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The Admiral’s face appeared in the display. James felt his eyes narrow in concern. The Admiral looked haggard, utterly exhausted. It wasn’t uncommon for Admiral Smith to work long hours and not get enough sleep — James had known him long enough to be certain there were fewer more dedicated officers in the Royal Navy — but they couldn’t afford it. He made a mental note to suggest the Admiral return to bed, then leaned forward. There was no way the Admiral would go to bed now.

“Admiral,” he said. “The aliens appear to be trying to make us jumpy.”

“And succeeding magnificently,” Admiral Smith said. “Tactical analysis?”

“They’re trying to wear us down,” James said, bluntly. “By now, they must have a pretty good idea of the limits of our technology.”

“And starfighter designs,” the Admiral agreed. “They’ll have captured some models at New Russia, if nowhere else. Withhold the remaining starfighter squadrons for the nonce, I think.”

“Aye, Admiral,” James said. “But we’ll have to rotate the CSP back through the ship in” — he checked his display — “twenty minutes.”

“Which raises the question,” the Admiral mused. “Do they know that we will have reduced fighter coverage then or have they just managed to get lucky?”

James frowned. There might have been spies on Ark Royal — he was grimly aware he didn’t have enough Marines to cover them all — but it was unlikely in the extreme that any of the spies were working for the aliens. It was hard enough communicating with a faction of aliens that actually wanted to talk. Somehow, he found it hard to imagine the aliens successfully comprehending the value of human sexual indiscretions and then using one such incident as a blackmail tool. Unless they’d found a human traitor… an Arnold, a Petain, a Witherspoon…

But there was another option.

“They could have spies on the Peace Faction’s ship,” he said, slowly. “Or maybe they’ve just been shadowing us since the first battle and have just decided to up the tension a little.”

“It’s a possibility,” the Admiral said. “Polly thinks it’s unlikely — the aliens are a consensual species, apparently — but we have to bear the possibility in mind.”

Polly, James thought, with some private amusement. He’d nagged Uncle Winchester to find Admiral Smith a bride — the aristocracy had survived by co-opting commoners with remarkable talents or well-earned fame — but maybe it wouldn’t be necessary. But then, Polly MacDonald was young enough to be the Admiral’s daughter. It was unlikely the Admiral saw her as anything other than a substitute child. Come to think of it, he’d treated many of his younger crewmen as sons and daughters too.

He pushed the thought aside as nothing more than a pointless distraction. “They will have had time to alert their superiors that we made contact with the Peace Faction,” he said, instead. “They might be trying to force us to compromise ourselves in front of the other factions.”

“It looks that way,” the Admiral agreed. “Order your pilots to hold the line, Captain. There’s no way we can do anything else until they close in to attack.”

“Aye, sir,” James said. “Assuming they do, of course.”

He sighed. No military force could remain at full alert indefinitely, no matter what the politicians and armchair admirals thought. Given near-constant alerts, his crews would start to be worn down until they were falling asleep at their consoles. If he knew, beyond a doubt, that the aliens weren’t going to attack, he would have sent half of his crew back to bed. But there was no way he could take it for granted.

“And they’ll know precisely where we intend to pass through the next tramline,” he said. There were two more jumps between their current position and the alien-selected destination and they knew nothing about the next system. The War Faction could be plotting an ambush and there would be no way to be sure until they jumped through the tramline. “They could use that against us.”

“Yes,” the Admiral agreed, flatly. “We have to get rid of our unwanted shadows.”

“And find their carrier,” James agreed. He looked down at the display. The drones hadn’t found anything, which worried him. Either the alien starfighters had radically extended endurance or the aliens had managed to improve their terrifyingly good stealth systems still further. Neither one boded well for the war. “It could be far too close to us for comfort.”

“Unless they’ve built an escort carrier design of their own,” the Admiral suggested. “That could be why they launched so few starfighters at us.”

James sucked in his breath sharply. The Admiral was right. If the aliens had copied one human idea, why couldn’t they copy others? They’d lost enough carriers in the war to be dangerously short of launching platforms… he hoped. The alien diplomats had refused to go into hard details about just how much firepower the War Faction had at its disposal. He couldn’t blame them, as the negotiations might break down violently, but it was irritating.

They’d want an escort carrier design for the same reason we wanted one, he thought. Additional starfighter launching platforms.

He contemplated it as the alien icons moved in and out of sensor range. Escort carriers were nothing more than modified freighters, with a launching bay and additional life support shoehorned into the design. If they hadn’t been so modular, rebuilding them would have been a major headache for the shipyards. As it was, they were fragile ships, barely able to stand up to a glancing blow from alien weapons. But then, a hail of plasma fire could burn a fleet of modern carriers to debris.

And if they’re feeling the pinch too, he told himself, they might have sent an escort carrier out here as a diversion.

“I think we need to rotate crews, Admiral,” he said. He paused. “And you should get some sleep.”

“So should you,” the Admiral said. He looked irked. James guessed that Janelle had been nagging him to sleep too. It was her job, although it took considerable bravery to tell an Admiral when he was doing something stupid. “I’ll sleep when things settle down.”

“Captain,” Farley said suddenly, “the drones are showing no further alien starfighters beyond the force we already detected.”

“Interesting,” James mused.

He studied the display for a long moment. He’d wondered if the aliens were trying to deceive him into believing they’d only launched a couple of squadrons of starfighters, while keeping the remainder of their force just out of sensor range, but it seemed otherwise. The upper estimate for how many starfighters there were in the alien force was twenty-five. Intelligence’s best guess for how many starfighters an alien carrier could launch was one hundred, a fair match for humanity’s modern carriers. And that suggested there was no full-sized fleet carrier within the system, just an escort… unless, of course, the aliens were playing games. He hadn’t launched his full complement of fighters either.

He took a breath. “Launch a third squadron of starfighters, then cycle the CSP back through the landing bay,” he ordered. There was still time on their life support packs, but he wanted to run them through replenishment as quickly as possible. “Once they’re ready to launch, hold them in the bay.”

“Aye, sir,” Farley said.

James turned his attention back to the Admiral. “With your permission, Admiral, I intend to step down the alert to the point we can send some of the crews to bed,” he said. “We should be able to see an attack coming in time to get the remaining starfighters launched and bring the ship back to full alert.”