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Question: why the person earned a glut of wealth and lived to a ripe old age with

his family with a lot of love and care, following the healthy lifestyle?

If it is about a faithful, the answer will be like this:

"Because God blessed this parishioner for his abiding faith in Him".

But if it is about an unfaithful, the answer will be like this:

"Because Satan patronized this infidel."

Question: why the person suffers from many diseases and troubles on his life journey?

If it is about a faithful, the answer will be like this:

"Because God tests him, as he tested the Biblical righteous named Job" (see note 5)

But if it is about an unfaithful, the answer will be like this:

"Because God punishes apostates with severe diseases and natural disasters".

Question: why the person died in a car accident at a young and nubile age, but not

of natural causes, of old age in the bed in his room?

If it is about a faithful, the answer will be like this:

"Unfortunately, it's the devil's work, but this parishioner is pure before God, and

now his soul will be ascended to the kingdom of heaven and will eternally enjoy felicity

in the Garden of Eden".

But if it is about an unfaithful, the answer will be like this:

"Because God punished this heretic for his sins, and now his soul will go to the

Inferno and eternally burn in hellfire".

In medicine, such disease is called "optic-psychological dissociative identity disorder".

And religious figures intentionally initiate dissociative identity, because they are

well aware that the following accidents could occur in the life of every man on Earth

– it does not matter whether faithful or unfaithful, righteous or not –

especially up to the third or fourth generation: – severe disease, natural disaster,

sudden death.

Because life and death walk around not from the date of birth of a man, but in the


Why I gave this example? Because many religious figures refer to one of the commandments in the Bible (Exodus 20: 5-6), that says:

Because I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers

upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Giving this commandment as an example, they warn their parishioners that God

punishes children for the guilt of their fathers up to the third and fourth generation.

Even if this descendant didn't commit any unlawful actions and selflessly dedicated himself to the service of the Lord.

Why do they preach about God's justice, if All-merciful and Gracious God can

punish totally innocent person for the guilt of his great grandfather?

Or vice versa, when God can show His mercy to downright scoundrel, and he will

literally wallow in luxury at the expense of people, because his great grandfather loved

God and followed His commandments.

And such God's justice happens pretty often in this world.

By the way, religious figures made up this saying to blame the undesirable person

for all deadly sins: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions",

but then it turns out that: "The road to paradise is paved with evil intentions". As

the saying goes: "Marvellous are your works, Lord God".

But to make the parishioners believe in what is written in the Bible (and the content of this book clearly does not correspond to the natural law),

the great schemers represented by the spiritual leaders claim that each word in the

Bible has a hidden meaning.

And that is why we must not take these words literally, i.e. how it is written there

in black and white.

For that reason many Bible commentators and interpreters, as well as followers of

the secret teaching – Cabbala

started to decipher the Bible as they please by the prompting of their spiritual


And all of them found their own truth that led to tensions and division between


That is why, the only one religious faith in One God formed religious denominations and sects with different doctrine.

And subsequently they started a feud, accusing each other of false doctrine and lying to their parishioners.

Currently three main religious denominations – Jewish, Christian and Muslim –

accuse recently formed religious sects of fraud.

And accuse their heads of preaching in the name of other gods.

This is done only to make "faithful" Jewish, Christian and Muslim stone them to death,

as appropriate under the Law of Moshe/Moses/Musa.

What we read in the Pentateuch about it:

(Torah – Devarim, and Deuteronomy according to the Bible 18: 20):

But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have

not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet

must die.

So, they intend to destroy new sects in the bud using such savage methods.

But all main religious denominations were formed from such sects.

And at the time when they were still few in number, others accused them of fraud


and accused their heads of preaching in the name of other gods, and stoned them.

That is why in the light of their past experience they concluded that numerous religious denominations can be formed from small sects in the future,

and then they will have to treat them not like fraudsters, but like honorable righteous,

and also call them with respectable word – Your Excellence! or Your Holiness!

Of course, all these sects are burr in the saddle for the main religious denominations.

And that is why they will struggle by all means to ensure that there will be no new

competitors in their profitable business,

because they don't want to lose even a small part of delicious and vastly expensive

cake called "Religion".

This cake was made from a glut of wealth and the highest titles, and that is why

various money-makers always had a temptation to bite off just a small piece of this cake.

But temptation usually ended sadly for many of them.

And here's what spiritual leaders of religious denominations and sects preach to

their parishioners in order to live in clover at their expense:

And all that believed were together, and had all things common.

And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man

had need.

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread

from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart (Acts of the

Apostles 2: 44-47).

That's the key why their trusting parishioners sell their homes and any property,

and with singleness of heart give raised money to their spiritual leaders.

And you, dear reader, already know from the media, what spiritual leaders do with

this money.

Of course, they build lordly mansions with high fences with that money,

and live there in grand style – like in the Garden of Eden.

And if someone currently declares him as the Messiah, spiritual heads of communities will immediately accuse and call this person False Messiah, and he will be