorated with multi-colored brilliants,

pearls, gold and precious stones.

By the way, robes of Jesus and His pupils were no different from clothes of ordinary citizens of that epoch.

If Jesus saw what palatial Temples are built in his honor and what people do in

these Temples, he couldn't believe His eyes.

What we read in the New Testament about it.

And Jesus entered into the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in

the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those

selling doves.

And He said to them: “It is written, «My house will be called a house of prayer»,

but you are making it a cave of robbers” (Gospel of Matthew 21: 12-13).

Despite the promise of the above-mentioned "righteous", billions of parishioners of

these institutions on our planet continue to starve, suffer and become sick.

Because the All-merciful Creator authorized only a handful of such merciful figures, such as Mother Teresa,

to do charity work for providing humanitarian assistance to these poor parishioners.

As for the vast army of the "righteous" represented by religious figures – the Creator authorized them not to provide humanitarian assistance,

but to deliver a speech from the international rostrums about mercy and charity

and that God will give alms to these poor parishioners.

And as you know, my dear reader, a hungry person will not be full with empty