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More Torians were running forward now, with more brushwood to make new crossing places. Blade gave his orders to the naphtha carriers. They waited until each crossing place was filled in and the Torians moving up to the wall. Then they threw down bags of naphtha and torches on top of that. Flames boomed up, brushwood crackled, and Torians died screaming horribly, rolling on the ground or running wildly, trailing flame and smoke.

Now Blade had a few moments free to look over the fort. He saw at once that too many men were trying to get in on the defense of the wall, and not enough were ready elsewhere. He began shouting, waving men away and pushing others toward the ladders. Gradually he got warriors and women drifting across the fort toward the gate. He would have liked to see Naula join that drift, but she seemed determined to stay with him on the wall until the last Torian attacker was beaten down or beaten back.

Blade's orders reinforcing the gate came just in time. Only minutes after the warriors started moving that way, the Torians attacked with their battering-ram. A tremendous booming crash rolled across the fort as the ram struck its first blow, drowning out all other sounds for a moment. The echoes died away, harsh Torian voices rose in a heaving chant, and the ram crashed home again. Blade saw the heavy logs of the gate shiver.

Torian heads appeared over the outer railing of the gate house and Kargoi scrambled up to meet them. A new and furious battle exploded up there, as the ram pounded away at the gate below. Blade saw Rehod leading warriors and a band of women and workers carrying logs, to brace the sagging gate. From the gate house Torian archers fired at Rehod's band, each one getting off an arrow or two before he was killed. Blade saw Rehod bend and pick up something from the ground, then run on toward the gate.

The Torians kept trying to scale the wall where Blade stood until all their brushwood and most of their ladders had been used up-smashed or burned or buried under mounds of corpses. In several places the ditch was nearly filled with Torian bodies. They'd lost nearly five hundred men, enough to make the bravest draw back and think again. Blade saw warriors beginning to drift around the walls of the fort, to join the attack on the gate.

The gate seemed to be only minutes from collapse. Blade saw several men shot down trying to toss naphtha down on the crew of the rare. Flames and screams rose in one place, but not the right one. The pounding of the ram went on.

Blade was heading for a ladder, to go down and join the defense of the gate, when a woman's cry struck a sudden new note in his ear. He turned, to see Naula standing close behind him. She was swaying like a drunkard, her teeth clamped down hard on her lower lip. Blade reached out a hand to steady her, then saw the Torian arrow driven into her breast.

Her lips moved, twisting painfully to get the words out. «Rehod-at you-saw him-he wanted us to think Torians-kill-«Then she sagged forward, and would have fallen off the wall if Blade hadn't caught her. He held her for a moment, long enough to feel the life go out of her. Then he laid her down, wiped the blood from her lips, and sprang down from the wall into the fort like a tiger on the hunt.

He had to kill Rehod, and quickly, before the baudz could attack again or get any of his personal followers to defend him against Blade. It would have to be a stealthy killing, too, or the garrison would see their two commanders locked in deadly combat as the Torians broke through the gate. That spectacle could sow panic and give the Torians victory.

As Blade ran across the fort the logs of the gate gave inward with an uproar of thuds and crackings. The women and workers trying to brace fresh logs in place scattered, leaping over the brush-filled ditch dug in a semicircle around the gate. The Torians followed them, scrambling over the fallen logs, coming on with shouts and screams, scenting victory.

Then Rehod threw a lighted torch down into the brushwood that filled the ditch. The naphtha-soaked wood exploded into a wall of flame that ran completely across the gate. At the very ends of the semicircle there were gaps, where the ditch was cut short to keep the wall from catching fire. Solid clusters of Kargoi with spears and swords ran into position behind those gaps. Meanwhile, every Kargoi within range who had a bow and arrows let fly.

The first few Torians could not draw back in time as the flames roared up. They tumbled straight into the ditch. The screams were indescribable, and Blade saw hardened Kargoi warriors turn white and vomit at the sound. Arrows rained down on the Torians who escaped the flames, and the head of the attacking column went down as if a machine gun had gone to work on it.

The spectacle of the dying Torians drew all of Rehod's attention. He stood at the edge of the smoke cloud around the fire-filled ditch, waving his sword, with no eyes for anything to his flanks or rear. Blade sprinted up to Rehod, pivoted on one foot, and wheel-kicked the baudz in the small of the back. Rehod was in the flaming ditch before he realized that he was falling. He did not scream long, but he screamed louder and more horribly than anyone else who'd died in the ditch. Blade could ignore those screams. Naula was now thoroughly avenged, and the danger of civil war or intrigue among the Kargoi greatly reduced.

Only a few minutes after Rehod's death, the attack through the gate collapsed. Again the Torians left several hundred dead and dying on the ground before they gave up the struggle. Between the two attacks, they'd lost more men than the whole strength of the garrison of the West Fort, without inflicting more than a hundred casualties on the Kargoi.

Blade kept his doubts about the future to himself. Apart from the lurking threat of the Menel, the Torians would certainly come again. They were intelligent as well as brave, and they would certainly learn valuable lessons from this repulse. When they came again, they might not be so comparatively easy to stop.

He wasn't even sure that the Torians had finished with this attack. The fort was dangerously short of both arrows and naphtha. If the Torians pushed home another assault, they might lose another thousand men, but they would probably have the West Fort when the battle was over.

Blade didn't relax until dawn the next morning showed empty plain where the Torian camp had been. Even then he was cautious about letting parties out of the fort to scavenge up the fallen weapons and collect the bodies for burial in a mass grave. The parties worked armed, with mounted scouts out in all directions.

That evening Paor appeared with five hundred mounted warriors and a long wagon convoy of supplies. Now the fort could hold out against any attack the Torians could launch for quite some time.

«Where's Rehod?» was Paor's question, after inspecting the fort.

«I killed him,» said Blade quietly. «He shot at me with a Torian arrow, to make it look like the work of the enemy. Naula died taking that arrow. I came down, caught Rehod by surprise, and pushed him into the fire ditch. No one could even recognize which body was his after the fire died down.

«Did anyone see you do it?»

Blade shook his head. «Let us say that if anyone saw it, they have said nothing to me about it. They know they will not raise Rehod from the dead, and they may perhaps join him if they offend me.»

«My sword would be with you in that,» said Paor.

«Good. It seems to me that we have now found as much of a new homeland as we are likely to have until we make peace with the Torians. That may be a long time. With Rehod dead there is less danger of plots and intrigues. Perhaps it is time that we consider making you High Baudz.»