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"You can take it, baby, you can take it," Jack said, sliding his arms around her and pinching her high-riding tits.

"Hurt, hurt!" she cried.

But Sister Mary Theresa wanted more cock piledriving into her. She was sandwiched between two virile men, pawed by two sadists who would trample her in the mud when they were finished with her. As the two sweaty men started hunching wildly into her, the woman felt a thrill unlike anything she'd ever felt before. The religious ecstasies practiced in confession and prayer were nothing compared to these two hammering pricks. Two men fucking her! Two thick long cocks were slipping deeper and deeper into her body. In a wild thought, Sister Mary Theresa wondered if the men could somehow feel one another in her body as they fucked down and forward.

"That's it, baby, just relax," Jack whispered as he felt the tension drain out of her body.

Thick streams of cum oozed from his cock, flooding into the valley between her asscheeks. The tip of his cock worked slowly back and forth in her tight butt hole. As it pushed in, the elastic ring of flesh stretched open, puckering in from the shoving pressure. Her wrinkled asshole fit tightly over his cockhead, spasming shut as the meaty head popped inside.

"Good, baby, good!" he panted, his mouth tickling against one ear.

Sister Mary Theresa cried again in pleasure when she felt her ear being sucked into Jack's mouth. When his tongue lashed down deep into the canal, she shoved back with her ass, opening for his cock, begging him to shove all the way inside. She hunched forward then, sinking onto the slippery prick shoving into her pussy. As she hunched back, Jack's long cock shoved into her tight ass all the way. It nearly blew her mind to feel the wiry cock hairs brushing against her shitter!

"Oh, no, no! Nooo!"

"Man, gonna shoot, gonna pop off!" Jack suddenly cried out from behind.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" the young nun cried.

She was ready for them now. She could feel her pussy muscles throbbing, tensing, getting ready for a mind-splitting climax. Sister Mary Theresa held off, waiting for the men to start shooting.

"Fuck!" Jack groaned, feeling his jizz bubbling up thick and rich in his cock. He shoved forward and pressed in as tightly as he could, throwing one arm across Rico's back and drawing them all tightly together.

"Oh, yes, come!" the nun wailed in response, her body exploding with maximum pleasure. She felt something shooting in her ass and knew it was the young commando's spunk.

Rico hunched furiously, pushing up hard against the nun's body, keeping his cock embedded in her cunt up to the hilt. His mouth moved down onto hers and stayed there while he hammered his cock against her clit. The two of them were moaning into one another's mouths, both of them wildly out of control.

Suddenly Rico tore his mouth away and let out a cry sounding as if someone had knifed him in the back. He closed his eyes, his body twitching. The young nun couldn't hold back any more. She felt his cock twitching, shivering, then throbbing regularly as cum shot out of the piss-slit and burned into her shuddering cunt. As Rico's cum shot out, he stabbed his tongue back deep inside her mouth. With each bubbling load, he jabbed his tongue deeper and deeper.

"Ohhhhh, God!" she cried. Her cuntwalls shook with the violent explosion of her climax. Chilly fires licked at her clit. Her pussy jerked with a crazy rhythm matching the explosions of the cocks still buried inside her body. As she floated off the bed and sailed high in the sky, Sister Mary Theresa knew she'd forever sullied her religious vocation. She could somehow explain away what had happened the first time between her and the commando leader. But now the nun knew she was forever ruined, unfit to enter a church, let alone serve God.

"Man, you were right," Rico panted, pulling his cock from her cunt with a squishy pop and rolling onto his back. He scratched his balls, a smile of dreamy satisfaction crossing his handsome face. "You could stay in the sack all day with this one."

"Yeah," Jack said, still moving his hips from side, keeping his cock buried in her shitter. He smoothed his fingers over her thighs, sighing deeply. "But don't forgot we got a job to do."

Rico stiffened, brought back to reality by Jack's words.

Sister Mary Theresa remembered now about the assassination attempt. How could she have become so carried away? These men were not better than common murderers! They were going to kill someone, possibly start a world-wide crisis. And all she'd been thinking of was the unholy lust making her asshole hot and her pussy tighten and swell!

"Let's get her below with the others," Jack said, sliding out of bed and searching through the pile of clothes on the floor for his shirt and trousers.

"In the name of everything holy, give this up," the nun begged, pressing her hands together. She realized she must have appeared odd, stark naked, her body stained with sweat and cum, her hands pressed together in prayer-like fashion as she pleaded with them.

"Listen to the Pope," Rico laughed derisively, slipping the shirt over his broad shoulders and buttoning it. "You ain't gonna help nobody. You're gonna sit around here like the rest of 'em. And when we're through, you can pray for souls all you want," he said, lowering his face to hers and grinning foully at her.

The young nun felt chills ripple up and down her spine. How could she have let this go so far? Oh, God does punish! She'd have the blood of that Spanish diplomat on her hands for eternity. Already the young nun could smell the fires of hell!

After they all dressed, Rico and Jack escorted the trembling woman from the bedroom, down the corridor to one of the rooms near where she'd last seen Mother Superior. No one was inside at the time when Jack shoved her in roughly, telling her it was useless to escape. The nun stood holding onto her upper arms with criss-crossed hands, her eyes lowered to the floor as the door slammed and was bolted shut behind her.

For what seemed like hours, she stood in the middle of that dark, barren room, her eyes filled with tears of shame. Images of her and the two commandos filled her mind. She thought of the way she'd encouraged them, of the delicious sensations tearing through her cunt as Jack and Rico fucked her in the ass and cunt.

"Oh, God, forgive me, forgive me!" she cried in a trembling whisper.

As the shadows crept menacingly across the wooden floor, Sister Mary Theresa sank to her knees, her lips moving as she prayed for her soul and the souls of the men torturing her.

She must have fallen asleep. Shaking herself from stupor, the nun realized she had collapsed, her head resting on one arm. Moaning softly she roused herself, feeling stiff, dirty, defiled. It was still night. Hugging her body tightly, the nun walked to a barred window overlooking the service alley. Pressing her forehead against the glass, she looked up at the black sky. It was so peaceful. All those stars in that cloudless sky made it seem so quiet and good. Yet here she was, trapped in the convent with other nuns by men who were bent on destroying another human being! And there seemed nothing she could do to save him!

It was growing cold inside. Even the thick garment now hanging half in tatters on her body couldn't shield her completely from the drafts in the room.

Shivering, Sister Mary Theresa turned from the window, wondering what she could do to free herself and save the diplomat.

It was in this frame of mind she heard footsteps approaching the door. Tensing, the young nun backed away, making the sign of the cross when she heard someone fumbling with the doorknob.

A hand shot in, moving up and down the wall, searching for a light switch.

The nun turned her head away, closing her eyes and shielding them with one hand as the overhead light clicked on.

"Sorry about that," she heard Jack say. Someone else was in the room with him. Her eyes became accustomed to the light quickly. Turning back around, she saw him there with the two other terrorists, Rick and Joe.