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The men moved out of sight while the two nuns sat paralyzed with fear. In a moment it was all over. The door opened, two nuns stepped inside, stopping as they saw Sister Mary Theresa raise her hand in warning. A brief scuffle followed, marked by screams and slaps. Soon the two entering nuns were helpless. Jack told the terrified holy women to move out the rear entrance.

"We're goin' to your place. We been scoutin' it out all week. It's gonna be one hell of a hideout," Jack said as Rick moved cautiously into the alley and checked for police. He unlocked the rear door of the blue Chevy van when he felt it was safe.


Sister Mary Theresa was first to climb in, screaming when she saw a large black and white German shepherd standing by the driver's seat.

"He ain't gonna hurtcha… if you don't yell," Rick said with a grin.

On the way to the convent, the nuns learned these men tried to assassinate a Spanish official in downtown Los Angeles. They had failed, but were planning to try again in a few days. For the moment they had to find a safe place near the Spanish consulate. The nuns' convent presented an ideal place of refuge from the police. The political office had been on the escape route from the hit spot.

"How many inside?" Jack asked as the van rolled up behind the massive three-story Gothic building. The church was just across the street. How good and comforting it looked now!

"Eight. It's a small order," Sister Mary Theresa confessed.

"Okay," he said tensely, glancing at his watch. Rick moved the van cautiously along the alleyway, stopping at the rear door of the convent.

"You stash the van where we agreed. Me, Rico and Joe'll take the place. Don't think we'll have any problems. And when we get inside, you can tell your fuckin' Mother Superior, or whatever the hell she is, I don't give a fuck about shootin' nuns, understand?"

Sister Mary Theresa nodded her head up and down rapidly. The operation was fast. The four nuns were shoved roughly from the van and nearly thrown into the back of the convent. Three nuns were in the kitchen cooking when the assault began. There were screams that ended quickly when Jack and Rico painted the automatic rifles at their heads. In minutes the men, had subdued the women, breaking them up into groups of three and herding them into separate rooms.

"I want this one for a while," Jack said, wiping his thick sensuous lips with the back of his right hand.

Sister Mary Theresa leaned against Mother Superior, holding the older woman's trembling hand with hers.

"Give me strength, Mother. Pray for me," the young nun whispered. She was shivering as Jack stared hotly at her. The other men were grinning from ear to car, their rifles dangling from their armpits. Jack smirked at the young nun, touching one leg with the tip of his weapon and laughing as she jumped and shuddered. The cold metal made the woman's flesh crawl.

"Take solace in our Lord, Sister," Mother Superior whispered back, kissing the woman gently on the forehead.

"Upstairs," Rico growled, shoving the older woman roughly between the shoulders.

She stumbled, nearly falling to the floor. Sister Mary Dominic screamed with the other nuns as they watched this unspeakable act of disrespect.

"No, don't, don't do this to me," Sister Mary Theresa begged as Jack took her by one arm and led her down the long corridor.

"Any of these yours?" he asked as they marched swiftly past several opened doors.

"No, upstairs. Please, don't," she repeated confusedly.

"Ain't never fucked a nun before," Jack said, stopping in front of one door, peering in, then shoving the young woman inside. "There's a first time for everything," he said, kicking the door shut.

Sister Mary Theresa stood in the middle of the bare room. It was furnished as simply as hers. An iron post single bed was pushed against one whitewashed wall. A dresser stood opposite it. A small throw rug lay in the middle of the tiny cubicle while a crucifix hung just above the dresser.

Jack slipped the rifle's shoulder strap off his arm and lay the weapon down against the dresser. Pulling his green shirt out from his trousers, he unbuttoned the sleeves, staring strangely at the trembling young nun.

"What… oh, God, don't, I'm a nun! You can't do this to me," she said, shaking her head back and forth. He was going to… to have… relations with her. What did the boys call it? Fucking! Yes, he was going to fuck her!

The young nun backed away from Jack until she felt the edge of the bed pressing against the backs of her legs. Oh, if only there was school today! But it was a spring holiday. No one would be coming into the convent for another four days!

"You a virgin?" he asked, laughing derisively before Sister Mary Theresa could register her indignation at that kind of question.

He unbuckled the long black leather belt, then unfastened the top button of his trousers. Sister Mary Theresa's eyes raced down between his legs and saw the bulge in his crotch. It was just as in her dreams. The young terrified nun was feeling excitement, curiosity, all the things that would send her straight to hell if she gave into them. She had to resist for her soul and her body.

"No, I won't," she whispered, clenching her teeth, and turning away from the young man.

"You're hot, baby. I can tell. You ain't got no business being a nun. Not like them other women of ice out there," Jack whispered.

His words were like fire to her brain. She felt dizzy, confused. Before she had a chance to respond, Jack was all over her, his body pressing hard against hers. Sister Mary Theresa cried out, twisting as best she could in his grip. At times she managed to free one arm and tried to scratch her nails against his face. Jack only laughed, knocking her hand roughly away and slap ping her.

"I like a cunt who fights," he commented crudely.

"No, stop, stop!"

There were tearing sounds. The nuns of Sister Mary Theresa's order no longer wore the full-dress wimple and habit of medieval time. But still the garments were in full keeping with conservative modesty. Now the woman felt her clothes being torn from her body. First the small veil fell from her hair, followed by the long black dress. Jack was breathing hard, rubbing his groin against her crotch while stripping the screaming nun of her clothes.

"Always wondered if nuns wore black panties," he said, finally tearing the last of her garment from her hips.

Sister Mary Theresa shoved herself back, temporarily breaking away from the commando mercenary. His shirt was completely opened now, revealing a hairy, broad chest banded with well-developed muscles. She crossed her arms, trying to cover her tits and pussy. She felt so naked even though her bra and panties were stills intact.

"You're gonna be one hell of a tight fuck, baby," he said, his voice quavering with excitement.

The woman's eyes widened as she watched him take one end of his belt and pull it from the trouser loops. Jack held the buckled end like a whip, doubling the belt and tapping the looped end rhythmically against one thigh.

"Please, oh, no, please," she said in a tight little whisper.

But Jack only smiled, his eyes wide with excitement. The veins leading to his knuckles stood out while his chest glistened with sweat.

"I got an idea you like a little rough stuff. All you fuckin' Catholics got somethin' about penance and all that shit. Some buddies of mine told me all about it. Even caught a couple of nuns actin' freaky with whips."

With that he shoved her back, sending the young nun toppling backward onto the small bed. Sister Mary Theresa let out a pant, catching herself with both arms pulled back. She tried to scramble back up. But Jack moved to the edge of the bed and held the belt up menacingly. With a whimper the young woman scooted back, covering her face protectively with one hand while clutching the wrinkled top sheet with the other.

"Little whore, little hypocrite," be muttered.