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It’s an hour or two before sunset, but I’ve reached a clearing with a stream and stopped to sit with my feet in the water.

It looks like there might have been a fire here a few years ago: the entire slope of this hill is covered in grass and burnt-out trees. The clearing’s given me my best view yet of Planet Endless Green Carpet. It’s all so empty and untouched. I’m still not 100% certain whether this is or isn’t Earth. I’ve scared off a few animals walking along, but the only one I caught a good look at was a deer, which doesn’t exactly narrow things down continent-wise, and I guess there could be deer on other planets.

There’s a curving glint of water down below which I’m hoping is a river. I mightn’t be able to see any fields or signs of settlement nearby, but I figure if I follow a river I’ll find a lake or the ocean and then – I don’t know.

My school uniform is nothing but sweat and itches, so if ever a rescue plane wanted to fly over, I’m about to wash everything while the sun’s still strong. Never thought to pack a spare pair of undies when getting ready for the exam. There’s no cloud today, so at least I can hope to try some star-spotting tonight. Astronomy’s not my thing, but the Southern Cross is the easiest constellation in the world – or off it! Too much cloud last night to even see if there’s a moon.

Knowing whether this is Earth is really important. If it’s Earth, then I might be able to recognise edible fruits and vegetables. And it might be MY Earth. Not another time, or an alternate or whatever. I could just be in somewhere really unpopulated and foresty, and that would mean home is still there waiting for me.

There are no really obvious clues so far. Gravity seems the same, the sun looks the same, the sky is blue, the leaves are green. If I see something which looks totally not from my Earth, I’ll have to face not being able to walk back home. Even without being sure, once I follow that river I’m going to have to think about something other than going forward. But until then, just to keep it all in steps that don’t overwhelm me, the plan is to get to the river, to follow the river.

Sunday, November 18


I’m no good at estimating how far I can walk in a day. I might get to the river today. I’m going very slow because of my feet, plus overall not feeling well. The nights aren’t impossibly cold, and I made a nest in the grass which was more or less comfortable, but I woke up covered in dew, and my throat’s sore. I’m out of tissues for toilet paper, too. History notes just aren’t…up to scratch.

I cut my tie into two pieces and have padded my shoes as best I can. Awkward bandages. Paper scissors don’t cut cloth well, but I had to wonder what I would have done if they hadn’t been in my pencil case. The things I have with me are irreplaceable.

Better living through bare feet

So here’s the plan. Barefoot unless the ground is really rough, and only then the torture devices. My feet are quickly collecting bruises, but I just couldn’t go on in my black leather school shoes. My heels are a raw, bleeding mess.

I spotted a tree critter just now, and I’m waiting for it to come out again while wondering if I’m capable of killing animals for food. Food is my biggest issue, since I’ve finished the last of the red pears. They’re not the only fruit I’ve found – there’s lots of green berries, for instance, but they’re so sour I think they’re not ripe. I picked a bunch of tiny, thumb-sized apples, but they made my mouth go numb.

- Red Pears – good.

- Thumb Apples – bad.

- Green Tearberries – sour/not ripe.

I’ve been puzzling over catching fish, trying to remember ways that don’t involve nets or fishing line. Pears won’t last forever. If I’m heading for Winter I’m in such deep shit.

Progress-wise, I’m nearer the river, but have lost sight of it because I’m not up top of a good slope. I’m just aiming in the general direction, which is a lot easier in the afternoon when the sun drops and the shadows point the way. I’m not near anything resembling a good camp – just sitting down for a while – and I need to find water as well. One Fanta bottle doesn’t carry nearly enough.

Back in the World

So tonight’s the night of the Schoolies' Cruise, and I’m supposed to be celebrating the end of high school. We didn’t want to fight the hordes at the beaches, let alone go up to the Gold Coast to be chased by Toolies, so about a hundred of us from Agowla and the Boy’s Tech were going on the Harbour. Her Mightiness (Helen Middledell, unofficial Queen of Agowla High School) was the cruise driving force and had all the say on the guest list, but since HM started her thing with Todd Hunter she’s been almost human, and didn’t try to keep everything to some sort of In crowd.

I was really looking forward to the cruise. I had a great dress, blue and silver and not frilly or little girl. Alyssa’s dad was going to drive us in, so we wouldn’t have to ride the train, and we had taxi fare home. There was going to be a band, and the way HM was acting, it wasn’t going to be Awful Cover Band #36.

Schoolies is a big thing. Not everyone’s planning on uni. Not everyone will get in, and not everyone will go to the same uni even if they do. The cruise was going to be the last time most of us would see each other. Nick was going to be there. I hate that I’m missing it. I hate that my unexcellent adventure is probably spoiling it for Alyssa and Nick as well.

I might never see them again. I don’t just mean Alyssa or Nick. Or Mum. I mean anyone. Anyone. Ever.

Monday, November 19

Nice place for a holiday

If there was a hotel and people and a way to get back home, I’d probably like it here. It’s the sort of place which would be wall-to-wall tourists if it was Earth.

The animal I saw today definitely pushes me toward the not-Earth conclusion. It was pale gold, darkening to reddish along its back and tail and the top of its head. And bouncy. Not like a kangaroo, but like a jumpy lamb or a startled cat. It came down out of its tree and chased insects through the leaves. It has longish legs which look like they should be awkward, but aren’t. I’m calling it a tree fox, and even if it hadn’t been impossibly cute I don’t think I could have brought myself to try and kill it.

Walking for forever

Three days. Three and a bit days. I’m surprised I haven’t fallen apart by now. And I’ve had it easy, really. If I’d found myself in a desert I’d be dead. Even the bush just west of Sydney would be rough in comparison. But here there’s lots of water, and the days aren’t nearly as hot as Australia in November, though still enough to give me sunburn. I’m trying to make myself a hat.

I found another red pear tree, but most of the fruit had been eaten, or was full of worms. Eating nothing but pears for three days running is NOT good for digestion, plus my throat has stayed scratchy. My horrible blisters are drying out, but it’s hard to keep them from becoming dirty, and they’re already infected. My feet are holding up otherwise. Sore and bruised, but nothing like so painful as it was wearing my shoes. A bunch of insect bites, too, but nothing fatal, obviously.