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For that reason he canceled the most important idea of communists – the idea of

world revolution,

by destroying the main organizers of the international organization Comintern:

Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Radek and others.

This organization ceased its activities, and the names of its leaders and the name

of organization disappeared from the pages of school textbooks.

In 1943, he changed the state anthem “The Internationale” to a new anthem based

on lyrics by S. V. Mikhalkov and G. A. El-Registan

and music by A. V. Alexandrov, regent of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour from

1918 to 1922.

It can be deduced from the answer of archpriest of the ROC, Vsevolod Chaplin to

one of the questions of journalist Boris Klin

that the modern followers of Metropolitan Sergius called upon the Moscow Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church to canonize Stalin by nominating him to sainthood.

They believe that killing of the leaders of the October Revolution who decided to

demolish the Cathedral of Christ

the Savior and exterminate the royal family is his merit before the Russian Orthodox Church.

And now the majority of leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church are the followers of Patriarch Tikhon,

that is why they were up in arm about this request for Stalin’s canonization.

And here is the exact answer of the archpriest of the ROC Vsevolod Chaplin:

“I don’t understand those Orthodox Christians who call for canonization of Stalin,

make up stories that he was a man of faith. I think it’s imprudent to make him a

saint”. If in the present time someone from the top officials of the Kremlin drop a hint to

the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church and the deputies of the State Duma supporting them,

that it would be good to clean the Russian land from the doctrines of other religious denominations,

they would stop at nothing until they clean the territory of “Orthodox” Russia

from foreign heresy.

Heresy is one of the pagan gods of the pre-Christian period, and the word

“heresy” for Orthodox Christians means everything which doesn’t comply with the

canons of Orthodox doctrine.

This is evidenced by the recent address of one of the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, bishop of Anadyr and Chukotka Diomid to his brothers and sisters

in Christ.

He frankly spoke about his fierce hatred to other religious denominations in this


His revelation disclosed not only his true self but the true nature of the Russian

Orthodox Church.

Because many members of this organization are secretly, and some of them obviously, hostile to other religious denominations.

The Russian Orthodox Church was a powerful weapon in the hands of Russian

emperors for seizure of foreign lands

and continued to be a powerful weapon in Stalin’s hands and then in Putin’s hands

to serve the same purpose.

But Putin adapted this weapon to the modern conditions of Russia in collusion

with the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Now this weapon is used to seize foreign lands upon the pretext:

“Give a helping hand to their brothers in Christ who got into trouble in Abkhazia,

South Ossetia, Transnistria, Crimea and Novorossiya”.

And actually, Putin, who was raised based on atheistic morals in the Soviet Union,

believes neither in God nor in devil,

and needs the Russian Orthodox Church only as natural gas in order to use it as a

powerful weapon for annexation of foreign lands.

And there is another thing, many intellectuals in Russia ask a question: “Why the

Russian government doesn’t seek to join the European values and always looks at Asia?”

And the answer is very simple: because the minds of European nations in Europe

are fully controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and hence it’s impossible to lure them

into the Orthodox Church,

but many people in Asia practice Buddhism and Hinduism and they can be easily

lured into the Christian Church

because these nations think of Jesus of Nazareth as one of their “pagan” gods and

that is why they massively convert to the Christian Church,

as other Orthodox and other Christian missionaries, high class experts work hard

among them to attract “pagans” to the Christian Church.

In order to attract them to the Christian Church, they tell them: “God who created

the heaven and the earth is One – it’s Jesus of Nazareth, but people in different countries

call him differently: some – Jehovah, some – Allah, some – Buddha, some – Brahma,

some – Shiva”, etc.

But the leaders of the ROC don’t understand one thing: while they blame the Roman Catholic Church for all deadly sins,

Islamic radicals act in Russia, Europe and the USA, infiltrating into all fields of

human activities.

There is no need to predict what is may lead to, well, of course, to Global


Since Orthodox Christians and Catholics started conflicting with each other trying to find

out who is right and who is wrong,

Muslims victoriously walk across the globe capturing more and more lands of Asia,

Africa and Europe.

Because in 1054 the Great Schism in the Christian movement worked in favor of Muslim jihadists,

who in the Middle Ages seized not only the western part of Roman Catholic Europe

(Spain) but also the eastern part of Orthodox Europe (Byzantium).

Reference: in 1054, the Christian movement in the Roman Empire split into two parts:

the Roman Catholic Church in the West with the center in Rome and the Orthodox

Church in the East with the center in Constantinople.

When the Bible, the Quran and other religious books were banned in the Soviet Union,

percentage of interreligious hostility and anti-Semitic actions reduced down to

minimum as compared to Tsarist Russia.

Only state anti-Semitism developed because this process was led by the former

student of ecclesiastical seminary Stalin.

After collapse of the Soviet Union the above-mentioned books, particularly the Bible, went on the open market.

And religious figures distribute the Bible to all those who come their way, deliver it to the doors.

The Bible and Orthodox teaching are also disseminated in all educational institutions, military units and places of confinement.

That is why interreligious hostility and anti-Semitic actions of Judaeophobes heated up.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to prohibit publication and distribution of these

books by a government decree under the new conditions of free democracy.

But the content of these books can be changed because the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus said as early as fifth century B.C. that there is nothing permanent in this world: “All is flux, nothing stays still”.

And for that purpose believers need an effect, like a miracle or a sign, which will

boggle the imagination of believers.

I described one of such phenomena in this book.


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Note 14

NEP: Actually the Soviet Union never had any NEP in its history

because Lenin and his companions-in-arms were guided by the communist ideas

of Marx and Engels.

In the present times the policy of the People’s Republic of China is guided by the

communist ideas.