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opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land”.

Surah 5, verse 51: “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them

among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them”.

Surah 5, verse 68: “O People of the Scripture (i.e. Jews) , you are [standing] on

nothing until you uphold [the law of] of the Quran, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord”.

Surah 8 “Fighting For Religion”, verse 38: “And fight them (people of other faiths)

until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah”.

Surah 9 “The Repentance“, verse 5: “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them

and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush”.

Surah 9, verse 38: “O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that,

when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth?

Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is

the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little” (This verse

is intended to involve shahids in terrorist acts) .

Surah 9, verse 123: “O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find you in harshness”.

Sermon. Saudi sheikh Abdullah al-Qarni (Al-Arabiya TV channel, 2005): “Faithful Muslims should cut off throats and split skulls of the enemies of Islam”.

Saudi imam, sheikh Abdullah al-Muslih (Al-Arabiya TV channel): “Involvement

of suicide terrorists is not only allowed but encouraged” (that what the Quran – Surah 9 “The Repentance”, verse 38 calls for).

Omar Abdel-Rahman, Egyptian mullah, sheikh (2003) encourages faithful Muslims to kill Americans, “destroy their country and tear it to pieces”:

“Sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them wherever you may find them”

From Palestinian school textbook (2003): “Jihad is the fundamental concept of Islam,

which means a war against other nations. Jihad differs from conventional war in

that it serves high noble purposes and is waged only to the glory of Allah”.

Imam Abdulkadir Fall Mamour (was deported from Italy) (2003):

“Italy should become an Islamic state because our Prophet Muhammad (peace and

blessing be upon Him) said that Rome would be Muslim and we are working on it now”

Wahhabis (about 60% of American mosques are under their influence) made their addition to the Quran:

“Guide us, Allah, along the direct path, but not the path of those who earned your

wrath, like the sons of Israel, and not the path of those who delude themselves like Nazara”

“No one should follow any other religion”. “Jews and Christians should convert

to Islam and accept the Quran”.

President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: “The era of oppression and tyranny has

reached its end; the wave of Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world, and if Allah wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world”.

From sermon from the Martyr King Abdallah Mosque, Amman (2004):

“O Allah, strengthen Islam and Muslims, humiliate infidelity and infidels. O God,

destroy your enemies, the Jewish and crusader enemies of Islam”

From sermon on Saudi television (from the mosque in Mecca) (2004):

“Didn’t what happened in Madrid persuade you, Jewish and Christians, to convert to Islam? Don’t you see that Allah’s religion is chosen for all mankind?

Since the time of Muhammad, Allah doesn’t recognize any faith but Islam and

will never recognize it”.

Arab newspaper “Liberation”, Morocco: “Islamism divides mankind into “faithful

supermen” and “all the rest submen”,

who not only can be but should be killed, and the more, the better, Islamism doesn’t agree to anything less than power over the world”.

“Islam should run the world, and we will sacrifice our lives until Islam runs the

world” (Al-Badr spokesman Mustaq Aksari, CNN September 19, 2001).

“On Muhammad’s recommendation it is necessary to fight against unbelievers

and attack them at any time and any place.

Propagation of Islam by force of arms is a religious duty of every faithful Muslim

(O. Kucher, O. Semotyuk, “Islam”, Rostov, Kharkov, 2004).

Because Surah 8 “Fighting For Religion”, verse 38 tells Muslims to fight until

complete victory of their religion. “Fight them until the religion, all of it, is for Allah”.

“Islamic Party of Liberation” – Islamic radical political party was founded in

1952 in eastern Jerusalem, which was controlled by Jordan at the time.

It aims to restore one Islamic Caliphate and introduce Sharia far and wide.

The party believes that the best way for early achievement of their goal is to massively disseminate the ideas of radical political Islam.

The party spread from Jordan to the most Arab countries as well as North Africa,

Turkey and Iran.

Its activists currently work in Muslim communities of Europe,

mostly in Germany, Great Britain and France as well as North America, Australia

and Asia.

It played a special role in the recent events in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan (“Vorwarts”, July 2).


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Note 23

In the book “Ancient World Mysteries and Hypotheses” the author proved

through examples from the Pentateuch

that the Tables of the Covenant with Decalog were delivered to earth by the representative of extraterrestrial civilization on a spaceship which landed on the mountain


That alien showed Moses in his spaceship and put him to hypnotic sleep for forty

day and nights.

During that time he recorded in his memory the laws adopted on his planet using a

technical device unknown to the earthlings of that time.

These laws along with the laws adopted by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia

and ancient Egyptians in Egypt,

as well as the events which happened in the dessert Sinai, including Moses’ s view

of these events, were described by him in the book,

which subsequently became known as the Pentateuch (the Torah), and the laws

became known as the laws of One God.

What we read in the Torah about it (Torah – Shemot, and Exodus according to the Bible

34: 28):

And he (Moses) was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither

eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the

ten commandments.

We also find in the Torah (Torah – Shemot, Exodus according to the Bible 19: 1718):

And Moshe (Moses) brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God;

and they stood at the nether part of the mount.

And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it