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Machiavelli - To Cass, Machiavelli is "Lord Vetinari, except real". Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance writer whose book The Prince sets out a model of political stability achieved through not necessarily moral means.

March of Dawn - A traditional Muinan ceremony held in Spring. Flowers are carried to symbolise the birth of a new year.

Massives - Ionoth of unusually large dimensions.

Mea Culpa - Through my fault - acknowledging an error/taking the blame.

Mesara - One of the ships KOTIS has assigned to Muina.

Mesiath - A southern hemisphere city in a tall tree forest.

Moon Piazza - An enormous crescent shaped open area at the eastern base of the amphitheatre hill at Pandora. [Desza Tohl in Taren.]

Muina - A world abandoned after a disaster brought about by the Lantaren psychics.

Nanites - A machine or robot on a microscopic scale.

Nanna Nap - A short nap in the daytime, for the less active grandmothers.

Near-space - The envelope of Ena immediately surrounding a world, full of reflections of the world as it currently is – and it’s most recent nightmares.

Night on Bald Mountain - A composition by Modest Mussorgsky. Cass has encountered it in Disney’s Fantasia.

Nikko Pen - Permanent marker.

Noob - A new gamer who does not fully understand how to play/someone new.

Nori - The main character of the Taren entertainment The Hidden War. Played by Lanset Kameer.

Not happy, Jan - A popular phrase taken from an Australian television commercial for Yellow Pages.

NPCs - Non-player characters – a gaming term for characters in a game which you are not expected to fight.

Nuri - A pastoral moon inhabited by ex-Muinans.

Nurioth - One of the largest ruined cities on Muina.

OMGWTF - Oh my god, what the fuck?!

Oriath - A Muinan city, ruled by House Zolen.

Ormon of Nent - The hereditary ruler of Kolar’s northern kingdom.

Pandora - First Taren settlement on Muina.

PAoN - Profound Awareness of Nils

Path Sight - A talent for location.

Pelamath - An equatorial platform town located on top of a plateau.

Pippin - A small animal of excessive cuteness.

Pissed off - Made angry. [Pissed can mean angry or drunk in Australia.]

Public Space - Virtual décor visible to all interface users/anything accessible to all interface users.

PVP - Combat in online games where players fight other players rather than computer-controlled opponents.

Pwn - Defeat comprehensively – a gamer term.

Rotation - Setari missions in the Ena designed to cover Ionoth respawn near Taren cities.

Rotational space - A space in the Ena which moves so that its gates regularly align and move out of alignment.

Rukmor - Appointed heads of various sciences and arts on Tare. Forms part of the world government.

Rule 34 - Rule 34 of the Internet: If it exists, there will be porn of it.

Schoolies - Australian high school graduates celebrating the end of school during "Schoolies Week". Primarily located around the Gold Coast in Queensland.

Searns - A Setari squad member on the Taren entertainment The Hidden War. Roak Larion.

Second level monitoring - A safety/security interface setting causing all sights and sounds experienced by the monitored person to be retained in a secure log which can be accessed under exceptional circumstances.

Setari - Psychic combat Specialists trained since childhood to combat Ionoth.

Sf&f - Science fiction and fantasy.

Shared Space - The interface equivalent of a conference call.

Shattering, The - A Nuran term for the disaster which shattered the spaces.

Shim - A Squad Emerald Setari in the Taren entertainment The Hidden War.

Smex - Sex with added m.

Smutfic - Erotic fanfiction.

Solaria - An icy world settled by ex-Muinans. Currently not located by Tare.

Southern Ancipars - The three elected rulers of Kolar’s southern country.

Soylent Green - Is people!

Spaces - A concept used in multiple contexts on Tare, covering world, dimension, area, region of the interface, and many others, but most particularly a bubble containing a fragment of a world remembered and reproduced by the Ena.

Stickie - A parasitic Ionoth capable of living within a host human. Difficult to detect.

Stilt - A spindly-legged deep-space Ionoth.

Stray - A person who walked through a wormhole through the Ena to another planet.

Super Sight Six - An old Taren TV series about psychic detectives.

Surri - A native Muinan animal with an appearance of slender, dog-like seals.

Suyul - A pink flower (also pink/white-skinned).

Swoops - A variety of deep-space Ionoth resembling a pterodactyl.

Tai - Old Muinan for Lake

Tai Medlair - The Old Muinan name for the lake where Pandora is located.

Tairo - A kick-ass ball sport.

Talent - A psychic ability.

Tanty - Tantrum.

Tanz - Taren air transport.

Tarani - A many-legged deep-space Ionoth reminiscent of a caterpillar.

Tare - A harsh, storm-wracked world settled by Muinan refugees. The highly technologically advanced inhabitants live crammed into massive whitestone cities.

Taren year - One third of an Earth year.

The Hidden War - A Taren entertainment based on the Setari.

Therouk Island - A food processing island, with a small residential portion.

Third level monitoring - Active observation of everything a subject sees and hears.

Thousand Cats, A - See Neil Gaiman’s "Dream of a Thousand Cats" in the Sandman series.

Thredbo - An Australian ski resort.

Timesa - A food processing island, with a moderate residential portion.

tl;dr - Too long; didn’t read.

Tola - A classification of Ionoth which have little physical substance.

Toolies - Adults preying on teenagers during Schoolies Week/pretending to be a Schoolie.

Touchstone - The subject of the story.

True-space - The world, not the Ena.