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squimp – squirrel-like creature that steals food

yeel – small domesticated breed of limek used for tracking

zill – small, intelligent mammal sometimes kept as a pet


anivope vine – plant sensitive to mental projection

bellspice – spice grown in Sachaka

bol – (also means “river scum”) strong liquor made from tugors

brasi – green leafy vegetable with small buds

briskbark – bark with decongestant properties

cabbas – hollow, bell-shaped vegetable

chebol sauce – rich meat sauce made from bol

cone cakes – bite-sized cakes

creamflower – flower used as a soporific

crots – large, purple beans

curem – smooth, nutty spice

curren – coarse grain with robust flavour

dall – long fruit with tart orange, seedy flesh

dunda – root chewed as a stimulating drug

gan-gan – flowering bush from Lan

husroot – herb used for cleansing wounds

iker – stimulating drug, reputed to have aphrodisiac properties

jerras – long yellow beans

kreppa – foul-smelling medicinal herb

marin – red citrus fruit

monyo – bulb

myk – mind-affecting drug

nalar – pungent root

nemmin – sleep-inducing drug

nightwood – hardwood timber

pachi – crisp, sweet fruit

papea – pepper-like spice

piorres – small, bell-shaped fruit

raka/suka – stimulating drink made from roasted beans, originally from Sachaka

roet – plant from which a soporific drug and a perfume are derived

rot – slang term for the drug roet

shem – edible reed-like plant

sumi – bitter drink

sweetdrops – candies

telk – seed from which an oil is extracted

tenn – grain that can be cooked as is, broken into small pieces, or ground to make a flour

tiro – edible nuts

tugor – parsnip-like root

ukkas – carnivorous plants

vare – berries from which most wine is produced

whitewater – pure spirits made from tugors

yellowseed – crop grown in Sachaka

Clothing and Weaponry

incal – square symbol, not unlike a family shield, sewn onto sleeve or cuff

kebin – iron bar with hook for catching attacker’s knife, carried by guards

longcoat – ankle-length coat

quan – tiny disc-shaped beads made of shell

undershift – Kyralian women’s undergarment

Public Houses

bathhouse – establishment selling bathing facilities and other grooming services

bolhouse – establishment selling bol and short term accommodation

brewhouse – bol manufacturer

hole – building constructed from scavenged materials

stayhouse – rented building, a family to a room

Countries/Peoples in the Region

Duna – tribes who live in volcanic desert north of Sachaka

Elyne – neighbour to Kyralia and Sachaka and once ruled by Sachaka

Igra – country far to the north of the Allied Lands where magic is forbidden

Kyralia – neighbour to Elyne and Sachaka and once ruled by Sachaka

Lan – a mountainous land peopled by warrior tribes

Lonmar – a desert land home to the strict Mahga religion

Sachaka – home of the once great Sachakan Empire, where all but the most powerful are slaves

Vin – an island nation known for their seamanship


Administrator – magician who sees to the running of the Guild

Ashaki – Sachakan landowner

Black Magician – one of two magicians allowed to know black magic

Directors – magicians in charge of managing novices within and outside of the University

Heads of Disciplines – in charge of magicians of the three disciplines of Healing, Warrior and Alchemy

Heads of Studies – in charge of teaching the three disciplines of Healing, Warrior and Alchemy

High Lord – the official leader of the Magicians’ Guild of Kyralia

Ichani – Sachakan free man or woman who has been declared outcast

King’s Advisors – magicians who advise, Heal and protect the Kyralian king

Lord/Lady – any magician of the Magician’s Guild without a greater title

Master – free Sachakan

Other Terms

the approach – main corridor to the Master’s Room in Sachakan houses

blood gem – artificial gemstone that allows maker to hear the thoughts of wearer

earthblood – term the Duna tribes use for lava

lowie – slang term used in the Guild for novices from middle-and lower-class origins

Master’s Room – main room in Sachakan houses for greeting guests

obin – separate house joined to the main house of a Naguh Valley house

snootie – slang term used in the Guild for novices and magicians from the Houses

slavehouse – part of Sachakan homes where the slaves live and work

slavespot – sexually transmitted disease

storestone – gemstone that can store magic

The Slig – a hidden people who live in the passages underneath Imardin

vyer – stringed instrument from Elyne

Lord Dannyl’s Guide to Slum Slang

blood money – payment for assassination

boot – refuse/refusal (don’t boot us)

capper – man who frequents brothels

clicked – occurred

client – person who has an obligation or agreement with a Thief

counter – whore

done – murdered

dull – persuade to keep silent

dunghead – fool

dwells – term used to describe slum dwellers

eye – keep watch

fired – angry (got fired about it)

fish – propose/ask/look for (also someone fleeing the Guard)

gauntlet – guard who is bribeable or in the control of a Thief

goldmine – man who prefers boys

good go – a reasonable try

got – caught

grandmother – pimp

gutter – dealer in stolen goods

hai – a call for attention or expression of surprise or inquiry

heavies – important people

kin – a Thief’s closest and most trusted

knife – assassin/hired killer

messenger – thug who delivers or carries out a threat

mind – hide (minds his business/I’ll mind that for you)

mug – mouth (as in vessel for bol)

out for – looking for

pick – recognise/understand

punt – smuggler

right-sided – trustworthy/heart in the right place

rope – freedom

rub – trouble (got into some rub over it)

shine – attraction (got a shine for him)

show – introduce

space – allowances/permission

squimp – someone who double-crosses the Thieves

style – manner of performing business

tag – recognise (also means a spy, usually undercover)

thief – leader of a criminal group

watcher – posted to observe something or someone

wild – difficult

visitor – burglar


Writing this sequel trilogy has been hard work of the most enjoyable kind. Which is why I appreciate the work done by everyone behind the scenes, and the support of all the wonderful booksellers and readers who embrace my books when they finally launch into the world.

Thanks go to Anne Clarke and the Orbit team; my agent, Fran and her wonderful assistant, Liz; the feedback readers Paul, Donna and Nicole. You all had a part in making this book as good as it could be.