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for a handshake to the Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin after signing of the

peace treaty.

According to Sharia, i.e. Muslim law, if faithful Muslim is caught shaking hands

with unbeliever, his hand should be cut off.

Instead of hand amputation Muslim fanatics sentenced Anwar Sadat to death by



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Note 18

The Quran: 90% of this book consists of the laws and commandments of Moses.


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Note 19

Eloh: Actually the Quran says – Alah (Allah).

Why it happened? Because the Israeli alphabet didn’t have vowels, such as Patach, Qamets, Segol, Tsere, Chireq, Shureq.

For that reason some spelling mistakes were made in reading of the Torah, especially when this Book was translated into foreign languages by the specialists who were

not proficient in the Israeli language.

For the same reason the names of characters from this Book were changed beyond recognition.

For example, the shortest Name of One God was El and became Al.

The name of the first man was Odom and became Odam and Adam.

The name of the first woman was Hava and became Eve.

The name of a man saved by God from the great flood was Nobah and became Noah and Nuh.

The name of Abraham’s father was Terah and became Farrah.

The names of the patriarchs:

1) Avrohom became Abraham, Avraham, Ibrahim and Ibragim.

2) Ishmoel became Ishmael, Ismail and Ismael.

3) Ishok became Itzhak, Isaac, Sahak and Ischaq.

4) Ya’akov became Yakov, Jecob, Akop, Yago, Yakub, Jakup and Jacob.

5) Iosef became Yosef, Yozef, Iosif, Iosip, Yusup, Yusuf, Jusup, Joseph, Soso and


The name of Sarai’s handmaid was Agar and became Hagar.

The names of the prophets:

1) Moshe became Moses, Musa and Mozes

2) Yeshua became Yoshua, Iisus, Isa, Joshua and Jesus.

3) Yirmeyahu became Jeremiah.

4) Doniel became Daniel, Daniil and Daniyar.

5) Yohanan became Yahya, Yuhan, Johan, Johann, Ioannes, Ivan, Yan, Jan, Juan,

John, Joan, Giovanni, Vanya, Vano, Hovhannes, Ohannes, Ioannis and Johannes.

6) Ester became Esther and Yesfir.

7) Elisheva became Elizabeth, Elisaveta and Elizaveta.

8) Miryem became Maria, Miryam, Miriam, Mariyam, Mariam and Mary.

The names of kings:

1) Shoul became Shaul, Saul and Savl.

2) Dovid became Dovit, David, Davud, Daud, Daut and David.

3) Shlomo became Solomon and Suleiman.

The names of Archangels:

1) Mikhoel became Mihael, Mikael, Mikail, Mikhail, Mikel, Miguel, Michel and


2) Gavriel became Gabriel, Gabrail and Gibril.

3) Rafoel became Raphael, Rafail, Ravil, Raul, etc.

In order to prevent the recurrence of such mistakes, religious sages of the Middle

Ages invented vowels.

These letters are now used by religious figures all over the world,

and in elementary school and by newly arrived immigrants (aliyah) in Israel to

study the Israeli language.


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Note 20

When Arabic islamized tribes from the Arabian Peninsula conquered North Africa

and most of Spain (Cordoba Caliphate) in the first half of the eight century,

many Israelites also moved from the Arabian Peninsula to other states, such as

Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Spain.

And local Israelites in Spain greeted Muslims as deliverers of Israelite people

from the oppression of the Roman Catholic Church.

And they began to live among Muslims on equal terms, and many of them attained top positions in Muslim society.

At that time Muslims respected our people, our faith, especially our sages and

commentators of the Pentateuch (the Book of the Prophet Musa).

They frequently came to these sages to find out more about the laws of One God.

And many of these sages served as personal advisors, healers, chroniclers and

masters of words

in luxury palaces of caliphs, kings, sultans praising their actions in the poetry and

curing them from all sorts of ails.

Famous doctor and commentator of the Pentateuch, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon

(Rambam or Maimonides) (1135 – 1204) was one of such sages.

He was born in the city of Cordoba, which was the capital of Muslim Spain at that


And he served as a court healer for the Egyptian Sultan Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, known in Europe as Saladin named “the Magnificent”.

As a sign of respect to the sons and daughters of Israel, some Muslim countries,

such as Cordoba Caliphate (Spain), the Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

provided shelter to many families harassed by the Roman Catholic Church and

their Holy Inquisition.

They respected us, Israelites, until Muslims changed their mind about our people

for the worse due to distorted interpretation of the Pentateuch (the Book of the Prophet


And subsequently they forced Israelites to convert to Islam using “the carrot and

the stick” approach for that purpose, and after conversion to Islam many blended into

these nations.

And the Israelites, who didn’t convert to Islam, were forcibly isolated, as people

“unfaithful” to Allah, from “faithful” Muslims and relocated to the suburbs of settlements.

Many people, unable to endure the mockery, had to move to their historic homeland, which name was changed to Palestine,

although Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula already ruled there too.

They declared Jerusalem as their third holy city after Mecca and Yatrib (Medina).

According to the spiritual leaders of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad elevated to

the seventh Heaven from the Temple Mount of Holy Jerusalem in order

to get Allah’s blessing for propagation of the true faith across the earth.

And according to the Quran, as a sign of obedience to One God, AbrahamIbrahim had the intention to sacrifice his only and beloved son Ismail on that same

Mount, not Isaac as written in the Torah and the Bible,.


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Note 21

God: What we actually read in the Quran is: “There is no idol but Allah and Mahomet is the Messenger of Allah” Since Muslims mean “God-man Jesus” by the word “idol”, theу use the word “god” instead of “idol” in translation from the Arabic language.


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Note 22

The Quran: What is actually written in that Book and what do Muslim religious

figures preach by the word “Islam” among their coreligionists in Muslim mosques?

From the Quran (translation of B. Shidfar, M: 2003):

Surah 5 “The Table Spread with Food» verse 33: “Indeed, the penalty for those

who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from

~ 53 ~