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Mentality of the people of Israel is Hebrew,

i.e. spiritual and intellectual.


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Note 28

Small-town Jewish people didn’t have the right move from the infamous Jewish

pale to bit cities without permission from the authorities of the Russian Empire

If someone was allowed to move to these cities for some merits to Christians,

they had to add the degrading suffix “chik” to their names and nicknames, as a

distinguishing sign for Jewish people who had other faith

– Abramchik, Haimchik, Rubinchik, Solomonchik, Shmulchik, Soloveichik, Kitaichik, Taiwanchik, Yaponchik.

This derogatory suffix “chik” stressed that the Jewish people were ostensibly not

as high in their development as “pious” Orthodox Christians.

Jewish people had to build their houses and synagogues following the same principle – these buildings were not allowed to be as tall and as beautiful as the houses and

churches of Orthodox Christians.

By the way, Bukhara emir liked the initiative of Christians.

And that is why he made native Jewish people to add the suffix “chik” to their

names. This suffix is translated into the Tajik language as “cha”

– Avromcha, Moshecha, Levicha, Ilovucha, Manicha, common name – “dzhuvuti

kalbalocha”, which roughly means “a little Jewish guy can go a long way”.

And following the same principle, the local Jewish people had to build houses and

synagogues, not as tall and as beautiful as the houses and mosques of “faithful” Muslims.

Recently, Israel went through a great scandal because “unfaithful” Jewish people

dared to build a synagogue in Jerusalem.

And the problem was that the dome of this synagogue is several centimeters

higher than the dome of Omar mosque located on the Temple Mount.

The entire Muslim world angrily condemned the State of Israel for this matter.

This is how brothers in Christ and Muslim brothers try to degrade the honor

and dignity of Israelite people.


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Note 29

Jew (Yahudi): – this word was associated by Arameans in their consciousness

with the image of people who had faith in One God.

This word entered their lexicon for the first time, when the people of Judah were

taken captive by Arameans in 587 BC.

This event happened after the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem by the

ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar.

And Arameans like all nations of that epoch believed in pagan gods.

And for the first time, they heard about One God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from their captives Israelites.

And probably, the word Yahudi in its original version sounded like Yahadi, which

in the Aramean language means “Jehovah – My only one”.

Thus captive Israelites wanted to tell Arameans that they had One God unlike Aramean gods,

and they ate only the food allowed by God – “kosher” food, because they had

other laws and commandments.

And in the present time, besides the sons and daughters of Israel, the descendants

of the ancient Samaritans (shomronim), who permanently live in Israel, are also Jews believing in One God.

Early Christians were Jews believing in One God because at that time they strictly

complied with all laws and commandments of Moses.

This situation continued until some ambitious leaders of this denomination revised their view of the Jewish doctrine.

Early in the 4th century AD they made a revision of the Pentateuch in order to

write their book titled the New Testament.

And by that act they reformed the Pentateuch, the Prophets and Scripture and

turned these Books into the Old Testament.

And the New Testament changed the direction of this doctrine completely the

other way, which differed from the laws and commandments of Moses.

The laws of Moses were mixed with pagan laws which included gods embodied in

people (God-man), as well as pyrolatry (Holy Fire).

And Jesus of Nazareth and His pupils complied only with the laws and commandments of Moses.

For that reason, sects, such as Old Testament Jews and Sabbatarians, broke away

from their brothers in faith

and are now Jews believing in One God, who in the present time moved to the

State of Israel.

What we read in the New Testament about it (Gospel of Matthew 5: 17-18):

Do not think I came to destroy the law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but

to fulfill;

for truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one

smallest letter or one particle of letter to pass away from the law by any means and not

all things take place. .

Early Muslims were also Jews believing in One God.

This situation continued until some ambitious leaders of this denomination realized that

though they were Jews, anyway they wouldn’t not feel like God's people as the

sons of Israel did.

That situation gave them no peace.

And that is why in order to humiliate the sons and daughters of Israel in the eyes

of other nations and feel like God's people instead of them,

they changed the content and the title of the book – Al Kitab Musa Rasul (the

Book given to the Messenger Musa by God) to Al-Quran (the Quran).

Many nations, which lived in the vast areas of Eurasia named Khazar Khaganate

(650-969), broke away from them because of that,

as they didn’t want to betray the Jewish faith of their fathers.

And subsequently this hateful kingdom of Jews was enslaved by Christians and


Some survived inhabitants of Khazar Khaganate (Karaims) moved to the State of

Israel in order to remain loyal to the faith of their fathers.

And some Pashtun tribes in Afghanistan and Fargar tribe in Tajikistan observe

Holy Saturday in the present days

because the Prophet Muhammad Himself and early Muslims strictly complied

with all laws and commandments of Moses, especially Holy Saturday.

And now many Christians come to Beyt-Knesset (Synagogue) to pray

because they realized their Jewish roots and that is why men are ready to go

through the rite of circumcision,

and women are ready to go through the strict rite of Giyur in order to comply with

the laws and commandments of Moses.

But actually it was the spiritual leaders of Jewish denomination, who contrib-

uted to disappearance of Khazar Khaganate,

because they were fanatically sure that only the sons and daughters of Israel

had the right to be Jews.

If the spiritual leaders of Jewish denomination contributed to propagation of

Jewish faith among other nations since the time of Moses,

Jewish denomination would now be the largest religious denomination in the



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Note 30