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Janelle leaned forward. “How do you know you love me?”

She held up a hand before he could say a word. “I researched your family history,” she said, softly. “Almost every marriage your family entered into when both partners were young ended badly. They either separated or stayed in relationships that were effectively warzones. There was no way they could have a long relationship as an unmarried couple.”

Henry winced. His parents — and Royal PR officers — would have vetted any girlfriend he’d met outside Buckingham Palace. Some of them had been deliberately pointed at him, he suspected; they’d seemed to know who he was, even without being told. Others had been reluctant to enter into the full glow of the media spotlights. He could hardly blame them, he knew; a single night spent with one of the girls could have ruined her life. And how could he blame Janelle for feeling the same way.

“We don’t have to marry,” he said, softly. “We could go to one of the asteroids together and set up a home there. If we can’t endure one another…”

Janelle hesitated. “I wanted to stay with the Old Lady,” she said. “But that might not be possible now, Henry.”

Henry nodded, cursing himself once again. If Janelle became the Princess Consort, even unofficially because they weren’t married, the Admiralty would probably insist on transferring her somewhere safer. Henry, now his identity was no longer a secret, would probably be transferred elsewhere too. Hell, the bastards could even justify it without reaching for torturous logic. Henry knew, without false modesty, that he’d learned a great deal from his career as a starfighter pilot. The Academy would probably be happy to have him teaching the newer recruits.

And reporters are banned from the Academy, he thought. I could be safe there. We could be safe there.

“We could go to the Academy,” he said. “I could teach; you could… teach too.”

Janelle snorted. “How to catch a Prince in ten easy lessons?”

“Charge though the nose for them,” Henry advised. “They won’t last long.”

Janelle started to pace the room. “I don’t know how I feel,” she admitted. “I fell in love with Charles Augustus…”

“Who is me,” Henry said.

“…And discovering I was also dating Prince Henry was shocking,” Janelle said. “I already mourned you once.”

“I believe there’s a tradition that if someone is reported dead, falsely, they are guaranteed a long life,” Henry said. It was one of the pieces of trivia he’d been forced to remember for some diplomatic meeting or another. “I can’t remember where it comes from, but…”

“This isn’t funny,” Janelle snapped, whirling around to face him. “My life turned upside down.”

“I know,” Henry confessed. He rose to his feet, then walked over to the sofa and sat down. “I didn’t intend to cause you any problems.”

“But you did,” Janelle said. She sat down next to him. “And now we have to deal with the consequences.”

Henry hesitated, then wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She relaxed into his touch, minutely. He felt an odd surge of relief — she still cared for him — which he pushed aside, mercilessly. He’d managed to get into trouble, before, by misreading a girl’s body language. It was the last thing he wanted to do now.

“Yes, we do,” he said. “This is a Morton’s Fork, Janelle. Whatever choice we make, there will be pain. Lots of pain.”

He sighed. If they married and remained as part of the Royal Family they would have no privacy. If they remained lovers they would have no privacy. If they broke up they would still have no privacy. Janelle would be considered a helpless victim by some parts of the media, a jezebel-like bitch by others… and everything in between. The only halfway reasonable solution was to walk away from the Royal Family completely.

It wouldn’t be easy, he knew. He did have his training, which would buy his way onto one of the independent asteroids, but it would be a far from easy life. And Janelle, too, would have to work for a living. She wouldn’t have the gilded cage she would have if she lived in Buckingham Palace. But then, he knew she didn’t want the cage. If she had, she would have taken him back at once.

“Then we live together elsewhere,” Janelle said, firmly. “Are you really prepared to do that for me?”

“Yes,” Henry said, with utter certainty. He’d died once — or at least he’d been reported dead. Reading his obituaries had been eye-opening. He’d always known the media was two-faced, but switching between endless praise — as if he’d been a Mary Sue — and savage condemnation had surprised even him. And none of them had talked about what he’d been like as a person. “I will not remain at their mercy any longer.”

He shrugged. “I can write to my parents and Elizabeth,” he added. “That’s what happened before to Prince George. He might no longer be part of the Royal Family, but he could still contact his family.”

“If you’re sure,” Janelle said. “I’m sorry.”

Henry stared at her. “You’re sorry?”

Janelle looked back, her eyes bright with tears. “I loved you, then I mourned you and then I cursed you because of the damage you did to my life,” she said. “And now here I am, wanting you, pushing you into abandoning your birthright because it’s the only way you can have me. I’m a bitch and yet I can’t go to the other side…”

Henry reached for Janelle, pulled her to him and kissed her, hard. She kissed him back, her hands reaching around to stroke his back. Henry felt the kiss grow longer and longer, then his hands were suddenly working at her uniform, pulling it away from her body. It was suddenly very hard to undress without tearing something…

Afterwards, they lay together on the deck, holding each other tightly. Henry kissed her, allowing his mouth to trace the edges of her face, one of his hands stroking her breast gently. She moaned, a deep sound, then reached down to stroke him in return. They were both interrupted, moments later, by the sound of the buzzer.

“Duty calls,” Janelle said, as she reached for her wristcom. “I’m back on duty in an hour.”

“Bugger,” Henry said. Several viler words came to mind, but he held them back. Had they ever had a chance to just lie together and cuddle? It wasn’t very manly — he still cringed at some of what he’d been told, at school, was proper manly behaviour — yet it felt good. And it definitely felt better than a loveless coupling with a prostitute. “Want to shower together?”

Janelle smiled, then winked at him. “Why not?”

Henry pulled himself to his feet, then followed her into the washroom. It was barely large enough for two bodies, but he didn’t mind as he splashed soap on his hands and started to wash her breasts. Her nipples hardened as he stroked them, then she pushed his hands away reluctantly. Henry knew she had a point — she did have to go on duty — but he couldn’t help feeling disappointed. His body was intent on telling him just how long it had been since he’d slept with her, prior to his capture.

“Don’t tell the Admiral about our decision,” he said. Now he’d made the decision, he felt curiously free. He had a long way to go before he could separate himself from the monarchy for good, but he felt better for knowing what he was going to do. “He might be obliged to tell someone.”

Janelle frowned. “Who?”

She stepped out of the shower and rapidly began to dry herself. Henry forced himself to look away as her bare body winked at him, then concentrated on washing himself clean. In hindsight, it would probably have been better to ask her to bring spare clothes to his quarters before she came, but he couldn’t have done that. She might have snapped at him for presumption.