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"Uhhhhhh!" the younger nun cried, pulling her head from between Sister Mary Theresa's legs as a finger slipped into her asshole. She wiggled her hips, angling her thighs and lowering her pussy back down to the other nun's mouth.

Just as Sister Mary Theresa felt her pussy swell to the bursting point, Jack bent down and pulled the younger nun roughly away.

Sister Mary Theresa cried, panting heavily like an animal. Cunt juice and spittle flecked her inner thighs while a deep flush of excitement covered her belly, chest and face.

"Show's over," Jack said, glancing down at his wristwatch.

Clearing her head as best she could, the nun realized the importance of getting help now. The Spanish diplomat would die if the police weren't notified soon.

"We got a few minutes," Joe said, also glancing at his wristwatch. Rico and Rick had begun tying up some of the nuns, stuffing handkerchiefs in their mouths while fixing their wrists and ankles to the chairs they sat in.

"Not that much. Wait," Jack said, his eyes brightening as an idea shot through his mind. "Get the mutt. Let the others know what kinda shit they've got here."

"Think he's back in the van. I'll get him." Joe said, ducking out of the room.

"No, no, not that! Not that!" Sister Mary Theresa cried, scrambling to her feet. She clenched her fingers into two tight fists, pressing them hard against her naked thighs. Her eyes started from her head while sweat broke out all over her body.

"All right, then we'll put this one through the paces," Jack said, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Sister Mary Dominic's hair. The young nun screamed, her hands jerking up and beating back at the commando as he yanked hard. Sister Mary Theresa stepped forward to help, then stopped as Rico aimed his rifle at her belly.

The other nuns screamed again through their gags while Sister Mary Theresa blushed. The world had ended for her. At least for Sister Mary Dominic there was hope. She couldn't let the same thing happen to this young nun that happened to her.

"Let her go," she said in a low, trembling voice, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"I… I think I'm gonna be sick," Sister Mary Dominic moaned, holding her belly tightly with both hands after Jack had released her hair. She shivered, her face turning white as a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Then turning around stretching, the young nun bolted from the room, her feet padding down the tiled corridor toward the bathroom. They all heard the large doors bang open, shortly afterward followed by the continual flushing of a toilet.

Jack laughed, shaking his head from side to side.

"Keep an eye on her," he said to Rico, jerking his head in the direction of the opened door. The young commando looked at Sister Mary Theresa, then reluctantly backed out of the room.

"Oops, sorry," Joe said, banging into his buddy was a brief scuffle at the door. There commandos and the dog stumbled over one another.

"Damn it, this ain't no comedy flick," Jack snarled.

After some time the small group disentangled itself, Rico going out into the corridor looking for the young nun and Joe entering the reception room with Patch. Jack and Rick had finished binding and gagging the nuns.

"Ohhh!" Sister Mary Theresa cried, sinking dazed to the floor. It was happening all over again!

Tears streaked the lined old face of Mother Superior as she watched one of her favorite nuns race down the path toward hell.

"Harder!" she cried, curling her toes and digging the nails into the floor.

Jack was touching her with his rifle, ordering her to get up and roll over.

Fighting through the fog of sensuality that had made her powerless, the young nun did as she was told. In a second she found herself on her hands and knees, her thunderous tits hanging and nearly touching the floor while her ass tilted high in the air and wagged provocatively at the man.

"In there!" she whispered, her knuckles whitening with growing tension.

Could she really go this far? Oh, how she'd give anything to feel something long and hard in her slit! None of them would fuck her. Sister Mary Theresa felt nails scratching at her asscheeks. With a shout of horror, the young nun realized she was being mounted by the man.

Sister Mary Theresa was babbling, throwing her ass around in frantic tight circles to urge the man on. Was it really happening? Could she actually be performing this vile act in a room where whispering too loudly had been severely punished? Suddenly Sister Mary Theresa heard loud laughter. After some time, she realized the laughter was coming from her. Fucking! That's all there was in the world. That's all that was worth anything in the world! Hysterical, the young nun took on the man with a relish that surprised even the jaded commandos.

A flash of sex hunger shot through the nun's reeling mind. Her excitement was at a keen pitch. Sobbing, gasping in air to feed her writhing body, she felt his red, knobby prick slip into her cunt.


"Tie her up and let's get the fuck outta here," Jack snapped.

Rico and Joe worked quickly, picking up Sister Mary Theresa and dropping her into a vacant chair. They needn't have tied her and gagged her. She was far too tired, far to crazed to have done anything. Still the ropes cinched her tits and bound her wrists and ankles.

"It's been fun, ladies, but now it's back to work," he said, smirking at the nuns as his buddies and the animal quickly evacuated the large reception room.

Several minutes passed. Some of the nuns began working their hands against the ropes, trying to get free. Sister Mary Dominic tried to catch her friend's attention.

Sister Mary Theresa only thought of her humiliation, her debasement, all those cocks, all that torture. And hidden behind the handkerchief gag, her lips curled into a smile.

Shots in the street suddenly snapped her to attention. There were shouts, more shots followed by the wail of police sirens. So Sister Mary Dominic had made it to the phone. The bathroom had been a ruse! Glancing over at the young naked nun, she saw from her eyes this was true. Jack and his friends would either be killed on the street or captured and tried. "Oh!"

It was Mother Superior. The old woman had managed to work her hands free. Sister Mary Theresa saw her pull the handkerchief from her mouth, then bend down and untie the rope binding her ankles to the chair. It was over. She could begin her life again.

Or could she? As she watched the old nun begin untying the others, Sister Mary Theresa wandered how she could ever resume her life of prayer? No, no, it was impossible! Whatever violence and filth Jack and his friends had shown her, they also revealed to her how false her life had been. She needed love. What was more, she needed physical stimulation. The order of religion was fine for those who wanted to run from life. But Sister Mary Theresa now realized she needed life, needed stimulation.

"Sister, you have much work to do," Mother Superior said as she untied the ropes binding Sister Mary Theresa's anus.

"Yes, more than you know," she replied, staring back at the older woman, then pushing her away as she finished loosening the ropes.