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But we are recording everything, Henry thought. They might have a point.

“We believed your people to be intent on taking our world,” the speaker said. “Your greeting was… unfriendly.”

“Yes, it was,” Ambassador Melbourne said. “But you managed to surprise two immature youths of our race. The tragedy might well have been inevitable.”

“And you are older and wiser,” the alien stated. Or was it a question? Henry couldn’t tell, despite having seen the aliens far longer than any other human save Jill. “We believed your settlement of our space meant inevitable war.”

“We had no knowledge of your presence,” Ambassador Melbourne countered. “The settlers who first encountered you moved far beyond our settled sphere.”

“That is correct,” the alien said. “But there would have been contact eventually.”

He was right, Henry knew. Heinlein might not have had any orbital presence, but it wouldn’t have been long before a human ship sighted an alien ship in deep space. It might have gone better that way, he thought. There would have been a chance to use the First Contact package in the spirit of actually opening communication, rather than avoiding a war. And then they could have agreed to share the border worlds.

“Your race settles worlds quickly,” the alien said. “The War Faction believed that war was inevitable. Can you argue otherwise?”

Ambassador Melbourne smiled, although it was unlikely the aliens understood the expression or the emotion behind it. “Does the War Faction speak for all of your people?”

“No,” the alien stated.

“The colonists who made contact with you do not speak for all of us,” Ambassador Melbourne said. “Had we known you were settled on that world, we would have either conceded it to you or come to an agreement about sharing settlement rights. Instead of attempting to talk, your War Faction started a war.”

“Had they attempted to talk,” the alien pointed out, “you would have known to prepare for war.”

He was right, Henry knew. If humanity had known there was a potential alien threat, the last two years would have been spent building up the various spacefaring navies, developing new weapons and plotting tactics, rather than minor scrabbling between human powers.

“But that is the crux of the issue,” Ambassador Melbourne said. “You never gave us a chance to discuss peace.”

Which makes perfect sense for the War Faction, Henry thought. If you believe war to be inevitable, and you literally cannot admit anything to the contrary, what’s the point in abandoning the advantage of surprise?

“None of us knew about the first encounter,” the Ambassador pressed. “How could we have decided on peace or war?”

He took a breath. “You have factions of your own,” he said. “Why did you assume we didn’t have factions too?”

Henry rather suspected he understood. Humans tended to think in terms of ‘us’ and ‘them.’ And humans were always more sensitive to differences within ‘us’ rather than differences within ‘them.’ ‘Us’ might have dozens of subunits; ‘them’ was always one vast hive mind, utterly united in intent and purpose. The idea that there might be as many differences among ‘them’ as there were among ‘us’ was hard to grasp. And the aliens might have their own blind spots when it came to other forms of life.

“Mistakes were made,” the alien conceded. “We talk now. But War Faction must be convinced to end the war.”

“We propose a return to the pre-war situation,” Ambassador Melbourne said. “If there are worlds along the border that have been settled by both of us, we can agree to share. You can have the oceans, we will have the land. Worlds settled by one race will remain the property of that race.”

Henry wondered, briefly, just who would get the better part of that deal. There were only a couple of worlds with more land surface than oceans. But, at the same time, the aliens needed land to build their technology, just like humans. Their colonies on any shared worlds might not be able to develop past a certain point.

“There will need to be some surface habitation,” the alien stated. “And there will be…”

He was tugged back under the water for another discussion. This time, several other aliens swam into the pool and joined the argument. Henry watched them swimming around in a complicated dance and wondered, suddenly, if the aliens ever considered swimming an art form. There was far more elegance in their movements below the waters than he’d ever realised. It was almost beautiful.

This time, a different alien rose to the surface. “There are settlements on worlds we took from you,” it said. “Those settlement factions are to remain in place.”

The Russians will love that, Henry thought, grimly. So will the other occupied worlds.

He blinked as the alien was yanked back below the waves before Ambassador Melbourne could formulate an answer. Henry glanced at the ambassadors, saw them muttering amongst themselves, then looked back at the water. This time, the swimming dance seemed almost ominous. It was difficult to tell the aliens apart, but it looked as though several factions were having second thoughts about the settlement rights.

Finally, a third alien — he thought — rose to the surface. “We have yet to agree amongst ourselves,” it said. “But settlements must be protected.”

“We can wait for you to determine what you want,” Ambassador Melbourne offered. “Do you have suitable quarters for us?”

“Yes,” the alien said. It must have sent a silent signal, for several aliens entered the room from the rear. “We will resume discussions in five of your hours.”

Ambassador Melbourne offered no objection. Instead, he followed the aliens out of the building and back into the jungle. A handful of prefabricated buildings sat there, clearly of human design. The words on the side, in Mexican, suggested they’d been taken from Vera Cruz. Inside, the aliens had done their best to set everything up for their human guests, right down to food and water supplies. Henry had to admit they hadn’t done a bad job, although it looked faintly odd. They hadn’t quite known what they were doing.

“Check the water and food before you use any of it,” he ordered one of the Marines. “And then scan for bugs… no, scan for bugs first.”

He waited until the Marines pronounced the building clean, then sat down. “Do you think we made progress?”

“It’s uncommon to have an opposing negotiator revising his demands as he goes along,” Ambassador Melbourne said. “But in this case it may not be surprising. The aliens clearly don’t think like us.”

Henry nodded. “Just keep focused on the issue at hand,” he advised. The aliens seemed to appreciate simplicity. “And hope the factions that want peace out-mass the factions that want war.”

“And what happens,” the Chinese Ambassador asked, “if the War Faction decides to continue the war on its own?”

“Let us hope the aliens have more sense,” Ambassador Melbourne said, after an uncomfortable moment. If some of the reports from Earth were accurate, several human nations wanted to leave the war — and would have done so, if the aliens had offered them a way out. “And that we manage to convince them that the war will end in mutual disaster.”

Henry sighed — humans rarely showed sense — and then walked into one of the back bedrooms. He’d promised Janelle he’d call her from the surface… and besides, he had a report to write. He might not have been an accredited diplomat, but he did have considerable experience with the aliens. And besides… he wanted to do something with his life before he left the family for good.