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in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount

quaked greatly.

Dear reader, don’t the signs of descending of God upon the mountain Sinai remind you of the modern spaceships when they take off into space?

For clarity, let me put it this way: Spanish conquistadors arrived on military ships

from the Old World to the New World in order to take possession of these lands.

And they mounted on horses to meet the local population, and Indians of the

Maya tribe never saw either white people or horses before.

When they saw these “strange creatures”, they got scared and prostrated themselves before them in fear, thinking that gods descended from heaven.

And what could the people of Moses think of more than three thousand years ago

when they met the representative of extraterrestrial civilization who descended from

heaven on a spaceship?

Well, of course, as you probably guessed, they thought that they met the Creator

of the Universe.

In those days, high priests of Egypt had a secret relationship with the representatives of extraterrestrial civilization.


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Note 24

We, Israelites, after the victory and the triumphal ascent to the Temple Mount in

Eastern Jerusalem in June 1967,

where the Temple of Solomon and the Holy of Holiest – the Ark of the Covenant

were located two thousand five hundred years ago,

began to destruct it with our own hands by transferring the ancestral lands of the

people of Israel to Palestinians as a gift for the sake of momentary peace without thinking

of the consequences of such fragile peace.

And the Temple Mount is the true heart of the State of Israel, and no organism can

function without a heart.

And Palestinians see each cession of Israeli territory in their own way

because they believe that Allah helps “unprotected” Palestinian people,

i.e. they are fanatically sure that it wasn’t Israelites who of their free will,

gave the Temple Mount to Palestinians as a gift,

but Allah who took it away from “unfaithful” Israelites and gave it “faithful”

Palestinians for perpetual use.

Our democratic humanity to deeply religious Palestinian fanatics will backfire at


As we immediately ceded the Temple Mount to Palestinians due to our humanity.

And now we think whether we should or should not cede Eastern Jerusalem to declare the future capital of the State of Palestine.

I don’t understand the decision of the government of Israel, in particular its Prime

Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu,

on exchange of one person Gilad Shalit for thousands of Palestinian terrorists,

whose hands are full of blood of entirely blameless Israelis.

And moreover, he cites the example from the Torah, which says: “He who saves a

single life saves the entire world” making excuses to Israeli people.

Can’t he understand that by releasing these terrorists he puts hundreds of thousands of Israelites to danger?

Thus he simply let the genie out of the bottle, now they will steal Israelites at all


in order to exchange them for another thousands and thousands of Palestinian terrorists,

and that will eventually lead to another lengthy war against Palestinians.

Many innocent Israelites will die because of this bungling.

And the war will be followed by the arms race, which will empty the state coffers

to get ready for another war, and this situation will continue indefinitely.

If Mr. Netanyahu saves the whole world by saving a single life, then he kills the

whole world many times by releasing thousands of Palestinian terrorists.

As the saying goes: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, because

Palestinians celebrate every cession by Israel like another victory over the Zionist enemy.

And as a sign of victory, they burn Israeli flag after trampling it.

Our flexibility is seen by Palestinians as our weakness.

To make them understand who they are dealing with, we need to negotiate only

from the position of strength,

i.e. like powerful and unwavering Israel, but not from the position of constant cessions.

And ill-considered cessions may one day lead to a situation where the State of Israel will disappear from the world map.

To prevent this from happening we need to use the opinion of Muslim spiritual leaders who say:

“Whoever gets the victory, it is the will of Allah”,

That is why we need to respond to any terrorist act or missile launch towards Israel not with targeted missile strikes but with massive ones and do it immediately

and we have to fight till final victory, even if civilians of the Palestinian Authority


because Palestinian terrorists use their civilians as a human shield

to kill in cold blood not only civilians of Israel but civilians of Gaza Strip,

daily launching a large number of missiles from the basements of hospitals,

schools and mosques,

because human life is of no value to them, that is why they say:

“We, Palestinians, love death more than Israelites love life”.

And they really do. For clarity, let me put it this way:

One day one Soviet journalist, who was in Iraq, accidently saw a boy drowning,

and he immediately pulled him out of the water,

but the parents of that boy who watched that process with horror reprimanded the

rescuer instead of thanking.

“Hey, unbeliever, how dared you to pull the child out of the water, when All-Merciful and Gracious Allah intended to take Him,

but you interfered with His intentions, may Allah punish you for this!”

This is the kind of man-hateful doctrine the spiritual leaders of Islam teach their

trusting parishioners

and they have blind faith in this fairytale because the words of the spiritual leaders

is an indisputable truth for them.

And the last thing, there is no need to pay attention to what Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Erdogan said in Davos,

where he reminded of the killed civilians of Gaza Strip during the forced war

against terroristic organization HAMAS.

But he “forgot” about one and a half million Armenians murdered in cold blood

by his compatriots in 1915.

As the saying goes: “He saw a mote in his brother’s eye but didn’t see a beam

in his own”.

Although Islamists fight against each other, trying to find out who is right

and who is not, in order to destroy Israel

they can merge into one force, particularly the Islamists of Gaza, Iran,

Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey…


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Note 25

Until the establishment of the State of Israel is marked by any miracle sent by

God as a sign,

religious fanatics of the whole world, including the sons and daughters of Israel,

such as ultra-Orthodox religious sect Neturei Karta, will treat this state as nothing.

They claim that the State of Israel was created by godless Zionists against the will