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nailed to the cross like Jesus.

Because they are well aware that the Messiah exists neither on Earth, nor in


that is why they need only Messiah risen from the dead and only in Heaven.

They affect the consciousness of their parishioners with Messiah risen from the

dead and the slogan: "Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!"

to make their parishioners believe in this fairytale.

And if Messiah existed on the Earth, they should yield their privileged leadership

– power over parishioners.

By the way, the heads of the Communist Party just need "living" Lenin

placed in armored sarcophagus in a mausoleum under heavy guard.

They affect the consciousness of their parishioners with the party slogan: "Lenin

lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live!" to make people believe in this fairytale.

And if Lenin existed on the Earth, they should yield their privileged leadership –

power over nations.

But in this world nobody has ever yielded his possession (flock, parish) without a


So there is a quite reasonable question: why religious figures didn't specify the exact date of coming of the Messiah/Christ in the Bible?

And of course, as you, dear reader, have probably guessed, if they specified the

exact date,

that day would be not a day of coming of the Messiah, but the last day of their career.

And such situation allows the religious figures to speak from the international

rostrums that coming of the Messiah will take place only

when immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened,

and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers

of the heavens will be shaken;

and then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven: and then all the tribes

of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven

with power and great glory (Gospel of Matthew 24: 29-30).

According to estimates of astronomers, the Sun will fade away after some millions of years.

And this situation – if all stars, including the Sun fallen from heaven to the planetgrain Earth en masse, we can't even imagine in our worst nightmares.

Then it turns out that the Messiah will come to us in the clouds of heaven with

power and great glory only when there will be no Earth and stars in the Universe.

We have only one consolation – that the Moon will not fall and just will not give

its light, although moonlight is the reflection of sunlight.

And the most amazing is that All-powerful Creator doesn't destroy His

archenemies – Satan and the Antichrist.

Or maybe the spiritual leaders use this state of affairs to blame some undesirable

persons, denominations or sects for Satanism,

and scare their parishioners with the near coming of the Antichrist??

What is more amazing is that Christian religious figures published millions of

books about the "near" coming of the Antichrist and the Christ for two thousand years,

and Jewish religious figures also published millions of books about the "near"

coming of Mashiah (Messiah) for three thousand years,

and even specified such time in some books: "now – in our days".

And for some reason They don't want to come down from heaven to earth.

And indeed, they came up with coming of the Messiah as a deliverer from injustice on Earth.

In the same way, communist ideologists invented the word "communism" with the

party slogan: "Long live communism – the bright future of all mankind!",

that is, they began to promise the future Communism to their people to make them

change one ghost faith for another.

There is a wise folk saying: "Changing the order of summands doesn't change the


Because these figures carefully studied psychology of ordinary people, and concluded that they dream of the miracle of deliverance from injustice with coming of the


or life in the future society with general equality, fraternity and well-being called


And with the promise of coming of the Messiah, spiritual leaders want achieve

only one thing

– to keep their parishioners in check ignorance, patience and obedience to ensure

that their will not be able to get out of obscurantism and take up the struggle with their


i.e. governors which have dominion over them and plundered their people in collusion with the spiritual leaders.

These governors donate huge sums of money plundered from the people, to those

religious denominations where receive tacit support in their unlawful actions.

Because the priests of these denominations consecrate their numerous enterprises

to make them flourish still greater, bringing a glut of wealth for owners, despite of their

illegal business.

And spiritual leaders of these denominations are not averse to anything – they

build super expensive Temples with dirty money of these governors,

and lordly mansions with high fences to protect themselves and their families

from their own parishioners.

Leviticus, or who Levi Levayev is

Known as the "King of Diamonds" Levi Levayev is one of the benefactors, whose

support has helped the Jewish religious sect – Lubavitch movement Chabad

to propagate its doctrine throughout the world, especially among the former citizens of the Soviet Union of Jewish nationality.

And the spiritual leader of this movement Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

was honored with the highest title on the Earth – the Messiah and King of the Jews

shortly before his transit from this life to the next,

and with the highest title in Heaven – God and the Creator of the Universe after

his transit from this life to the next.

His followers added new prayer in their prayer books:

Long live our Rebbe, our G-d, Teacher, King, Mashiah!

The above-mentioned example raises a quite reasonable question: why many spiritual leaders of modern times found the idea about the God-Man and the Messiah

which was spread by pupils of Jesus among the pagan nations of the Roman Empire, interesting?

Answer: because many parishioners of religious denominations and sects declare

their spiritual leaders as the new messiahs of God on the Earth.

And after their transit from this life to the next, they declare that these spiritual

leaders were transformed into God of all tribes and people on Earth.

And these fanatics are waiting for the second coming of the Messiah embodied in

their spiritual leaders moved on from this world to the next.

All the above-mentioned only proves that many spiritual leaders don't really believe in super-nature,

they are just as likely as psychics, hypnotists, clairvoyants, founders of pyramid

schemes and street scammers

affect the psyche of ordinary people, knowing that people want to get rich quickly

or wait for the miraculous healing from all ails.

But the above-mentioned fraudsters take advantage from it, and by promising their

clients and parishioners these benefits, they leave them without a means of sustaining life.

We reveal the deceit of unreligious fraudsters only when we understand that we

are left holding the bag.

But deceit of religious fraudsters can’t be revealed,