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They were promoted by the communist ideologist of the old guard Deng Xiaoping.

He turned China from underdeveloped state into one of the most highly developed

countries of the world.

Josip Broz Tito did the same thing in Yugoslavia.

And the term “Lenin’s new economic policy” was invented by the former student

of ecclesiastical seminary Stalin in order

to quietly substitute communist ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin with Christian

ideas of the New Testament.

These Christians ideas were eventually implanted in the minds of the Soviet citizens as ostensibly Communist ideology.

Later the same happened in China: the leader of Chinese communists Mao Zedong was sure that he implanted communist ideas

of Lenin and Stalin in the minds of his people without knowing that those were

Christian ideas of seminarian Stalin.

Because Stalin was sure that all people in the Soviet Union were brothers and sisters, i.e. comrades.

That is why they had to sacrifice their possessions for the good of society and live

like early Christians,

– in a communal apartment, in a communal village and in a communal country.

And that is why on December 30, 1922 Stalin changed the name of the county to

the Union of Soviet Socialist (public) Republics.

before then the country was known as “Workers and Peasants Republic of the Soviets”.

What we read in the New Testament about the social system (Acts of the Apostles

2: 44-45):

And all that believed were together, and had all things common.

And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man

had need.

What we read in the New Testament about the main slogan of the social order.

(Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians 3: 10):

“If any would not work, neither should he eat”.

That’s where Stalin got his main slogan from: “Those that don’t work don’t eat”.

Before 1922 most of the heads of the Bolshevik Communist party dressed the

same way as during the tsarist regime,

– a suit made out of expensive fabrics with a shirt and tie fashionable at the time.

They were transported by luxury cars of foreign manufacturers.

And they openly cheated on their lawful wives with lovers whom they called


The leader of the world proletariat, comrade Lenin was an example for them, he

wore aristocratic clothes, he was transported by Rolls Royce royal car.

And he never made a secret out of his cheating on his lawful wife Nadezhda

Krupskaya with his co-worker Inessa Armand,

who was literally showered with luxurious gifts from Lenin.

The Bolsheviks organized several demonstration parades with participation of

naked women in Red Square under the slogan:

“Down with shame, gender equality and free love”.

And their most important merit was that they abolished discrimination of people

on ethnic grounds.

Workers and peasants were the privileged class, which was articulated by the revolutionary slogan: “The plants and factories to the workers, the land to the peasants”.

Such behavior among the Bolsheviks-communists was quite natural and irreproachable.

This situation continued until seminarian Joseph Stalin usurped the power.

Under the leadership of Stalin his colleagues and even mentally ill Lenin in Gorky

began to wear clothes that were tailored the same way as Stalin’s сlothes.

Stalin wore his famous jacket to the death and was buried in that jacket in Mausoleum.

He was transported by a domestically produced modest ZIS car and never cheated

on his lawful wife Nadezhda Allilueva.

She lived with him in the Kremlin as a recluse nun, prevented from wearing any

jewelry of precious metals and stones as she liked to do before the marriage.

All party members had to act the same way.

Otherwise they could pay for adultery and luxury lifestyle not only with their careers but also with their lives.

They had to act according to Christian ideals of seminarian Joseph Dzhugashvili

(according to Christian moral teaching).

And the workers were sent by Stalin for construction of Socialism to regions, such

as Belomorkanal or Komsomolsk-na-Amure, where they worked for peanuts sacrificing

themselves for the good of the society.

And the peasants were sent to collective farms to regions, such as virgin lands,

and they worked there without any salary sacrificing themselves for the good of the society as well.

Stalin legalized the fifth line in passports in order to distinguish “Jews cursed by

God” from other nations.

By the way, passports were introduced in the Soviet Union since 1932. In fact, the

democratic countries use the document titled “Passport” (which means “port pass”) for

legal border crossing but not for internal purposes.

Even the idea of forced collectivization of rural population, which led the country

to Holodomor (famine),

was taken from the New Testament and implemented by Stalin in order to make

Soviet people live like early Christian communities.

The laws and commandments of the Bible served the Orthodox Christian Joseph

Stalin as a guide for harassment of the representatives

of the oldest profession, homosexuals, astrologers, physics, fortunetellers, hypnotists, shamans, sorcerers, magicians, witches, medicine men and traditional healers in the

Soviet Union

Those whose activities were related to traditions of “pagan” nations,

such as acupuncture, meditation, yoga, karate, taekwondo, kung-fu, wushu,

Shaolin, sumo, Chi kung, feng shui and African American jazz, were harassed as well.

By the way, Jewish, Christian and Muslim harassed the above figures for centuries accusing them of spreading pagan rites,

because they were fanatically sure that creation of pagans comes from Satan/Demon/Shaitan.

Although “pagan” nations living in China, India, Japan and Southeastern Asia,

where the majority profess Hinduism and Buddhism, are very friendly to other religious denominations.

What we read in the Pentateuch (Torah –Wayiqra’, and Leviticus according to the

Bible 20: 10, 13):

Now a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife is one who commits

adultery with the wife of his fellowman.

He should be put to death without fail, the adulterer and the adulteress as well.

And when a man lies down with male the same as one lies down with a woman,

both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their

own blood is upon them.

And we also read (Torah – Devarim, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 18:10-13):

There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass

through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practice of magic or anyone who

looks for omens o a sorcerer, or anyone who binds others with spell or anyone who con-

sults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the


For everybody doing these things is something detestable to the Lord, and on account of these detestable things the Lord your God is driving them away from before you.