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"No, no, no!" she whimpered. Tears oozed from her eyes. "Don't do this!"

Jack hesitated with the belt, his eyes moving slowly over the woman's body. He stared at her tits pressing hard against the black bra, at the few dark curls peeping around the elastic leg bands of her modest black panties. He was enjoying watching this woman tremble under him.

Sister Mary Theresa cried out one more time. Then Jack swung the belt, the thick leather sizzling through the air. It seemed to hiss as it slashed across one thigh with a loud crash.

The young nun screamed, her body jerking to one side while the injured leg kicked out at the commando. It hurt so badly! It was as if someone had touched her thigh with dry ice, then followed up with a red-hot poker! She rubbed the sore spot with one hand, looking up pleadingly at the young man.

"Over on your ass," he said with a growl.

Sister Mary Theresa had no choice. At least she'd be able to protect her tits and pussy from the belt.

Jack studied her firm, well-rounded ass, then reached down, curling his fingers around the elastic waistband of her panties. Sister Mary Theresa groaned into the pillow, pressing her fingers into the soft down as she felt him pulling down her panties. Her face reddened with shame. He was stripping her, tearing the last remnant of modesty and pride from her body, and all under the calm gaze of Christ on the cross!

"Oh, God, please help your handmaiden," Sister Mary Theresa prayed with a whisper.

With a tearing sound the panties came free. No God, the sobbing nun realized, would come to her aid now.


Sister Mary Theresa squirmed and whimpered as the belt criss-crossed along her ass. Small whip stripes were left on her white flesh as her asscheeks jiggled under the constant attack. Jack was sweating, droplets of his perspiration dropping onto her body. Sister Mary Theresa had stopped screaming. Her belly churned with terror and a strange kind of excitement as the leather bit into her flesh again and again. Once or twice she felt the pointed end of the belt curling around her inner thighs, coming dangerously close to her pussy. What a strange reaction she had then! Instead of the usual pain and fear, an odd kind of heat surged through her pussy, making it clamp shut on thin air. It was almost like the feeling she'd had that night tossing and writhing on her bed.

"Nice bitch, good bitch," Jack panted, stopping his beating for a while and wiping his forehead with his upper arm.

Wouldn't he ever grow tired? Already the young nun was feeling her butt growing numb under the constant cruel attack. But the searing pain was doing strange things to her pussy. Her body rolled and jerked under the slicing belt and Sister Mary Theresa's pussy grew hotter and tighter. No longer did the belt have to touch her inner thighs to prove that delicious sensation between her legs. Now with each blow her cunt vibrated strangely, those tremors spreading rapidly to her stiffening clit. The tiny spindle ached and throbbed and itched. The young nun clutched at the pillow desperately to keep from jerking her hands down to her pussy to relieve the terrible pressure building there. Oh, how awful! How terrible to be feeling this wonderful sensation while being used so foully!

Sister Mary Theresa chewed the pillow now, hiding her lust-contorted face in the lumpy material. Her asscheeks stayed tense, instinctively opening and closing rhythmically, matching the blows from the belt. Then as Jack slowed the assault she raised her ass, almost as if she were silently begging him for more.

"You dig it, eh, babe? Man, my Catholic buddies were right," Jack said, smiling down at the beaten young nun.

Sister Mary Theresa turned a tear-streaked face toward him. How she hated this man, hated him for what he was doing to her and her fellow sisters, hating him for what he was revealing inside her.

The bed sagged as Jack sat next to her. The smell of his sweat came through the heavy trousers. The stink almost made her gag. And yet there was something excitingly masculine about him. The young nun turned away from him, shoving her face deeper into the pillow.

"Baby, I'm gonna have you dancin' with my cock in your cunt before we get outta this room," he said evenly, trailing his fingers down the small of her back. He stopped at her bra strap, slipping his fingers under the elastic and quickly unbuttoning it.

Sister Mary Theresa let out a little groan as she felt the halter being slipped from her shoulders, moved from her tits, then dropped to the floor. She was completely naked now, defenseless against this madman!

The nun felt him get up, heard his fingers working at the rest of the buttons of his trousers. She could hear his pants slipping down, hear his shirt hitting the floor along with the belt buckle. And as she pictured how he must look standing there by the bedside stark naked, she felt her pussy start to twitch while pussy oil seeped from her fuckhole. Her clit tingled as if a thousand hot needles were pricking that tiny gland. The nun trembled while her pussy quivered with excitement. An odd kind of pressure was building in her cunt and belly, swelling up through her ass to her nipples. She opened and closed her thighs, moving from side to side in a shameless dance of lust.

Jack was laughing at her now, enjoying the young woman's confusion and excitement. Sister Mary Theresa bit her lower lip, realizing she was giving herself up to a man, deriding her own faith.

The commando stepped out of his briefs, dropping them on the floor next to his trousers.

"Look at me, you stupid cunt. Man, take a look at a man's cock."

The young nun slowly complied, rolling over and stopping dead when she saw the fat thing sticking straight out from his groin.


That big thing was frightening. It was huge, far larger than anything she'd seen in those awful picture books showing men with erections! The sac below the monstrous cylinder of throbbing veins and twitching muscle was swollen like a sack of walnuts. At the fat root of his prick a thick bush of black wiry hairs curled, some of them dripping with droplets of perspiration. A strange odor came out from his groin. When the nun picked the scent up, she felt her pussy trigger into a higher stage of sexual heat.

"It's gonna split you apart, baby, and you're gonna dig it," he said in a thick voice.

It was frightening. His cock was so big. She felt she'd never be able to take it. How could any woman take something that large without tearing her pussy! Sister Mary Theresa moved back, feeling her ass pressing hard against the cold cracked plaster wall.

Jack reached down and scratched his balls lazily. His big pink cock bobbed from side to side. Droplets of opaque cum oozed from the broad piss-slit. He stood there next to the bed, purposely shoving his cock forward and nearly touching the terrified nun several times on the forehead with the drooling tip.

"Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they do," Sister Mary Theresa prayed, rolling her eyes up to the ceiling.

"Me? Forgive me?" Jack said, laughing loudly. "Baby, the way you're juicin', you'd better ask for some of that forgiveness yourself," he said mockingly, pointing at the wet, slick hairs fringing around the outer edges of her puffy cuntlips.

Sister Mary Theresa felt shame knife through her like a hot poker.

"God ain't gonna help you. Go ahead and pray if you wanna, though," he said, jerking her legs apart. "Pray while I fuck you 'til you bleed."

As the nun screamed, he reached down and touched her cunt. The woman jerked back, that touch making her pussy quiver and actually move! Did he notice? Did he see her hot reaction to that light touch?

Jack muttered something, then crawled onto the bed. He reached up and shoved her roughly back down onto the bed. Was this it? Was he going to fuck her now? Oh, Lord, let it be fast! Maybe he'd be through so quickly she wouldn't even know what happened.