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of God.

They are convinced that only God can establish the State of Israel by sending their

savior Mashiah.

And only Mashiah should bring all misguided sons and daughters of Israel together in their historic homeland – Israel.

Until that happens, they will be on the same side with the President of Iran – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who does his best to destroy the State of Israel.

If we want to save our unique people and our Holy Land of Israel, we need to find

the most important treasure of the sons and daughters of Israel – the Ark of the Covenant.

And this will lead to rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem and that place will be

like a new Mecca for pilgrims from all parts of the world.

And the most important is that Christians and Muslims will treat the people of Israel like the people blessed by God

because spiritual leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations subconsciously

believe that

the key to all problems on earth is in the hands of Jewish sages.


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Note 26

Many great and powerful world countries and their numerous nations didn’t mind

to borrow spiritual and intellectual values from “hateful Jewish people cursed by God”

for free, such as:

Faith in One God – Moses.

God’s Mother – Jewish Virgin Mary.

Messianship – Jewish named Jesus of Nazareth.

The son of Jewish named Malko – the Prince of Kievan Rus Vladimir.

Jewish warriors – Ilya Muromets and brother of Malko – Dobrynya.

History of Jews – the Old Testament.

History of Jesus and his pupils – the New Testament.

The names of the capital of Jews – New Jerusalem.

The names of the country of Jews – New Israel.

The Temple of Solomon – Cathedral and Mosques.

Religious rite in the Temple – Aaron/Harun.

Prophecies – from the Prophet Isaiah to Nostradamus.

Archangels – Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael.

Patriarchs – Abraham, Ismail, Isaac and Jacob.

Apostles – from Peter (Simon/Shimon) to Paul (Savl/Shaul).

The Bible wisdoms and Psalmus – David and Solomon.

Philosophical and medical treatises – Rambams.

Words from the Jewish Torah – Halleluiah (Praise Jehovah),

Hosanna (O, Jehovah, save), Amen (“True” or “So be it”).

Musical compositions – Strauss and Mendelson.

Law of gravitation – Newton.

Theory of relativity – Einstein.

Pleasure principle – Freud.

Lines of poetry – Pushkin and Heine.

Theory of evolution – Darwin.

Re-evolution – Marx.

Chess problems – from Steinitz to Kasparov.

And they also borrowed their Jewish names, such as:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Benyamin, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael,

Daniel, Emmanuel, Saul, David, Solomon, Samson, Simon, Aaron, Moses, Lazar,

Anisim, Zakhar, Yefim, Nahim, Johnathan, Joshua, Benjamin, Joseph,

Tamara, Ruth, Naomi, Yesfir, Esther, Sarrah, Rebecca, Leia, Rachel, Joel,

Debora, Elizabeth, Elizaveta, Maria, Anna, Zhanna, Suzanna, etc.

All above-mentioned names are the most prestigious and common names in the entire

Christian and Muslim world.

And the real Jewish name Yohanan became a symbol of nationality for many nations.

Yuhan - the symbol of the Finnish people.

Iohan – the symbol of the Irish people.

Johan – the symbol of Swedish people.

Johann – the symbol of the German people.

Ivan – the symbol of the Russian people.

Yan – the symbol of the Czech people.

Jean – the symbol of the French people.

Joao – the symbol of the Portuguese people.

John – the symbol of the English people.

Joan – the symbol of the American people.

Giovanni – the symbol of the Italian people.

Juan – the symbol of the Spanish people.

Vanya – the symbol of the Bulgarian people.

Vano – the symbol of the Georgian people.

Ohannes – the symbol of the Armenian people.

Ioannis – the symbol of the Greek people.

Johannes – the symbol of the Estonian people.

Yahya – one of the most common names among Muslims.

And, finally, John – the symbol of truce the Christian Catholics with the

founders of Christian faith, i.e. Israelite people.

It turns out that they act as raiders, appropriating everything that belongs to Jewish people, and along with this they always harass the sons and daughters of Israel.


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Note 27

Isra-Eclass="underline" This word literally means “Angel-fighter” and according to biblical text

(the Torah) - man of God,

because our forefather Jacob was the only man on the earth, whom God chose and

against whom He fought through his Angel.

Thus God filled Jacob’s body and mind with higher spiritual power, i.e. energy.

What we read in the Bible about it (Torah – Bereshit, and Genesis according to the

Bible 32: 24-28):

And Jacob was left alone;

And there wrested a man with him until the breaking of the day.

And when he saw that he prevailed not against him,

He touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of

joint, as wrestled with him.

And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go,

except thou bless me.

And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israeclass="underline" for as a prince

hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

That means that Jacob was filled with higher spiritual power, and thanks to this

power a nation of unique origin, denomination and mentality under the new name Israel

came to life from his seed.

This mystery of nature is supported by many facts from the centuries-old history

of Israelite people. For example:

Origin of the people of Israel is biblical,

i.e. from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Denomination of the people of Israel is Jewish,

i.e. faith in One God.