the Fascism of Hitler.
All these ambitious persons were vicars of God on the Earth, and these figures sacrificed hundreds of millions of innocent earthlings for the sake of Someone
or Something.
And All-merciful and Gracious Creator (Jehovah/Jesus/Allah) turned a blind
eye to all these gruesome murders of innocent earthlings.
Although the following is written in the Bible:
And the Lord said (to Abraham): "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city,
then I will spare all the place for their sakes (Genesis 18: 26).
The Creator didn't find fifty righteous in Sodom and destroyed it; can it be true
that the Creator didn't find fifty righteous among hundreds of millions of murdered earthlings to spare the cities for their sake?
Although Abraham decreases the number of righteous to ten to know if the Lord
will spare Sodom for the less number of righteous.
What we read in the Bible about it:
Abraham said: "Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once:
Peradventure ten (righteous) shall be found there." And the Lord said: "I will not destroy
it (Sodom) for ten's sake" (Genesis 18: 32) .
Dear reader, the religious figures have only such answer to the glaring discrepancies between the content of the Bible and the actual scheme of the Universe
and to the question of how creatures were originated on the Earth: "God moves in
a mysterious way".
And if we ask them – Why?
They conceive this question as Blasphemy or Sacrilege.
And, of course, they anathematize, i.e. publicly denounce and excommunicate
such curious parishioners from community
(church, synagogue, mosque) at best, and at worst they stone them to death
to ensure that other parishioners are not informed about the true scheme of the
Universe and the origin of creatures on the Earth.
Because religious figures are well aware that this sinful world is run by deceit and
Deceit – it’s an innate instinct in the struggle for survival of creatures on the
And to make this lies realistic, they use different tricks, make up various ridiculous stories about the origin of the Universe and creatures on the Earth.
And they preach these lies among their trusting parishioners and thus develop religious fanaticism in them.
Because parishioners have blind faith in all that the religious manipulators –
catchers of human souls preach them.
And they also perpetrate a fraud to attract new people to their parish, especially to
attract their generous donations for support of their numerous priests.
And argue that All-merciful God will miraculously rid faithful parishioners of illnesses and troubles,
and ensure peace and wealth in their homes, because God protects only those
people who believe in Him, etc.
And indeed, faith in super-nature turns many people into religious fanatics,
and these fanatics do not belong to themselves any longer, because religious hypnotists zombify them to commit crimes,
directing them as a living weapon against other nations and religious denominations and promising them paradise life after death.
That is why many people join the groups of suicide bombers, as the faith in any
religious dogma is like drug addiction.
Sermon of many religious figures is like a drug affecting the consciousness of parishioners.
And they begin to fly in the imaginary heaven – get high.
And in the blink of an eye these gracious and merciful parishioners which look
like harmless lambs, turn into coldblooded murderers.
Because spiritual leaders tell them in a hypnotic tone of voice:
"Parishioners! God (Allah) bless you for the Holy War (Jihad) against fol-
lowers of the Antichrist (unbelievers, pagans) and propagation of the true faith
throughout the Earth.
And this Holy struggle for faith will weigh in your favor before the court of
and then you will easily pass the sharp as a knife road and the Gates of
Heaven will be opened up wide in front of you.
And then you will eternally enjoy felicity in the Garden of Eden surrounded
by seventy two moon-faced virgins as beautiful as petals of fragrant roses".
Such brainwashing of parishioners always works, because any faithful
Muslim subconsciously wants to live like the Arab sheikh in his luxurious palace
harems, even on the other side.
And faithful Christian wants to live like today's oligarchs, which live like in
the Garden of Eden, in their luxurious palaces and yachts surrounded by lovely
Dear reader, watch one of the numerous religious TV channels, where preachers –
professionals of their business skilfully zombify their parishioners.
And in the days of the Temple of Jerusalem, priests burnt fragrant incense
which consisted of drugs to enhance this effect – this incensing was ostensibly for
the sake of God.
Only those parishioners are succumbing to this effect, who believe in supernatural
powers, but those people are in the minority.
Most parishioners don't believe in the mythic powers, that is why this effect does
not cover them.
Many wealthy parishioners come to religious institutions not to pray for their sins,
but they come there like to the Vanity Fair, where they brag to each other about
their generosity;
outdoing each other, they donate for charity some portion of money looted from
the people to prevent rebellion of this people against them.
And their victims – poor parishioners – come there to have a charity dinner.
And that is why this category of parishioners doesn't understand what is actually
they look at the actions of priests not as performance of any sacrament, but as a
During conviction of faithful and unfaithful, spiritual leaders use double standard
dividing them into friends and foes.
It is like a joke about Hodja Nasreddin, where the neighbour of Nasreddin comes
to his work with his complaint
(Nasreddin worked as the City judge) and said: "Mr. Justice, today your cow
gored my cow to death";
To which Nasreddin said: "Since a cow is an irrational being, it is not responsible
for its actions".
Then neighbor said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Justice, I was wrong. My cow gored your
cow to death".
To which Nasreddin said: "In that case, the court decision takes another turn,
because a cow has its master, and he must be responsible for the actions of his
and compensate for the losses caused by it to the master of the dead cow in full".
In order to verify the above-mentioned and actual nature of so-called righteous and
pious religious figures,
ask them one question related to faithful and unfaithful, and you will hear opposing answers.
Religious figures consider representatives of other religious denominations as unfaithful or infidel,
because they conceive that only members of their denomination believe in the true
God, and nominate the members of other denominations for the agents of Satan.