I told him about the Aldgate murder.
By the time I finished we had reached the house. James ordered wine and led the way up to the first-floor solar. When we were settled in the window embrasure, overlooking the land towards Mereworth Woods, he said, ‘Thomas, I’m so sorry to hear your terrible tale. I wish I could say I am surprised to hear it. But these are evil times. Everything seems to be coming … unstuck.’
‘’Tis the only word I can find. You know what I mean. If it was just foul weather spoiling the crops and putting the price of bread beyond many men’s purses, we could pray and tell each other things will be better next year. But much more is amiss. The king is sick to death – between us I can say what would be a Tower of London offence if uttered in public – and we shall have a child to rule us, governed by who knows who? For all the laws against vagrancy made by the parliament, jobless men wander the realm making themselves a nuisance wherever they go. And nowadays no one knows what the word “religion” means. Preachers stand in the pulpit and tell us whatever takes their fancy.’
‘As to that, I can tell you that the archbishop is determined to restore order. He has appointed me to a commission inquiring into what truths and untruths are being proclaimed throughout the diocese.’
‘Ah, yes, Cranmer’s famous commission. I, too, am a part of it.’ James frowned. ‘I am sorry to hear you are involved, Thomas.’
‘Why so?’
‘Because it is unpopular.’
‘I can understand that the clergy do not welcome it, but, surely …’
‘I don’t mean the clergy.’Tis the landowners, the magistrates, the gentlemen. As if we had not enough to do in these troubled times, we must now turn theologians and weigh fine points of doctrine.’
‘I don’t think that’s what the archbishop has in mind. His concern is for religious unity.’
‘Well, there’s many would say his cure is worse than the ailment. I have no desire to examine preachers or encourage people hereabouts to turn informers.’
I did not tell James how much I agreed with his sentiment. I changed the subject. ‘You’ve no idea, then, where I might go in search of the murderers?’
‘I hardly think you will find them here, Thomas. Do you not think they are more likely to be hiding in London’s labyrinth?’
‘Unless, like so many others, they’ve quit the City for fear of the plague.’
‘I will keep on the alert for any information but I must say I think you are looking for a needle in a bottle of hay.’
James’s depressing words echoed around my mind as I rode home. He had starkly expressed the truth that I had been trying to hide from myself. The task I had taken on was an impossible one. The chance of my locating the real murderers was remote. I could not help Bart and my efforts to do so had merely sucked me into the dangerous world of high politics. As one of the archbishop’s spies I now risked becoming unpopular in the county. More than that, I could be placing myself at serious risk. Supposing Cranmer lost his ‘war’ with the Bishop of Winchester and his powerful colleagues? Would there not then be a purge of all those known to be associated with him? Marbeck’s tale was a vivid warning of the methods used to track down and exterminate supposed heretics. Years before I had spent several days incarcerated in the Bishop of London’s prison and had but narrowly escaped death as an enemy of the Church. Some of the powerful clergy I antagonised then had long memories. There could be little doubt they would grasp any opportunity for revenge eagerly. It was ironical that I had mentally censured Bart for blundering into a quarrel that was none of his concern and now I was doing exactly the same.
However, my dark mood lightened somewhat when I strode into the hall at Hemmings. In my absence, Raffy was sitting in my armed chair and playing host to a visitor. He and Ned Longbourne were seated at table, dining off pottage and manchet, and, judging from the laughter echoing from the rafters, enjoying a lively conversation. That was no surprise; my old friend was very good with children. I drew up a stool and joined them, happy to relax briefly. After the meal, when Raffy had been sent off to join his playfellows, I leaned across the table.
‘What news, Ned? Have you heard anything about the killers?’
For some moments, he stroked his grey beard in silence – a gesture I knew well. It meant, I am reluctant to speak; please don’t press me. At last he said, with as much caution as he could load on to the words, ‘There is a name. It may be quite wrong, but it comes from two, independent sources.’
‘Yes?’I urged.
‘You’re sure you want to pursue this, Thomas?’
‘By all the saints, Ned, you’ve not ridden all this way for nothing! Tell me the name!’
The answer came as a murmur, scarcely audible: ‘Henry Walden.’ The old man looked at me closely, as though expecting a response. When I did not react, he continued, ‘You have not heard of him?’
‘I don’t think so. Should I have?’
‘He is more commonly known as “Black Harry”. There’s folk believe the name was bestowed by the devil in person who baptised him in hell-water.’
‘Then, I’m glad to say I have never come across him.’
‘You do well to be glad.’
‘So, who is he?’
Ned shrugged. ‘There are many stories about him – usually confused and often mutually contradictory. As far as I can piece together anything coherent, it goes something like this: once there was an honest sailor, one of a crew that traded across Biscay with Bordeaux and ports on the Castilian coast. One day they decided that piracy was a more profitable vocation. They became notorious as ruthless, pitiless cut-throats. At last justice caught up with them. They were captured, tried and sentenced in a Spanish court. But Harry persuaded his captors that he was more use to them alive than dead. The Inquisition is always on the lookout for unscrupulous men in its unending purge of society. When I was in the monastery two of the brothers made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James at Compostela. They brought back horrific tales of outrages committed in the name of God. Crown and church sanction any action against people suspected of being secret Jews, Muslims or Lutherans. Holy Mary and all the saints will bear witness that I have no love for heretics but torture, rape, burning – I cannot make these agree …’
‘Of course not.’ I tapped the table impatiently. ‘But what of this Black Harry?’
‘It appears that he went too far even for the fathers of the Holy Office. I do not have the details but it seems that, a couple of years ago, he and his merry band were obliged to leave Spain in a hurry. What would they do back in England? They only know one trade. They are now for hire by any patron determined enough or desperate enough to want their services.’
‘So, who are they working for?’
Ned sat back, holding up his hands. ‘I have told all I know. They and their employers obviously cloak their activities in secrecy.’
‘Then how can we find them?’
‘We cannot.’ Ned glared at me. ‘And we should not try. We are facing something truly diabolical. When someone who believes anything is justifiable in the service of his cause sanctions the activities of someone prepared to dp anything as long as the price is right, the result is inhuman acts of unrestrained horror.’
After the silence that followed, Ned leaned forward again. He spoke softly. ‘There’s one thing I should add about this band of devil-spawned copesmates; they have a good intelligence system. If you go looking for them they’ll know it before you set foot outside your house. You should not be concerned about how to find them; just pray they do not find you.’
‘If that is the case,’ I said, ‘poor Bart is as good as dead. The gang must know he is looking for them.’
Ned sighed. ‘Thomas, I may be wrong. Perhaps Black Harry is not the villain responsible for the death in Aldgate.’