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This goal can be achieved by another way, which was already used in the past.

And this way is to outlaw all religions, as Bolsheviks practically did in the Russian Empire in October 1917.

They were supported by some representatives of Jewish nationality because they

were forced to promote Communist and atheist ideas.

Because they knew from the centuries-old history of their people that the Jewish

people suffered from harassment by representatives of Christian and Muslim denominations for two thousand years.

But in any case this way will fail in the countries with Christian and Muslim ideology as it happened in the Soviet Union and Easter European countries.

And the Mujahideen in Muslim Afghanistan, with the support of people, fought

against Communist and atheist ideology of the Soviet Union almost for nine years and

won in the end.

They won because their struggle was not against the social system with social service,

but against the Jewish people – the founders of Communist and atheist ideas.

Because Christians and Muslims are well aware of the verse about “a blessing and

a curse” from the Bible and the Book of the Prophet Musa, where we read:

“And there (i.e. in other countries) you will have to serve other gods of wood and

of stone“. (Torah - Devarim, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 28: 36) .

And when they saw that the sons and daughters of Israel actually began to serve

and worship living leaders Lenin and Stalin as gods,

and after their death began to worship their stone and wooden sculptures,

that gave them the grounds to accuse the Jewish people of idolatry and destruction

of the principles of Christian and Muslim faith.

And in the countries of non-Christian and non-Muslim ideology, such as China,

Vietnam, Laos and Northern Korea,

Communist and atheist ideas will continue to prevail over all other ideas for a

long time.

These nations don’t study the Bible and the Quran (except for those who converted to Christianity or Islam), that is why they don’t know the verse about “a blessing

and a curse” and the history of the Jewish people.

That is why they don’t have this horrible word “anti-Semitism”.

But due to anti-Semitism in the countries of Christian and Muslim ideology two

tribes of Israel out of twelve survived to this day.

And in countries, such as China and India, which don’t have anti-Semitism, the remaining

ten tribes of Israel disappeared completely.

The above-mentioned may suggest the following.

A bad deed has something good and vice versa nothing so bad, as not to be good

for something.

As it was our fault that Christian and Muslim religions appeared on earth,

we have no right to accuse the adherents of these denominations of anti-


Anti-Semitism is a fruit from a tree, which seeds we, Israelites, planted one

day in the minds of pagan nations of the Roman Empire and the Arabian Peninsula.


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Note 31

Civilization has existed since ancient times.

Since then all tribes and nations thought from generation to generation that they

lived in civilized society, only each nation had its own concept of civilization.

Why do I focus the attention of readers on this?

Because the number of people exterminated in the civilized society of the 20th

century is higher than that for all time?

So there is quite a reasonable question: is civilized society good or evil?

If we take into account that “pagan savages” in “uncivilized” society killed a few

people, usually their tribesmen, sacrificing them to their gods,

Muslims and Christians in “civilized society” killed millions, as a rule people of

other faiths, sacrificing them to Allah or Jesus Christ

And the most amazing is that if the former became savages-murderers in the eyes of

the “civilized” world by killing a few people,

the latter became the greatest righteous on earth by killing millions.

By the way, petty thieves in this sinful world become prisoners and end up in

prison surrounded by criminals,

and major thieves become oligarchs, patriarchs, monarchs and end up in palaces

surrounded by lovely girls.

Petty thieves is cursed by priests so that his soul burn in hellfire,

and major thieves is blessed by the highest echelons of priesthood so that his soul

enjoy felicity in the Garden of Eden.

Because petty thieves have no money to satisfy insatiable appetites of priests,

and major thieves have enormous amounts of money to satisfy insatiable appetites

not only of ordinary priests but also spiritual leaders.


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Note 32

Messiah: “Christ” in Greek and “Mashiah” in Jewish mean “the Lord’s

Anointed”. This title was awarded to any king who ascended to throne.

Prior to ascension to the throne of kingdom, high priests of the Temple performed

a special ceremony

– anointed the head of future king with special oil (anointing oil) which contained

aromatic oils of different composition.

After the destruction the Temple of Jerusalem the recipe for this ointment was



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