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Tsa - An honorific which is the equivalent for Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss.

Tsaile - Commander.

Tsee - Setari Squad Captain.

Tsur - Director.

Tupal Rock - A small cluster of rocks which form the nearest island to Pandora.

Twig/twigged - Realise.

Tyu - A zither-like musical instrument.

Unara - The largest city on Tare, located on the island of Wehana.

Unco - Uncoordinated.

Unstable rotation - A rotation where the spaces are more likely to change and bring unexpected situations.

Wangst - Self-indulgent angst.

Wehana - The largest island on Tare, almost entirely covered by the city of Unara.

Wharra - One of the ships KOTIS uses to travel between Tare, Kolar and Muina.

Whitestone - A building substance formed with nanites.

Wuss - Wimp, coward.

Wut - What, with added incredulity.

Year 10 Formal - An end-of-year dress up dance held by schools in Australia.

Zarath - The nobility of Nuri

Zelkasse - A quarter of a kasse.

Character List – Setari (Original)

First Squad

Maze Surion (m)

Zee Annan (f)

Lohn Kettara (m)

Mara Senez (f)

Alay Gainer (f)

Ketzaren Spel (f)

Second Squad

Grif Regan (m)

Jeh Omai (f)

Nils Sayate (m)

Keer Charal (m)

Enma Dolan (f)

Bree Tcho (f)

Third Squad

Meer Taarel (f)

Della Meht (f)

Eeli Bata (f)

Tol Sefen (m)

Geo Chise (m)

Rite Orla (f)

Fourth Squad

Kaoren Ruuel (m)

Fiar Sonn (f)

Par Auron (m)

Glade Ferus (m)

Charan Halla (f)

Mori Eyse (f)

Fifth Squad

Hast Kajal (m)

Dorey Nise (m)

Faver Elwes (f)

Kire Palanty (m)

Tralest Seet (m)

Seyen Rax (m)

Sixth Squad

Elen Kormin (f)

Sten Ammas (m)

Juna Quane (m)

Del Roth (m)

Meleed Aluk (f)

Kester Am-roten (m)

Seventh Squad

Atara Forel (f)

Pol Tsennen (m)

Tez Mema (m)

Bodey Residen (m)

Aheri Dahlen (f)

Saitel Raph (m)

Eighth Squad

Ro Kanato (m)

Pala Hasen (f)

Seeli Henaz (f)

Zhou Kade (m)

Kye Trouban (m)

Zama Bryze (m)

Ninth Squad

Desa Kaeline (f)

Zael Toure (f)

Rebar Dolas (m)

Oran Thomasal (m)

Kahl Anya (f)

Terel Revv (m)

Tenth Squad

Els Haral (m)

Loris Darm (f)

Sell Tens (f)

Joren Mane (f)

Fahr Sherun (m)

Netra Kantan (m)

Eleventh Squad

Seq Endaran (f)

Kire Couran (f)

Yaleran Genera (m)

Palest Wen (m)

Zare Seeth (m)

Den Dava (m)

Twelfth Squad

Zan Namara (f)

Roake Lenton (m)

Dess Charn (f)

Sora Nels (m)

Tenna Drysen (m)

Tahl Kiste (m)

Character List – Setari (Later)

First Squad

Maze Surion (m)

Zee Annan (f)

Lohn Kettara (m)

Mara Senez (f)

Alay Gainer (f)

Ketzaren Spel (f)

Kian Farn (m)

Az Norivan (f)

Second Squad

Grif Regan (m)

Jeh Omai (f)

Nils Sayate (m)

Keer Charal (m)

Enma Dolan (f)

Bree Tcho (f)

Trill Nala (f)

Somal Joen (m)

Third Squad

Meer Taarel (f)

Della Meht (f)

Eeli Bata (f)

Tol Sefen (m)

Geo Chise (m)

Rite Orla (f)

Shin Morel (m)

Elory Tedar (f)

Fourth Squad

Kaoren Ruuel (m)

Fiar Sonn (f)

Par Auron (m)

Glade Ferus (m)

Charan Halla (f)

Mori Eyse (f)

Rada Dae (m)

Sael Toren (m)

Fifth Squad

Hast Kajal (m)

Dorey Nise (m)

Faver Elwes (f)

Kire Palanty (m)

Tralest Seet (m)

Seyen Rax (m)

Forrez Wen (f)

Tyne Upzor (m)

Sixth Squad

Elen Kormin (f)

Est Jorion (f)

Juna Quane (m)

Del Roth (m)

Meleed Aluk (f)

Kester Am-roten (m)

Ture Melodez (f)

Sade Seeny (f)

Seventh Squad

Atara Forel (f)

Pol Tsennen (m)

Tez Mema (m)

Bodey Residen (m)

Aheri Dahlen (f)

Saitel Raph (m)

Kahl Anya (f)

Hea Keth (m)

Eighth Squad

Ro Kanato (m)

Pala Hasen (f)

Seeli Henaz (f)

Zhou Kade (m)

Kye Trouban (m)

Zama Bryze (m)

Terel Revv (m)

Wyrum Zak (m)

Ninth Squad

Desa Kaeline (f)

Zael Toure (f)

Rebar Dolas (m)

Oran Thomasal (m)

Moraty Less (m)

Dyru Keszaden (f)

Tath Ba-Raften (m)